War God Supreme

Chapter 2179: Victory

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After Li Lingtian killed the three Great Constellation Kings, he waved with one hand, and the space rings of the Frozen King and Red Flame King returned to their hands. They did not look at them. Two space rings were put into the Dragon Ring.

He just recorded the situation in a crystal ball.

There is such a record, and there will be evidence when the mission of Taiyue Shenting is reviewed.

It could have been a ghost image, but he didn’t want to divulge any information. After he was really strong in the future, even if other powerful people saw his information, it would have no effect.

Deal with everything, said lightly, and looked at the gods of Zhitai and Jiuding.

His mission is to kill the Great King of God, and the army's affairs are simply ignored.

"Thank you, the Patriarch for his shot."

Zhitai God King and Jiuding God Dynasty Li Lingtian performed a ceremony.

Immediately command the army to kill the army and **** king of Kunlun Shenting, the opponent's frozen **** and red flame **** king, and Taihao **** king have been destroyed, and there will be no great consummation **** king.

On the side of Taiyue Divine Court, there are two great consummating **** kings.

Both Jiuding God King and Zhitai God King participated in the war, but the goal of both of them was God King Realm Strong, two Great Perfection God Kings, dealing with other upper median and lower **** kings, it was completely exploding. Douzi, kill opponents with two simple moves.

Only when Jiuding God King and Zhitai God King killed several **** kings, the army and strong men of Kunlun Shenting came to their awakening from the shock. These army and **** kings were completely shocked by Li Lingtian’s horrible means and field. stay.





The shocking sound of the sky and the screams of the whole world made the entire space continuously destroyed.

The morale of Taiyue's army is so high.

Dozens of gods and kings destroyed the battle in the air, supernatural powers crushed.

Li Lingtian stood in the air and looked at the battle below. The expression on his face was very calm. On the battlefield, there was no such thing as fighting alone, as long as the enemy was killed.

These demi-gods, even gods, have no magical skills to destroy at all, they are all killings, killings fiercely.

The horrible method is extremely cruel and makes people feel shocked.

However, this is the case on the battlefield. There is no reason to say that a big fist is the last word. Survival is the truth.



Hong Liang's shouting and killing sounded all over the world, and with each shout, morale rose by one point. Full text reading of the latest chapter

However, the army of Kunlun Shenting has a low morale, and there is no war at all.

One God King and one strong were killed in a blink of an eye.

Time, a little bit of time, the king of the Kunlun Shenting, the king of the strong, all killed, only more than 10,000 ruined troops, these remaining troops have been surrounded by the Taiyue Shenting army and slaughtered.

The **** king strong bombarded continuously, each blow, countless army turned to ashes.

Half an hour, the war finally stopped.

Taiyue Shenting triumphed, 340,000 troops left in the 40,000 army, three strong kings of the gods fell, and 30,000 army of the Kunlun Shenting destroyed all, thirty-four strong kings fell, including three great kings In.

"Five Elements Field!"

"I know who he is."

A true **** strongman looked at Li Lingtian in the air, and suddenly the expression of "sex" on his face changed, and then exclaimed.

Suddenly, it aroused the curiosity of countless troops and looked at Li Lingtian in the air.

At the same time, these powerful people also sounded the name of Li Lingtian. This name shocked Taiyue's three trillion strong monks a hundred years ago, and entered Taiyue Divine Court as the first genius list.

I didn't expect to see this wicked genius in person after 100 years.

"He is Li Lingtian, the first in the genius list a hundred years ago!"

"It really is him, and his five-element field is the best symbol. Taiyue Shenting, and even the entire heaven, also he owns the five-element field."

"Except for him, it is impossible for a second person to own the Wuxing field."

"Taiyue Shenting is the first super demon in a trillion years."

"It was still the true God a hundred years ago. I didn't expect to become the Dzogchen God a hundred years later, and he also wiped out the Ice King and Chiyan King."

"It's too evil, and finally I saw this first demon of Taiyue Shenting."


For a time, more than 30,000 troops and dozens of gods and kings knew Li Lingtian's identity.

I did not expect to meet Li Lingtian on this battlefield.

I didn't even think of the first genius of Taiyue Shenting a hundred years ago. After a hundred years, I reached the Dzogchen Sovereign from the true god, and I was able to wipe out and kill the Dzogchen Sovereign.

