War God Supreme

Chapter 2100: 9 forbidden areas

Dongmu Shengjing, Dongmu Square.

Countless powerhouses are crazy about Li Lingtian's ranking and points.

However, just a few minutes later, the situation reversed and Li Lingtian's name disappeared from the crystal screen. The list of Dongmu Shengjing did not have the name of Li Lingtian on the list, nor did the names of Li Lingtian and Dongmu Shengjing on the general list.

The three words Li Lingtian completely disappeared from the list.

Seeing such a situation, all the strong men were stunned, not knowing what was going on.

They didn't believe that Li Lingtian was such a wicked character, but fell after just a few minutes after being crazy.

"Li Lingtian's name disappeared."

"Lord Ling Tian fell."

"God, what's going on?"

"Don't treat Dongmu Shengjing and Li Lingtian like this."

"The name disappears, it means that it has fallen."

"Who killed the Ling Tian in the end?"

"Follow the dynamics of the top 400 points. If someone kills Ling Tian, ​​his points will increase by more than 70,000."


Inside the square, millions of strong monks looked shocked.

I can't believe Li Lingtian's fall.

However, the facts cannot be changed at all.

Now, I want to know who killed Li Lingtian in the end. If the strong man kills Li Lingtian, the opponent's points will increase by more than 70,000, and the ranking will definitely soar.

The most promising to defeat Li Lingtian is only the super geniuses within 400. The top 10 super geniuses are the most suspected.

Dongmu Shengjing finally appeared a super genius who entered the top 400, broke the zero breakthrough of Dongmu Shengjing, and won glory for Dongmu Shengjing, but this light was destroyed as soon as it appeared, let Dongmu Shengjing All strong monks feel sad.

The sacred and strong man of the temple, the Holy Lord Purple Spirit Fairy, also received this news for the first time. Everyone felt sad. This news gave them a painful blow.


In the mansion of Li Lingtian, the blood dragon holy city, Tang Zimeng and others also saw the disappearance of Li Lingtian's name from the crystal screen, and several girls were blindfolded for a while.

For them, there is no doubt that the sky is falling.

Li Lingtian is their dependence, their core, and their favorite person.

But now Li Lingtian's name has disappeared from the list of geniuses. The disappearance of this name represents the fall of Li Lingtian.

"How could this be?"

Tang Zimeng said indifferently that there was no slight expression in his eyes.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​it is impossible to fall."

Xuanyuan Yingying's face revealed two strings of crystal tears, whispered.

"The little teacher's means will never fall."

"Young Master Brother wants to protect us, how could it fall."

Tianyue Palace Master is the most stable among all the girls, but encountering such a thing is also disorderly, incoherent, and his face is dull.

"Master has fallen?"

Wang Xiaoman's agile eyes became dull, and he couldn't believe it.

In her heart, Li Lingtian is the person she admires the most and the person she respects the most.


The tears on Ming Yan'er's face slipped involuntarily.

Following Li Lingtian for hundreds of years, Li Lingtian has always regarded her as a sister.

Now I like the person I admire the most and I fall into the land of ruins.

"and many more."

"Brother cannot fall."

The expression on Xiaobai's face was pale, and his heart was uncomfortable.

But after being sad and desperate, she reacted.

Because, she found that she had some contact with Li Lingtian, indicating that Li Lingtian had not yet fallen,

"Xiaobai, what did you find?"

Tianyue Palace Master turned to look at Xiaobai and asked.

Tang Zimeng and others are looking at Xiaobai anxiously, and they really want Xiaobai to say that Li Lingtian has not fallen, all this is false.

"You feel it yourself."

"Brother still has contact with us."

Xiaobai said, looking at Xuanyuan Yingying and Tang Zimeng.

"It's true, Brother Ling Tian still has contact with me."

Tang Zimeng had a happy face, and then closed his eyes.

Soon I sensed Li Lingtian’s existence, but they were too far apart, but it could prove that Li Lingtian was still in contact with her, because they had a spiritual connection with each other. Although they don’t know what Li Lingtian is doing now, what happened to them, but can Make sure that Li Lingtian still has a breath of life.

"It really is."

Xuanyuan Yingying waved her hand with one hand, and suddenly a crystal-clear blood of the size of her little finger appeared in the air.

This drop of essence blood was left by Li Lingtian and her. The essence blood looks crystal clear, but when you look carefully, there are five kinds of brilliance and the perfection of the five elements.

Both are five-element eucharist, so is the essence of blood.

For safety, Li Lingtian sacrificed a drop of natal blood to Xuanyuan Yingying to protect it. If his deity was destroyed, this drop of blood could be recovered within a thousand years.

"Brother practiced the True Dragon Guard."

"I am also a member of the Dragon Clan. I have a contract with my brother. If he really falls, I will find out the first time."

