War God Supreme

Chapter 2121: 1 trick


The scene of cheering in the auditorium made the whole scene crazy again. , Have you all the way! .T.

This popularity reached an extreme height.

Several other super monsters felt speechless when they saw this situation and wished to tear Li Lingtian apart.

Because of this popularity and aura, they should belong to them, but at this time, they were snatched by a higher true **** in Dongmu Shengjing, and seeing this situation, they have completely become the backing of the bottom.

This is not only the battlefield of the genius list on the school ground, the Blood Dragon Holy City Square, and other places in the Blood Dragon Holy City.

The strong monks in the 40,000 holy realms below Taiyue Shenting also cheered for Li Lingtian.

With a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, he reached out to all the strong monks.

This action even brought the atmosphere of the scene to a peak.

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."

Countless cheers made the whole school battlefield boiling.

Until the Thunder King waved his hand to be quiet, the strong and monk above the auditorium stopped cheering.

The imaginary list of God Lord and other strong kings of the gods are also very surprised. I have never seen the popularity of a strong man reach this level, which is simply terrifying.

However, the higher you stand, the worse you fall.

If Li Lingtian was eliminated in the first round, it would become a joke.

"There are people who invite the list of geniuses."

The Thunder King shouted loudly, and after the sound fell, one super monster and one strong one came out.

All the super monsters appear in the public's sight according to their standing positions.

The four hundred super monsters are basically young and middle-aged. The minimum age is only 631, five years younger than Li Lingtian, and the largest is 2217.

"The elimination system, the first place, the 400th place in the battle, the second place, the 399th place in the battle, and so on."

"The first battle, let us see the peerless style of the first place."

Thunder King Wang said with a smile, looking at Li Lingtian.

This is undoubtedly to put a huge pressure on Li Lingtian, because in the first battle of the genius list, if Li Lingtian is defeated, it is a joke. If victory, Li Lingtian is the first place, and it is normal to win the 400th place.

Anyway, this battle is not good for Li Lingtian.

This situation is clear to everyone.

"Talent list, the first battle, start."

The Thunder King did not give people a shocking opportunity to directly announce the start of the battle of the Genius List.

Suddenly, the other 398 super monsters in the battlefield quickly left and retreated outside the battlefield. After 398 super monsters withdrew from the battlefield, a huge transparent light curtain enveloped the entire battlefield.

The battlefield of five hundred miles in length and width is enough for the strong.

This light curtain is only to resist the aftermath of the powerful war in it, so as not to hurt the powerful and monks in the auditorium.

At the same time, the light curtain was also exhibited by the eight elders to prevent the death crisis of the super demon inside the war. If there is a crisis of death, the eight elders can confine all attacks inside with a single idea.

At the beginning of the war, all the strong men and monks were very quiet.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to be placed in the first battle, which was really detrimental to Li Lingtian. The victory or defeat did not have much benefit for Li Lingtian, at least there was no slight benefit in popularity.

"Aofeng Shengjing, Long Wenxuan."

"Flying warships are not allowed in this place."

On the edge of the battlefield, a young man in black standing upright, a blood-red spear looks domineering.

There was a terrifying atmosphere of destruction all over the body, and the space was shaking at this time.

When he looked at Li Lingtian, there was a trace of disdain in the corner of his mouth.

The fact that Li Lingtian owns an ancient-class flying warship in Dongmu Shengjing is known to everyone. They all associate Li Lingtian's points with an ancient-class flying warship.

Otherwise, it is impossible for an upper true **** in Dongmu Shengjing to get so many points, and it is impossible to get first place.

"You can also be called a super genius?"

"Give you a chance, if you can show your second move in front of this seat, even if this seat loses."

Li Lingtian stood in the center of the battlefield, glancing at the young man in black.

Speaking faintly, the voice seemed to be dull, but it spread all over a thousand miles.

Everyone present heard clearly, and everyone was shocked.

Even if the first place is against the sky, it is impossible to lose the 400th in a second, and Li Lingtian’s points are mostly derived from ancient class flying warships. The first place is true. His strength cannot be the first.

It is strange to be so arrogant now, not to shock.

He knows that this battle is not good for him, but it will not fail him.

"Dragon Phantom, Sparkling Fire."

The expression on Long Wenxuan's face changed, and he did not expect Li Lingtian to be more arrogant than him.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with Li Lingtian. The blood-red spear in his hand suddenly shattered the entire space. The flames that engulfed the sky violently raged.

The space is shattered, the stars tremble, and the world mourns.

