War God Supreme

Chapter 2133: (No. 19 more...


"Li Lingtian, you have 29 points. There are you all the way!."

The Thunder King announced loudly that Li Lingtian had won.

Now Li Lingtian's points have reached 29 points, that is to say, there is no defeat.

All the strong men are in shock.

It was completely shocked by Li Lingtian's five-element field. In front of the five-element field, a feeling of powerlessness rose.

In this battle, Li Lingtian did not exert other magical powers. He completely crushed the virtual sky with his terrifying field. In the face of absolute strength, any taboo magical powers and mysteries cannot be shaken.

Li Lingtian did this step. In the same stage, even the gods and strong men, they are not necessarily sure to break in front of this five-element field.

Except for a few strong kings and gods, and eight old men in black on the edge of the battlefield, the other strong men don't know how Xutian lost in the end.

Because when Li Lingtian was performing countless magical powers, the innate apocalyptic streamer sunny day needle was cast out. Among the countless ruined magical powers, an invisible and traceless thin needle was not found at all.

Besides, he held his own defense against the sky, and ordinary magical powers and treasures could not break his defense. Besides, it would be a delusion to break his defense and hit his eyebrows.

But Li Lingtian hit his eyebrows without his knowledge.

From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian did not perform a trick to kill the world.

This is also Li Lingtian's thinking for a long time before he found a way to defeat Xutian. That is, Xutian is not good at strong attacks. He can use absolute strength to crush Xutian, so that Xutian's mystery cannot come close.

Whenever Xutian is going to approach him, he suppresses him with the five-element realm. At the same time, the realm of space and time is also exhibited. The intangible realm of space and time controls the space, and the real world cannot enter into his realm, let alone defeat him .

It can be said that not only can he not enter Li Lingtian’s realm, even if he enters, he may not be able to break his defense. The defense of the multicolored light shield is five times higher than before, even if the upper **** is playing his innate power. It is impossible to break his multicolored light shield with a blow. Even if the light shield is broken, his divine body can resist the upper prince with a full blow.

The heavy defense made Li Lingtian fearless.

Next, there was a ten minute gap between them. After ten minutes, Dongyang Bo played against Bai Chengze.

The decisive battle between the two shocked everyone.

And the suspense is the biggest, because Bai Chengze's strength is almost the same as that of Dongyang Bo, and Bai Chengze has 10,000 yuan to unite, and his magical power is unlimited. Although Dongyang Bo has a lot of magical power left, he was injured by Murong Zhiyang, and his magical power is almost the same as Bai Chengze.

If Dong Yangbo could not quickly defeat Bai Chengze, then he would be exhausted by Bai Chengze and fail in the divine power. When he met Li Lingtian and Xutian, he would only lose the war.

However, wanting to quickly defeat Bai Chengze is simply a dream, because Bai Chengze is good at speed and power. Bai Chengze can use speed to deal with Dong Yangbo.





At the beginning of the war, as expected by all strong monks, Bai Chengze was transformed into a residual image, and even his speed reached a teleport, Dongyang Bo could not attack Bai Chengze at all.

Moreover, Bai Chengze's rapid body technique and continuous use of strange magical powers made Dong Yang Bo have to resist. In this way, the constant consumption of divine power was unable to attack Bai Chengze.

Time, one second and one second.

The two figures in the battlefield were like beams of light, and it was impossible to see who they were.

From time to time there was a popping noise of destruction, the space was torn, and the inches were broken.

Dong Yangbo, the look on his face is extremely ugly. In this way, he will exhaust his divine power. It is impossible to defeat Bai Chengze. He now finally understands why the elders of the family say that their most powerful opponent is not Li Lingtian but mystery. Bai Chengze.

At that time, the family did not know to what extent Li Lingtian was against the sky, so Bai Chengze was the most powerful opponent. Now Li Lingtian is beyond his imagination. This Bai Chengze is also more terrifying than he thought.

He has almost the same strength as Bai Chengze. It is impossible to quickly defeat Bai Chengze. In this way, only the divine power is exhausted. Even if it is lucky to defeat Bai Chengze, there is no more divine power to deal with Li Lingtian and Xutian.

Unless, unless the horror of peerless supernatural powers.

However, once that trick was exhibited, it would be seen by Xu Tian and Li Lingtian, and the hope of defeating Xu Tian and Li Lingtian as a killer was even less.



The battlefield exploded, and the lightning flashes of the two bodies were generally fast.

The two touched a few points, and the speed was almost extreme.

The expression on Bai Chengze's face was a little dignified, because he felt that Dongyang Bo had brought him a crisis. Although he occupied a huge advantage, he was increasingly uneasy.

Taiyue Shenting, a three-billion-strong monk, at this moment, all of his attention was placed on the battle between Dongyang Bo and Bai Chengze, because the victory or defeat of the two people is related to their ranking.

Bai Chengze is unable to win the first place, but Dongyang Bo still has a chance, because he has not yet lost.

In the battlefield of the school's genius list, Bai Chengze and Dongyang Bo were in shape, and the space burst.