Xiaobai said seriously, but he was still worried.

Even Li Lingtian's contact with the outside world can be cut off. Li Lingtian must have encountered a crisis of destruction or was caught in an unknown danger.

"How is the younger brother?"

"What terrible thing he encountered."

"Did you encounter the existence beyond the ancient beasts, or enter the dangerous place of isolated space time?"

"He owns the Zhongpin Ancient-class flying warship, and even the God King can kill in seconds, and the God Master is also capable of extermination. Finally, he killed 18 great perfect ancient beasts, and it should be more terrifying."

The look on the face of Tianyue Palace became calm.

Now Li Lingtian is in danger, she can't mess up, at this time, she must take care of several sisters.

Slowly, she analyzed the dangers that Li Lingtian might encounter.

In addition to encountering unknown dangers, other threats cannot shake Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian is now disconnected, rather than falling, and must have fallen into a place of terror.

In this world, only Li Lingtian's wife and parents, and Xiao Bai Ji Yi can sense the existence of Li Lingtian, no matter how far apart, they can sense each other's existence unless the other party falls.

"Other people don't know what danger Ling Tian's brother is facing."

"We can't mess up and wait."

"If Brother Ling Tian does not come out, we will find a way to rescue Brother Ling Tian."

Xuanyuan Yingying's small face showed perseverance, she was as lively and fun as Tang Zimeng, but when she encountered something, she would become serious, because Li Lingtian was her favorite person, her dependence and only.

Several girls began to discuss, while paying attention to the changes in the genius list, sensing Li Lingtian's existence.

Taiyue Divine Court, one of the Four Great Divine Courts in the Celestial Realm, controls over 40,000 holy realms and countless forces.

According to preliminary estimates, the power and monks of Taiyue Shenting have reached as much as three trillion yuan, and they have endless resources and endless power. No one knows how powerful Taiyue Shenting is because no one has ever touched Tai. Yue Shenting.

The detached existence of Taiyue Shenting makes all the strong monks yearn for, and it can also be called the altar here.

In a huge palace in Taiyue Shenting, this palace is tens of thousands of miles long, tens of thousands of miles wide, and three hundred miles high. The whole palace is magnificent and magnificent.

The rich fairy spirit and powerful spirit make the palace more mysterious.

Inside the huge palace, there are 1,0008 large thrones.

Only today, only a few powerful super figures are sitting on the throne.

Every super character is a powerful and unmatched god, possessing the power to destroy the world.

"I didn't expect that after 90 million years, a super demon appeared in the nine big forbidden places."

A weak woman with no bones said lightly that the whole person was like a soft clear water, giving a feeling of weakness, but no one dared to underestimate her, because she was a super strong person who controlled the water system of the world. In addition, the God King and God Lord are also a **** to kill in front of him.

She, known as the Bishui fairy.

The spirit of heaven and earth bred by heaven and earth naturally controls the water system.

"Taiyue Shenting, as soon as history came, six people walked out of the nine forbidden areas."

"Out of the nine major forbidden areas, three have become Divine Emperor adults, two have fallen when the Divine Lord, one has no news so far, I don't know what happened."

After the voice of the fairy in the clear water fell, a tall man above the throne said in the distance.

If the Bishui Fairy is a weak woman, then this man is a domineering King Kong, three feet high, and his body exudes domineering momentum, giving a feeling of indestructibility.

The faint look shook the mind.

He is the powerful and unrivaled gold line controller, the most domineering and sharp gold line among the five elements.

He, known as Yan Jin Shenzun.

"It's just that trying to get out of the nine forbidden areas is extremely difficult."

"It can be said that ten deaths have no life, unless there is a chance against the sky."

It is also a powerful existence, but the whole body is covered by a dark light curtain, like a shadow.

The coldness and the coldness make people feel trembling, and their eyes kill the strong men of the same rank.

He is known as Mirage Deity.

Shennian is powerful and unmatched. It is the object that countless strong people fear and fear. One accidentally gets control of the mind and instantly kills you.

"The following thing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ we can't go in."

"Demon, genius, just a seedling."

"If you don't really grow up, you're not a genius, and the evil spirits that fall against the sky will also fall."

A faint voice sounded in the palace, the voice was ethereal, and I didn't know where the source was.

Hearing this voice, several other super-powerful people all had a faint smile on their faces and ignored this voice.

"By the way, this time it's the genius list of the Bishui fairy."

"The Bishui Fairy should go to the Blood Dragon Holy City in two years."

Phantom God Vener said, looking at the Bishui Fairy.

When Phantom Deity speaks, everyone looks at the Bishui Fairy, because each time the list of geniuses rotates the principals, this time the dispute of the genius list is the principal of the Bishui Fairy.


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