War God Supreme

Chapter 2129: Top 5 battles


After defeating Wei Yan, Li Lingtian continued the war and shocked the countless shocks of Taiyue Shenting. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel

But what everyone did not expect was that more crazy things were waiting for them, which was destined to shock the three trillion strong monks of Taiyue Shenting.

Because Li Lingtian defeated Yufeng after defeating Wei Yan, he did not stop after that, and the points also increased rapidly.

"Li Lingtian, three points."

"Li Lingtian, four points."

"Li Lingtian, five points."


"Li Lingtian, score 19 points."

In just half an hour, Li Lingtian's points have reached 19 points, that is to say, except for four of the top five, the others have fought once and won.

From sixth to twenty-fifth, none of them escaped Li Lingtian's challenge.

Li Lingtian's divine power also consumed two-thirds, and a trace of tiredness appeared on his face.

However, there were no injuries in nineteen games.

Everyone was numb in shock.

The three trillion strong monks under Taiyue Shenting were completely shaken. Every strong monk's face was shocked.

Thirty-six **** kings and virtual gods at the scene were also shocked.

Such a genius can be called a miracle.

"It's yours."

Li Lingtian was shocked by all the strong men and said lightly, with a trace of tiredness on his face.

When the sound fell, he walked out of the battlefield.

After returning to the seat, the super evildoers around him were all showing fear, and began to look down on Li Lingtian. Now, they have to be convinced in their hearts. This evildoer is too scary. This is the real evildoer.

"Li Lingtian."

"Li Lingtian."

Cheers, here in Li Lingtian, there will never be a shortage.

Because, he is always doing things that shock the genius, doing things that make everyone crazy for him.

All strong men and monks, excited and vibrated following Li Lingtian's rhythm.

"Brother Ling Tian is amazing."

Tang Zimeng's small face was full of excitement.

"Brother Ling Tian now consumes two-thirds of his power."

"But he still has a killer skill. The next five people to face are the top five. Only by defeating these four people can he get the first place. If he defeats these four people, the first place is his."

Xuanyuan Yingying looked at Li Lingtian in the distance and said.

They know the details of Li Lingtian. Although Li Lingtian now consumes two thirds of his divine power, there are still some means.

"The little teacher is now 19 points, at least the top ten."

Tianyue Palace Lord has a happy smile on his face.

"In the future, I will be as powerful as Master."

Wang Xiaoman's face showed a look of worship.

"Your son is first, sure."

Ming Yan'er seriously said that in her heart, Li Lingtian was the most powerful.

"Brother still has a lot of means, the opportunity is great."

Xiao Bai said lightly that her temperament and appearance were exactly the same as Li Lingtian's, but with different charm, her eyebrows were charming, with the noble atmosphere unique to the Dragon race.

More beautiful and noble than those goddesses, because her dragon princess little dragon girl.

"Sister Yan'er is right, the son is the most powerful person in the world."

"Now it is the most powerful among the true gods, and it will be the most powerful among the gods in the future. Both the king and the **** will be like this."

Xiao Mengxuan said excitedly.

"Sister, how much do you want him to get first?"

"He has only two thirds of his power."

Inside the main hall of the school ground, the **** Gale said.

Pointing at the young man in white on the screen.

"I still do not know yet."

"But hope is great. The remaining one-third of the divine power is enough to deal with one of the top five, but it depends on whether he has the strength to beat the top five."

Bishui fairy said.

Even if they have great abilities, they can't grasp the situation in front of them at this time.

Because this Li Lingtian variable is too large.

Not only Li Lingtian, the first five people have great variables, and they simply cannot know what is behind.

"Now, it depends on who will challenge Li Lingtian first."

"No matter who challenges Li Lingtian, he will make a big adventure."

"Because any one of the first five to challenge Li Lingtian, the victory or defeat will exhaust Li Lingtian's divine power and bring great benefits to the people behind."

"If you don't challenge Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian's divine power and energy will slowly recover. When Li Lingtian slows down, it will not benefit them. This is a great test."

Tianlei Shenzun spoke as soon as he had finished speaking to his brother.

Li Lingtian now seems passive, but the initiative is in his hands. The top five, each person represents five points, each point is crucial, do not want to lose a point, let alone take risks to bring others Benefit.

"Look, the others have followed Li Lingtian."

Fairy Bishui listened to his brother, and looked at the crystal screen.

Just at this moment, a bit of surprise appeared on the face of the Bishui fairy, and she shouted.