In front of this trick, even the top ten super powers dare not resist head-on, and can only avoid their edge.

The distance of two hundred miles is not a distance for the attack of the True God Great Consummation Super Sin. The attack is imminent. Seeing that Li Lingtian is going to be destroyed in front of the gun, but Li Lingtian has no movement, and his eyes are flat. Thousands of ways to destroy the lances landed in the void, as if stunned by these lances and the power of terror.

This situation shocked countless strong men and monks present. It is impossible that Li Ling didn't really have strong strength. The points came from flying warships. If you lose a warship, there is no fighting power?

Not only the countless strong men and monks, but also the thirty-six gods and priests who were present, could not help but be surprised.

Just when Wan Dao's destroyed guns bombarded Li Lingtian and Li Lingtian was two hundred meters, Li Lingtian grabbed the Wan Dao's destroyed guns with one hand, and his movements were very chic.

This action, but stunned the millionaires and monks.

Tens of thousands of guns are enough to destroy a true **** strongman. Li Lingtian does not display supernatural powers and treasures. He grabs these guns empty-handed.

Besides, even if it can resist one or two guns, it is impossible to catch all tens of thousands of guns with one hand.

But when all the powerful monks were shocked, a magical scene appeared in the air.

I saw that the tens of thousands of ruined guns were as if they were still in space. Li Lingtian's palm grabbed tens of thousands of guns with invisible power, and immediately grasped them.


With a loud bang, tens of thousands of guns disappeared into smoke, completely turned into air.

And this is not over yet, I saw Li Lingtian's palm again lightly traced to the two hundred miles away to Long Wenxuan, Long Wenxuan with a frightened look on his face.

Originally seeing his destroyed supernatural power bombarded in front of Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian did not move at all, thinking that Li Lingtian was shocked, but found his supernatural power was completely destroyed by understatement, and his heart was horrified as if he had seen ghosts.

Without waiting for him to react, a terrible imprisonment force in space imprisoned him. The whole body could not exert even the slightest divine power and divine thought. The whole person was suspended in the air by invisible power, and even his fingers could not move.


Li Lingtian grabbed Long Wenxuan across the sky and finally hit the ground fiercely.

A muffled noise appeared, and the ground trembled.

Long Wenxuan was even horrible and powerful, but at this time, he was also smashed on the ground with a spit of blood, and the whole person was dizzy and turned.

From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian did not take a step, just grabbed in the air.

A super demon was defeated in this way, beyond everyone's imagination.

"Dongmu Shengjing Li Lingtian, victory."

Thunder King Sheng was shocked and announced loudly.

Such a victory is too clear and obvious. The opponent has no chance to resist, it is like pinching an ant.

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."

The scene of the battle for the genius list on the school grounds, after a brief silence.

With the announcement of King Thunder King's announcement, a sudden shout of cheering broke out.

All the strong men and monks cheered, excited from the bottom of their hearts.

I have never seen such a dashing means. In the face of the destruction of the super demon, I just destroyed tens of thousands of destroyed guns with a single catch. The super demon was caught by the air and smashed.

This move was too domineering, which shocked and cheered thousands of monks.

Even the presence of God King Strong and Void Listed God Master, did not expect Li Lingtian's strength to reach this level, even the Great Perfection God King Strong could not do this step.

One move, imprison the space, destroy the opponent's attack and defeat the opponent.

"What a terrible space to control."

Thirty-six **** kings and imaginary gods were secretly shocked.

Such space control, even if they are also beyond expectation.

"What a terrifying space magical power."

"It is possible to show the space supernatural power in this way."

"With this move alone, you can resist countless powerful attacks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It really has two strikes. It takes a little effort to defeat him."

"Long Wenxuan is too careless, otherwise Li Lingtian can be defeated."

"If I were, I would never be so careless, but let Li Lingtian take the initiative."


The super demon outside the battlefield was shocked to see the battle between Li Lingtian and Long Wenxuan, but most of the super demon were not convinced, only that Li Lingtian's move was a fluke.

Indeed, Li Lingtian just made this move, he did not show the super cultivation ability from beginning to end.

However, they are not convinced and useless, because all the strongmen and monks on the scene saw Li Lingtian so dashingly defeat a super demon, it is enough, and the real super strong can see Li Lingtian's invincibility.

Because Li Lingtian has already exerted the power of space control to the point of reaching its peak. This is not something anyone can do. A true strongman, who raises his hand and throws himself in his hands, will become magical and destroy the world.

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