War God Supreme

Chapter 2123: Absolute strength


"There is nothing in it. (Baidu search).."

Just when all the powerful people shocked Yang Tianming's sword domain and Yuntian's sword.

Li Lingtian said lightly, completely despising Yang Tianming's sword domain and Yuntian sword. Although there are Tianjian body and sword domain, but want to rely on the sword domain and Yuntian sword to defeat him Li Lingtian, it is simply a delusion.

Now his own cultivation is his strength. Every move of magical powers and treasures takes the power of time and space at the time of the shot, doubling the attack and defense to an extreme.

When the sound fell, a multicolored light shield appeared on his body.

A multicolored light shield appeared, a golden light flashed, and within a ten-mile radius was all golden light.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's body of the Heavenly Sword is running, the five elements of divine power are running, and the sword territory is unfolding.

The golden light is the realm of gold, plus the sword domain and the body of the sky sword, it is extremely powerful.

After the appearance of the thirty-six extinct **** sword, it quickly turned around Li Lingtian. Thirty-six nine-color sword awns formed a circle, turning around Li Lingtian, and the space was broken into pieces, completely cut by Jianqi sword wire. Debris.

In the blink of an eye, the whole process looked clean and clean.

"The body of the sky sword!"

"Golden Realm!"

"Sword Domain!"

"Sword array!"

Li Lingtian instantly exhibited a ruined sword array, which frightened countless powerful men.

Everyone knows that Li Lingtian's supernatural power is the Four Nine Destroyer Sword Array, but he has never seen it with his own eyes.

The show is now terrifying and shocking.

Moreover, Li Lingtian's sword array is supported by the body of the sword and the domain of the sword and the realm of gold. This is a terrifying combination. The destruction of the sword array is sharp, the destructive power of the realm of gold is terrifying, and the realm of sword is the ultimate of the sword.

Strong fusion, the power does not have to think about how terrible.

"Both are sword domains, and both are bodies of sky swords."

"Li Lingtian has more gold realms, and the sword array is still used, which is too scary."

"Yang Tianming was out of luck. He met such an opponent, and he was so suffocated."

"If he didn't meet Ling Tian, ​​he would definitely rank in the top 100, but now it's hard to say, let him go against the sky, and he never wants to defeat Li Lingtian on Kendo."

"In this battle, Yang Tianming was too stubborn. He digged his own grave for his strengths."

"Sword Domain vs. Sword Domain, Yuntian Sword vs. Sword Array, Sky Sword Body vs. Sky Sword Body."

"Li Lingtian's weapon is weak, but with the addition of Jin Zhi's field, the two will have a hard time in this move."

"It's really amazing."


It never occurred to them that they did the same magical means.

Obviously, Li Lingtian wanted to defeat his opponent's most powerful supernatural power. If he was defeated in this way, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow for the superpowers.

But for yourself, it is a challenge and an adventure. After all, the other party is the main magical skill of the killer.




The two performed magical powers extremely fast.

And Li Lingtian came first, the magical power formed instantly, which can be said to be hand in hand.

Suddenly, Yang Tianming's ninety-nine-handed sword of the sky turned into hundreds of millions of sword-destroying bombs and drove towards Li Lingtian. .

The light curtain of the battlefield also trembles, and the shocking scene made all the strong monks hold their breath for it, and looked at this peerless supernatural power with shock of eyes.

When the ruined Jianmang bombarded Li Lingtian, thirty-six nine-color swordmans around Li Lingtian rose into the sky, directly crushing the sky above the light curtain.

The rotating Jianmang formed an aperture that surrounded Li Lingtian in the center.

Sword Array, this is the Sword Array, with the Sword Array of supreme array.

With Li Lingtian's current cultivation strength and supernatural power, the position and power of time and space beyond the peerless array division are merged into the sword array, and the power has reached a level beyond terror.

The sword array rotates, endless sword silk, sword awn, sword gas, sword shadow flash in the air.

Facing the ruinous swordmans, Jiansi Jianmang and Jianqi Jianying resisted them.

Li Lingtian levitated in the air, stepping towards Yang Tianming step by step, walking with the sword array, each step, with a strong crushing momentum.

The tens of millions of monks on site were shocked.

I never imagined that a true **** would fully integrate attack and power to such a degree that every thousand miles apart, Li Lingtian's every step was like stepping on their chests.

And this is not Li Lingtian targeting them, just an invisible momentum and coercive influence.

The sword array spins and devours the sword awn destroyed by Yang Tianming. The sword array becomes more and more powerful. He completely treats Yang Tianming's sword awn as a delicious meal, devouring these sword awns and attacks, and the power is even more terrifying.

The body of the sword, the domain of the sword, the sword of the sky, the ruin of the sky, when bombarded in front of the sword array, the sword array only trembles slightly, and the sword wire of the sword array quickly devours the power of the other sword. .