Li Lingtian fought for 18 consecutive games, plus the first one, the score reached 19 points.

Dong Yangbo and Bai Chengze and others also followed Li Lingtian and fought continuously.

However, not everyone is called Li Lingtian.

Over time, the top five strongmen all challenged for a round and won all of them.

Li Lingtian, 19 points.

Dongyang Bo, 13 points.

Bai Chengze, eleven points.

Virtual days, eleven points.

Murong Zhiyang, nine points.

Although all were victorious, there were not as many battles as Li Lingtian, but the remaining magic power was more than Li Lingtian. They all used the most energy-saving attacks to defeat the opponent.

Unexpectedly for countless powerful people, Dong Yangbo and others did not challenge Li Lingtian, allowing Li Lingtian more time to recover.

But then I thought that if the true **** strong person wants to restore the divine power to full prosperity, it will take at least a few days of effort. Even if it is an hour or two of rest, it is at most a recovery of spirit.

Li Lingtian, watching the fierce fighting in the battlefield, was extremely calm.

It doesn't make much sense to drag on for a long time. If you continue to fight in this way, the other few will certainly not dare to show weakness. As long as they fight with all their strength, they will be able to see some means of these people.

Sure enough, when Dong Yangbo and others shot, he also saw some rough ideas.

There are four opponents left. Beat one, and you will increase your score by five points.

One day passed, one night passed.

The battle of the genius list has not stopped.

The first twenty-five super demon, in addition to the first five, other decisive battles have been completed.

Because they are all defeated by the top five super monsters, the battle with other strong men is over, and the points have been set.

The top five, each representing five points, everyone shakes, that is to say, no one gets five points.

"One day passed."

"11 to 100 have already come out."

"6 to 10 people have also come out."

"Now, we look forward to who the top five will be."

Thunder King announced all the points for everyone. According to the ranking of points, eleven to one hundred, and sixth to tenth have already come out.

Only the top five have not been decided, because there is no real battle between the top five super monsters.

However, there was no real duel between them, but from the situation of the war, there is some understanding between each other, because Li Lingtian fought for 18 consecutive battles, and the others went to only 10 battles, and then the rest of the battles after the rest.

Now, the powers of the top five super demon are almost the same.

The strength is almost the same, and it can still be retreated from the beginning.

Now, the war can no longer be avoided, and we can only do our best to go to war.

"One minute."

"No one challenges in a minute, this is the ranking."

"The fifth place starts first."

Thunder God King glanced at the imaginary Lord God, and then said loudly.

This announcement made the faces of the five super monsters change.

They are completely forced into the dead end. One minute of thinking time will not allow you to think about it.

It can be said that it is now either to keep the original position or to compete for a better position. The fifth place does not matter. He hopes to move forward, but he will not step back.

"Murong Zhiyang challenges the sky."

Murong Zhiyang stood up and said aloud that his divine power could only persist in a war.

Because he was inevitable to be beaten by the first few super demon wars, he might as well come out to fight first.

When the voice fell, Murong Zhiyang walked into the battlefield and looked at Xutian.

Blood Dragon Holy Realm, a total of two super monsters entered the top five, one is Dongyang Bo, and the other is his Xutian. It is said that the strength of Xutian is almost the same as Dongyang Bo, and the means are terrifying.

Li Lingtian also discovered this while watching his war. His methods are as mysterious and horrible as Dongyang Bo, and he is one of the two most powerful opponents.



As soon as the two entered the battlefield ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the magical power of the world was crushed.

The space and time shattered, the earth shook, and the light curtain shook as if it was about to burst.

Thirty-six **** kings and powerful lords all looked at the battle between Xu Tian and Murong Zhiyang seriously. Tens of thousands of strong men and monks in the audience also watched excitedly.

The same is true of the three trillion strong monks in Taiyue Shenting, holding their breaths and turning their eyes away, worrying about missing any trace of excitement.

Li Lingtian, Dongyang Bo, and Bai Chengze also focused on Xu Tian and Murong Zhiyang, because the two super demon in the battlefield will also be their opponents.

"Tianyue Liuhuo."

"Haoyang Wushuang."

The two men's battle lasted three minutes, and the two's divine powers were continuously lost. The battle was getting more and more tragic.

At this moment, Murong Zhiyang's eyes flashed a bit of vulgar color, his body struck fiercely towards the sky, and his hands made a mysterious gesture.

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