War God Supreme

Chapter 2109: Hot pursuit


Li Lingtian's approach has puzzled countless super demon. ..

However, Li Lingtian also said directly that his points are enough, and he does not want to take shots, because his opponent will fall.

Gradually, Li Lingtian's reputation spread in the land of ruins.

Let countless super demon remember Li Lingtian's name, and at the same time, these super demon also instructed their companions in the Holy Land, if they meet Li Lingtian, leave quickly, do not disturb Li Lingtian in the land of return to the ruins to practice the ancient beasts.

Moreover, Li Lingtian himself said that his points have exceeded one million.

No more hands on the human super demon, if he wants points to find death, he will not mind directly bombing it with a flying warship. Such a warning also shocks countless super powers.

One million points, isn’t it tempting?

However, Li Lingtian did leave many people in front of Li Lingtian without incident, and many super demon were defeated by Li Lingtian, and finally left him intact.

There are even several super monsters who almost fell after encountering the Archaic Divine Beast, and they were rescued by Li Lingtian. Moreover, these super monsters saved by Li Lingtian were not the people in his holy wood holy land.

For a time, the remaining evil in the land of ruins knew Li Lingtian's existence. Even if he wanted to get points, he couldn't provoke Li Lingtian. If you don't provoke him, he won't deal with you.

Over time, no one came to provoke Li Lingtian.

Seeing Li Lingtian's strong man, he hurriedly left after saying hello.

This made Li Lingtian feel at ease in the hands of the ancient gods and beasts in the land of return to the ruins. What made him excited was that even if he did not play the time domain and the space domain, he could rely on the two domains to maximize the attack.

The power of time and space is hidden in weapons and supernatural powers, and powerful treasures and supernatural powers are added to the wings.

"In a year's time, all my magical powers and treasures have reached a terrifying level."

"Now, even if I encounter the Median Archaic Beast, I can kill it in seconds."

Li Lingtian glanced at the water unicorn in the distance and said lightly.

Over the course of this year, he killed hundreds of archaic mythical beasts, some of them were lower, middle, and upper-level. When he met the great ancient archaic beast, he was able to leave safely.

In this year, he did not let Shui Qilin shot, nor did he use the Shenlong attack.

"You are in a state of difference now."

"The realm has risen, you are also sweeping in the same rank, and your strength is getting stronger and stronger."

"There is still more than a year left. I suggest you find the teleportation point first."

"At least we need to know the location of the teleportation point, and then move around the teleportation point, so that even when the time is up, we can go directly to the teleportation point in a short time."

Shui Qilin has become numb to Li Lingtian's adversity.

What happened against the sky, what good things, were met by Li Lingtian.

On Li Lingtian, there are several super treasures unique to this world. Anything makes all the powerful people crazy. Having these treasures is enough to go against the sky, not to mention that Li Lingtian itself is super against the sky. Li Lingtian, that can only be terror.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Lingtian nodded, and Shui Qilin said it well. Now that time is running out, it is necessary to find the teleport point first.

There are only ninety-nine teleportation points in the whole land of return to the ruins. In such a large place, if you are unlucky, it is very difficult to find the teleportation point.

After talking, the figure flashed, and when it appeared again, Li Lingtian and Shui Qilin had entered the Shenlong. After the Shenlong Li Lingtian was set up, Shui Qilin could enter and exit smoothly.

The teleportation points in the land of ruins were transformed from some spatial nodes.

After each node is transformed, it is a huge altar. Each altar is full of hundreds of miles, and there is a transmission tower next to it. The transmission tower is as high as a hundred miles, and it emits a magical light, even if it is one million miles away. Can also see.

Moreover, there are some special signs near the transmission tower. These signs will tell the super demon who entered the ruins of the Taiyue Shenting. As for whether they reach the transmission tower, it is their own thing.

"Search for the transmission point."

"Direction, northeast."

"Speed: Level 4."

"Give up the interference of the target."

Li Ling issued instructions and chose a good direction, the speed of the Shenlong was increased to the fastest.

As for the other targets, all give up the attack and specifically look for the transmission point.

In such a vast place, it is still a little difficult to find a teleportation point specifically, but Li Lingtian is a line master and controls time and space. When he came in, Shi Yushan told them that there were the most teleportation points in the northeast direction, and the sign was the most obvious. .

As long as you find Xianhai, Xianhai is only one million miles wide, but it spans north and south. It can be said to be one of the best looking teleportation points. In Xianhai, there are seven teleportation points.

As long as you are not too lucky, you can find these teleport points.

"Flight speed is level 4 and shuttle is successful."