Yang Tianming's face was pale, and he did not expect that Li Lingtian's swordsmanship had reached this level.

He is proud of his peerless supernatural powers, but in front of Li Lingtian, he has completely become a roadside commodity.

Li Lingtian approached step by step, each step with a terrifying force of space oppression, the supreme might bombarded him fiercely, Li Lingtian's footsteps were like stepping on his chest.

Can't bear it anymore, a sip of blood spewed out.

"Wanjian is one."

No longer dare to have the slightest reservation, burst into roar.

The ruined Jianmang is even more violent, and the world is trembling, just like the end of the world, so that the entire scene is full of destruction.

In this situation, countless strong men and monks were shocked.

The look on the face of the thirty-six **** kings changed, and his eyes looked at the virtual god.


"Long Lao they have a sense of balance."

Xu Li was also surprised. This Yang Tianming was forced to exhibit the most terrifying killer skills.

He also wanted to see how Li Lingtian could deal with Yang Tianming's move.

You know, Li Lingtian has space magical powers, and there are countless magical means. Even if he is not defeated by this trick, he can retreat calmly, so as not to fall on this trick.

The constant roar of the world and the ruined Jianmang are ten times more powerful.

Yang Tianming's blood was red all over his body, obviously showing his last talent.

"In the face of absolute strength, taboo magic is useless."

Li Lingtian said lightly and looked at Yang Tianming indifferently.

Wanjian normalization is not a terrifying magical power, but turning the sword array and the anti-natural magical power into Wanjian normalization is a taboo-like magical power. Look at Yang Tianming, this trick should be his taboo. Supernatural.

In the eyes, the smile is still there, watching the endless swordsman's power ten times more powerful, and the swordsmanship quickly condensed together, forming a tens of meters long destroying swordmans, swordmans with a breath of destruction and sword territory.

"Then try it."

Yang Tianming's eyes were red, and he held a huge sword awn in his hands, and he bombarded Li Lingtian's sword array.

"Forty-nine destroy the sky sword array, one!"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched, suspended in the air, and his thoughts moved. Thirty-six sword awns instantly formed a huge sword awn. Among the sword awns was a sword array, which was a compressed version of the sword array.

The power is more than ten thousand times stronger than the beginning, and with the terror of the power of time and space, the sword array is formed instantly, ignoring the distance of space and the interval of time.


Two swordsmans, too fast, bombarded together in an instant.

There was a shocking explosion, the endless swords fluttered open, and the light curtain trembled as if it were about to tear.

The invisible pressure made the powerful monks in the auditorium thousands of miles away feel horrified and their faces changed.

Li Lingtian's Jianmang ignored all existence.

Yang Tianming's Wan Jian was unified, and the smoke disappeared in an instant. Under the impact of the destroyed sword, Yang Tianming was thrown out by the invisible power and finally hit the light curtain.

And Li Lingtian's Jianmang stopped a hundred meters from Yang Tianming.


Yang Tianming spurted out blood, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

Now he doesn't even have the strength to use his hands. If Li Lingtian stopped at a critical moment, he would have suffered terrible injuries even if he had terrible gods and defenses.

Li Lingtian Jian Mang stayed in front of Yang Tianming for a second, then disappeared.

Beside him is the thirty-six swords of extinct gods that have also been put away, and the face is always a light cloud, with a faint smile in his eyes.

All the people present, as long as they are not fools, know that Li Lingtian is merciful.

If the other strong men must give Yang Tianming a hard blow, even if he can't die, he will be seriously injured.

"Dongmu Shengjing, Li Lingtian, victory!"

King Thunder reacted from the shock and announced Li Lingtian's victory loudly.

He is the same as all other strong men, and he never thought that Li Lingtian’s magical means was the same as Yang Tianming. In the end, Yang Tianming displayed the most terrifying killer. Li Lingtian was just a magical idea, and he also exhibited the same sword mansions to strengthen the opponent. beat.

When Yang Tianming unfolded the Wan Jian, all the strong monks were shocked and wanted to see how Li Lingtian coped with it, whether to retreat or dodge, or to display other treasures or supernatural powers to resist.

But I did not expect that Li Lingtian just changed the sword array. The sword array turned into a sword and beat Yang Tianming~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian! "

"Li Lingtian!"

"Li Lingtian!"


When King Thunder announced the victory of Li Lingtian, a loud cheering sounded.

Cheers thundered and shook the scene.

Thirty-six **** kings and virgin gods all have smiles on their faces.

Never before has a true God junior shocked them. This time, Li Lingtian's demeanor exceeded their imagination.

They are powerful and unmatched, but any movement of Li Lingtian is beyond their expectations.

The feeling of Li Lingtian is that no one will ever know what amazing things he will do next, but it gives people a feeling that Li Lingtian is sure of what he does, and he follows his own rhythm, even if he is in He can also walk at his own pace in the battle that decides victory or defeat in an instant.

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