Thousands of strong men and monks looked at the battlefield intently.

At this moment, Bai Chengze's face was horrified, and his flashing figure stopped strangely.


"Sword of Wind."


I saw a solemn look on Dongyang Bo's face, and an obscure mantra uttered out of his mouth. With a long sword in his hand, Bai Chengze's body was bombarded by terror, and his body flew out into the distance.


Bai Chengze's face was pale, and there was a horrified look in his eyes.

Because when his figure flickered in the air, Dong Yang Bo's formula imprisoned him, and the time seemed to stop. In front of the momentary stillness, he completely lost his resistance and reaction, and was hit with his eyes open.

This change and ending shocked all the powerful.

Only a handful of people saw the strangeness, thirty-six gods, the virtual gods, and eight old men in black.

Several demon also saw some traces, but they were not sure.

"So it turns out."

"The secret technique that can still be still in time."

Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that there are people who control such a secret technique of still time in addition to himself. Things in this world are really uncertain. However, he has time and time, and has the power of time and space to control space. And time, with the realm of time and space, is not comparable to the general secret of time and space.

"Uncle Dongyang, 29 points."

Thunder King Thunder, the expression on his face was shocked, and beyond shock, he announced loudly.

Dongyang Bo defeated Bai Chengze, the score reached 29, the same as Li Lingtian.

Next, Li Lingtian battled Murong Zhiyang.

Murong Zhiyang's divine power has been exhausted, and there is no fighting power at all. In the face of Li Lingtian, he just doesn't want to admit defeat.

Li Lingtian defeated Murong Zhiyang and scored 34 points.

After a short while, Dongyang Bo and Xu Tian fought with each other. Xu Tian seriously injured Dong Yang Bo, but in the end failed, Dong Yang Bo's points also reached 34 points.

The genius list, the war, is only one battle away from the end.

Li Lingtian had 34 points and Dongyang Bo had 34 points.

Bai Chengze had 29 points, Xu Tian had 24 points, and Murong Zhiyang had 19 points.

All the wars are over, leaving Li Lingtian and Dong Yangbo.

Taiyue Shenting, a 5,000-year-old genius list battle, has finally reached the most critical moment.

Li Lingtian, Peerless Sinister, has a five-element field that has been rare for hundreds of millions of years, as well as sword territory and various means against the sky. The degree of the demon can be said to be the most superevil demon in Taiyue Shenting in the trillion years.

Dongyang Bo, the first evil spirit of the Blood Dragon Holy Realm, is also a peerless evil spirit, regardless of Li Lingtian. The battle between the two can be said to be the most genius decisive battle in the Taiyue Shenting for hundreds of millions of years.

For a time, the three trillion strong monks of Taiyue Shenting held their breath and looked at the crystal screen. They couldn't tell whether Li Lingtian was the most powerful or Dongyang Bo more evil.

"Li Lingtian's five-element field has sword territory, control of space supernatural powers, and various ruinous supernatural powers."

"In his five-element field, he is the master, and if he wants to defeat him, the hope is small."

"It's not uncommon, although Li Lingtian is evil, but Dongyang Bo's sword is too fast, and even Bai Chengze is defeated strangely. What horrible secret technique should be."

"The difference between the two is fifty-five."

"It is said that Li Lingtian is good at attacking the soul, and the soul is powerful and unmatched, but no one has seen him used it during the war."

"The strength of the two cannot be separated. I believe that even the gods and gods will not know who has the better chance of winning. Even in the war, they are not allowed to win, only after the end of the war. Be able to know."


Countless strong men began to argue.

Almost all the strong monks formed two camps, while saying that Li Lingtian would win, while saying that Dongyang Bo definitely won.

However, even these powerful men are not sure who will win.

"Actually, Brother Ling Tian's killer magical power has not yet been shown."

"He only needs to prevent Dong Yang Bo's secret technique. If Dong Yang Bo does not use secret technique, he is not qualified to fight Brother Ling Tian at all."

Tang Zimeng and Xuanyuan Yingying and others said softly.

Sitting in the auditorium and looking at Li Lingtian in the distance, they all looked with joy.


"I don't know how confident Li Lingtian is~~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as he defeats Dongyang Bo, he is the first, and if he fails, he is the second."

Dongmu Shengjing, countless strong monks are looking forward to it.

In the temple, the Holy Lord Zi Ling said lightly.


"Dongyang Bo defeated Bai Chengze and Xu Tian, ​​and the victory is in his hands."

"Even if Li Lingtian's five-element field is against the sky, it is impossible to escape Dongyang Bo's secret technique."

In a super family in Blood Dragon Sanctuary, countless super powers gathered together.

A super-powerful man sitting on the throne, flashing thunder and runes on his eyebrows, is like a terrifying and powerful god.

It’s not just them. The powers and holy realms of the entire Taiyue Shenting, as well as countless hidden powers, all comment on the strength of Li Lingtian and Dongyang Bo, but they dare not say who can win because they don’t Know who the two are more powerful demon.

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