War God Supreme

Chapter 2116: Thunder King

c_t; "Poof."


In the air, countless super demon lands.

However, when some powerful terrorists appeared in the air, a spit of blood spurted out, and the look on their faces changed.

This situation shocked countless powerful people, and the leaders of the major holy realms were also very surprised. I don't know why these super monsters were injured when they came out.

Fortunately, these blood-spitting super monsters have only a small part.

Li Lingtian appeared in the air, his chest was stuffy, and a mouthful of blood could not help but spurted out. When he saw such a situation, Li Lingtian was shocked, but then he found that he was not injured. Generally, the body is more comfortable after vomiting blood.

Moreover, I feel that the world has lost gravity.

Looking at Zhao Yuxiao and others who came out at the same time not far from him, Zhao Yuxiao and the others were like him, but Zhou Tao and Nie Chengfeng did not happen like this.

"Did you feel the loss of gravity?"

When Li Lingtian landed towards the ground, he glanced at the consciousness, looking for Shi Yushan and others in his Dongmu Shengjing.

At the same time, he whispered and asked Zhao Yuxiao several people.

"I didn't feel it."

"I don't feel it either."

"I feel it now."

"me either."

"It feels like this."

"In the land of return to the ruins, it is like the coercion of the strong is constantly being crushed, and when it comes out, it loses that feeling. It should be different in the land of return to the ruins.

Zhou Tao and Nie Chengfeng did not feel this way. Zhao Yuxiao and the four of them felt the same way as Li Lingtian.

"No, look at those, there are a few super demon expressions like us."

"No one else feels this way. Is it specifically for a group of people?"

Li Lingtian said, he found that among the strong men who appeared, one in a thousand people was like them, the others were all as if nothing had happened, and what happened to them was super demon.

"Actually, there is a problem that I haven't said."

"I thought it was all of me."

"After we scored points, I felt a terrifying coercion that followed me all the time. This kind of feeling has never been able to get rid of. Now it seems that I am not alone in this feeling."

Ling Yunmin said in a nutshell that he simply stated his situation at the time.

After she finished speaking, Zhao Yuxiao and others nodded. The situation was exactly the same at that time, but they never said it, thinking that there was something wrong with their cultivation. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]

When several people spoke, they had landed on the ground.

Immediately, he quickly flew towards Dongmu Shengjing Shi Yushan and others.

In this place, everyone who leads the Holy Land has its own Holy Land banner in front of it. It is very easy to find the place of your Holy Land, otherwise it is difficult to find a few people in so many places. Even if the consciousness is powerful, it is more troublesome.

"Master Lord reads;"

"Master Lord."


bsp; Li Lingtian and others came to Shi Yushan and others and greeted them with a simple salute.

Shi Yushan's icy face rarely showed a smile.

It’s strange that he’s not happy. This time Dongmu Shengjing has a long face in front of the major sacred realms. The battle of the genius list, the return to the ruins, Li Lingtian ranked first, shocked Taiyue Shenting and made Taiyue Shenting hundred. Trillion monks are crazy.

This genius, Li Lingtian, became the object of worship by countless strong monks in Taiyue Shenting.

In addition to Li Lingtian, four people also entered the top ten thousand, originally four thousand, but the last time did not earn points, and was surpassed by the strong behind.

"Not bad."

"Li Lingtian, great."

"A few of you are good."

Wan Feiyang said with a happy smile on his face.

Li Lingtian felt countless eyes glancing at him indiscriminately. Although he did not know why this was, this feeling made him feel uncomfortable and could not help but frown.

"Do you feel puzzled?"

Wan Feiyang was surprised when he saw Li Lingtian, but he immediately understood it.

Those strong men knew Li Lingtian's existence, and Li Lingtian didn't know what was happening outside in the land of the ruins. It was naturally inexplicable to be scanned by all the strong men.

Not to mention other strong men, even he is curious, why a high-ranking true **** is so powerful that it is hard to understand.


Li Lingtian nodded, and he was indeed curious.

I have a lot of points. The top 400 should be sure to enter. I have one of the top 400 in Dongmu Shengjing. It is not the same as the monster.

"Dongmu Shengjing, Li Lingtian, scored 1,130,780 points, ranking first in the genius list, surpassing the second place by 360,000 points, you did not increase the points in the last two years, this was brought closer by the second place. Otherwise, your points are several times the number of reads;."

"The four of them, the best score is within one thousand, and now the ranking is beyond one thousand, within two thousand."

When Wan Feiyang spoke, the expression on his face was very happy, more excited.