Jiao Didi's voice sounded, and suddenly the Shenlong trembled slightly, and then quieted down, without any movement, but the Shenlong shuttled quickly in space, reaching a speed of 20 million miles per hour.

"Help me star a little."

"I'm going to sleep first."

Li Lingtian said to Shui Qilin that this Shenlong is flying automatically, avoiding other warships automatically, and has a sense of self-protection.

Even when encountering other warships, with the power of the Shenlong, as long as it is not a COSCO ancient-class flying warship, there is no slight threat. When encountering a God-class flying warship, even the sharp edges can cut the other side apart.

However, in case he meets for help, or finds a teleportation point, he has to watch it.

Now, he has to take a break. For other things, Shui Qilin just stares.

In fact, the water unicorn is not needed, because the Shenlong is connected to his Shennian, and the Shennian can control the Shenlong. Even if he is sleeping, one of the divinities is in emptiness.

"it is good."

The water unicorn urn replied violently.

Then rest in the main control room. As long as there is a call for help and a goal, the Shenlong will prompt you, and you will not have to stare at the crystal screen all the time. After talking about these messages, the Shenlong will be sent to Li Lingtian's mind for the first time.



Above the endless fairy sea, four figures are flying fast.

This fairy sea is not very wide, but it is very long, and I don't know how long it is.

The four voices flew over the fairy sea like escape. When flying, they glanced towards the back with their consciousness from time to time, just like a terrifying beast behind them came after.

Four voices, three men and one woman.

All four of them were seriously injured and apparently escaped after a fierce fight. There was no trace of blood on their faces and there was despair in their eyes.

If Li Lingtian saw these four people, he would definitely know them.

The three men are Nalan Yunting, Zhao Yuxiao and Han Wushuang, and the female is Ling Yunmin, the fairy of Qingshui.

I did not expect the four people to meet together, but this time the situation is not good.

"These guys are endlessly dead."

"After chasing us for tens of millions of miles, I won't give up."

Zhao Yuxiao had blood on the corners of her mouth, no traces of blood on her face, and her clothes were a little worn out. She didn't care about this image at all. If you slow down, she will be killed by several people behind.

The most important thing now is to escape into this fairy sea. With the weird changes in the fairy sea, I hope to be able to avoid several chasing evil monsters. Otherwise, with the strength of the other party, the four of them will be caught by the other party. , There is no chance to escape.

"The four of us have been joining forces. Although we have not entered the top ten thousand, we have not fallen."

"This time, it may fall here."

"I sent a distress signal all the way, but no one showed up near us."

Qingshui fairy Ling Yunmin whispered while flying fast, with a sad smile on her face.

In the return to the ruins for a few years, the four people joined hands to gain a lot, but it is still a bit difficult to enter 10,000 people. However, I got a lot of treasures and materials here, and my strength has also been improved.

Last time, Gale Canyon did not have the opportunity to enter, did not expect to enter the ruins of the ruins, the gains this time, enough for many years will not lack the resources for cultivation.

But I didn't expect to encounter a strong enemy, two opponents, and forced all four of them to escape with secret techniques.

And chasing is not willing to relax for tens of millions.

"The strength of Dongmu Shengjing is the weakest."

"Several years have passed, and there are not many people left. Even if they see the distress signal, they dare not come."

"These **** are just chasing them, they meet Li Lingtian to try."

"You must not run away like the grandson of the turtle."

Nalan Yunting was very angry, but he felt helpless in his heart, and he was stronger than others. They were both the compound of the True God. The two people of the other party forced them to cast a mysterious technique with two simple moves, and even almost had the opportunity to cast a mysterious technique. No more.

The four escaped all the way, and found that the direction of Li Lingtian’s flight was northeast. Although Li Lingtian had not been seen in the land of Guixu, Li Lingtian’s reputation was very loud in the land of Guixu, and no one dared to go. Provoked Li Lingtian.

According to the route of some strong men meeting Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian is facing northeast, and should be a transmission point to Xianhai.

If I met Li Lingtian here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they would have saved their lives.

"Haha, I still want to escape."

"Look when you fled."

"Don't you want someone to save you, and don't look at the material of Dongmu Shengjing? Even if you come more, it will only be sent to death. Moreover, the people of Dongmu Shengjing will not dare to appear in front of us."

In the void, a harsh voice sounded.

The sound penetrates the space and pierces the ears of four people like an arrow. This sound carries the attack of the soul. Although the attack of the soul is not powerful, it makes people hallucinate and affect the mind of the strong.


The four spit out blood at the same time, and their faces are paler.

But he did not dare to have a slight pause and flew desperately into the distance.

Behind, two faint figures walked in the air, each step spanning thousands of miles, it looked extremely chic, just a few seconds of effort, the distance between the front and back was much closer.

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