No one in Dongmu Shengjing used to know, even if they knew Dongmu Shengjing, they all knew that Taiyue Shenting had one of the weakest sanctuaries called Dongmu Shengjing. The genius list dispute, Dongmu Shengjing never appeared. On the genius list.

This time, a dazzling name suppressed the list of geniuses and shocked the billionaires in Taiyue Shenting.

The countless strong people in Taiyue Shenting, Li Lingtian's evaluation is against the sky, evil spirits, crazy, domineering, powerful, and principled.


"No. 1 in the genius list!"

"Stable first!"

"Brother Li has consistently ranked first in the genius list?"

"We have also entered the top 1,000?"

"I didn't expect that we have entered one thousand, and we are still within two thousand."

"Your Excellency Ling Tian has consistently ranked first in the genius list!

Suddenly, Zhao Yuxiao and others were shocked and almost shouted out loud.

Li Lingtian was also shocked. He didn't expect that he still ranked first in one million points, so it seems that he got

Several large points have caused a lot of shock.

It's no wonder that so many strong men stared at themselves.

The genius of a small Dongmu holy realm, pressed against all the demon geniuses of the super holy realm of Taiyue Shenting.

I was trapped for six years, and I got a million points for more than ten days. I can’t imagine how amazing this speed is now. I didn’t imagine the first place before I came out. I worked hard for only five or six hundred thousand points for seven or eight years. , And you only get a million points in just ten days. It’s a strange thing to not make people crazy.

"It seems that I caused a lot of shock."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, the shock in his heart calmed down.

The look on his face was also very calm, a cloud of light breeze.

This sentence made Shi Yushan, Wan Feiyang and others almost fail.

What caused a lot of shock, which shocked the entire Taiyue Shenting.

Let the monks of the Taiyue Shenting Millionaires follow him crazy. Such a shock can only be described as horror, but this person who caused Taiyue Shenting's shock said such a lightly written word.

After waiting for half an hour, the black hole vortex in the sky disappeared long ago, and the space returned to its original appearance.

All the super monsters that can come out are also out.

The super monsters that came out have already found the leader of their own holy land.

A total of forty-six people lived out of the land of return to the ruins on the side of Dongmu Shengjing. Among the major saints, the proportion of people living in Dongmu Shengjing is the lowest, but the number of 10,000 people can be counted top notch.

"Count the number of people."

"In the major holy places, the top 10,000 geniuses will report to the campus within half an hour."

"People who enter less than 10,000 people are not allowed to leave the Blood Dragon Holy City without permission."

At this time, a loud voice rang, and when the voice rang, a flame of a size of a hundred miles appeared in the void, and a tall **** stood in the flame.

The terrible coercion will suppress all the people present. The people present have no resistance at all.

Seeing this **** in the air, everyone, including the gods and kings, dare not take a breath.

Li Lingtian turned over the river in his heart, and once again saw this god, he still couldn't help but be shocked. The super existence of the **** master level can dominate the party at any time.

The figure fell, the spirits in the sky flames disappeared, the flames disappeared reads;.

Speaking of flame, it is better to say it is a god, to say it is a god, it is better to say it is flame, because the gods of flame are all him.

Next, the Blood Dragon Holy City sent hundreds of gods and strong men to come to count the super geniuses living in each holy land. In just ten minutes, the number of people was counted.

"Number of people entering the ruins: 45117804 people."

"Number of people walking out of the ruins: 20644219 people."

"The first 10,000 people come here to gather. The others go back to school quickly."

"The ranking of points is based on the genius list."

After counting the number of people, a middle-aged blue man said loudly.

There is a thunderbolt rune in his eyebrows, like a lightning that destroys the void, the whole person exudes a terrifying thunderbolt, and countless looming thunderbolts flow around him.

nbsp;He is one of the ten **** kings in the blood dragon holy city campus hosting the list of geniuses. Thunder King~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the voice of Thunder King fell, countless powerful and demon shocked.

Although I knew that it would be difficult to get out of the place of returning to the ruins, I did not expect to enter 45 million, only a little more than 20 million, and less than half of them came out alive.

These are all super genius geniuses. In their own holy land, they will definitely be the existence of a hegemon.

However, this world is like this, the strong survive.

Genius is not a genius without growing up. Genius is only a genius, not a real strongman. Only when you become a strongman can you be considered a genius.

Although shocked, it can only be accepted.

Next, the first 10,000 geniuses quickly gathered to King Thunder, and the others rushed back to the school grounds.

The Thunder King also said that the points ranking was set before they came out, and it is impossible to do things outside.


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