Li Lingtian had no surprises about his identity exposure.

He is the first person in Taiyue Shenting. No one knows, no one knows, not many people have seen him, but there are hundreds of billions of people who know his name, and more importantly, his iconic "sex" magical power. And the field, as soon as it is exhibited, it will expose his identity reads;.

"See Lord Lingtian Pavilion."

"See Lord Lingtian Pavilion."

"See Lord Lingtian Pavilion."

All the army and the strong king of the gods salute Li Lingtian respectfully.

Although Li Lingtian's identity is only in Taiyue Shenting, there are many powerful people in the Holy Realm below Taiyue Shenting. When he sees Li Lingtian, he will also be called the patriarch.

It is like a prince of an empire. In other places of the empire, every official must call him a prince. This is respect for the prince and respect for the empire.

Taiyue Shenting is like the central dynasty of 40,000 saints, and even surpasses the central dynasty, because this is the right center of Taiyue Shenting 40,000 saints, and it is the altar where all the sacred realm can aspire.

Moreover, the most powerful forces of Taiyue Shenting are gathered in the four secret realms.

Therefore, the true master of the Four Thousand Sacred Realm is Taiyue Shenting.

"Free courtesy."

Li Lingtian waved with one hand and said lightly.

The voice was dull, but it spread all over the battlefield, and all the armies and the strong kings could hear clearly.

"Ling Tian Pavilion Lord, please."

Jiuding God King and Zhitai God King and others came to Li Lingtian.

To Li Lingtian made a please gesture.

Immediately, a group of people flew towards the flying warship, and finally entered the flying warship. The other gods adjusted their army and prepared to respond to the war at any time. In this battlefield, they had to prepare for the war at any time.

Otherwise, there is only one word waiting for them, die!

"Subordinates don't know that Lord Ling Tiange is coming."

"Lord Wangling Tiange forgive me."

In the hall of the flying warship, Li Lingtian, the King of the Nine Tripods, saluted and said reads;.

Other **** kings also saluted Li Lingtian.

Although they don't know Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian's reputation is known to everyone, and Li Lingtian's peerless means and supernatural powers have just convinced everyone.

Even the Great Dzogchen God King waved his hands to kill, how powerful it must be.

More importantly, Li Lingtian is now only the Great Constellation Divine Monarch, and the Great Perfect Constellation Divine Monarch can wipe out the Great Consummation Divine King, so that it is against the sky. If you reach the Divine Lord, you are invincible among the Divine Lords, and if you reach the Divine Venerable, you are invincible among the Divine Lords.

Now, these **** kings dare not treat Li Lingtian as a **** prince, but as a horrible demon beyond the **** king, but also the cabinet master in the Taiyue Shenting, regardless of identity and strength, they are not able to provoke them.

Identity, Li Lingtian is a high cabinet, beyond the general existence of the imperial prince.

Strength, kill Daquan Wangshen with a wave of hand, they can kill them with one finger.

"The unknowing is not guilty."

"This seat is here, no one knows."

"Tell us your planned route for the march."

Li Lingtian waved his hand and said lightly.

His eyes shifted, and he looked towards the Miantai God King. This legion was the Miantai God King. The Jiuding God King was mostly used to help the Miantai God King. Therefore, this place is still the Miantai God King.

"Lingtian Pavilion Master should know what is happening in the flames now."

"Flame Pass is now half of the army of Tianchi Holy Realm, and we can only resist it."

"This was the case a hundred years ago, but Taiyue Divine Court and the major holy places did not come to support. Even if it was support, the reinforcements sent were only a small part, and it was impossible to compete with the Tianchi holy place."

"Now Taiyue Shenting's army of flames is nearly ten million, while the other party's army is twice as large as the flames, and the **** king is also several times the flames."

"We are just outside the war, and all are small legions."

"This battle was originally intended to attack the legion under the Lord Minghua, but I did not expect that the Ice King and Red Flame King would appear here. If the Lord Lingtian Pavilion shot, we would be defeated."

"The following battle plan has not yet been determined, and I don't know what the commander Ling Tian Pavilion has ordered."

Zhitai God King told the basic situation of the flame now.

However, there is no subsequent battle plan, because this battle, if Li Lingtian changed the situation after the advent of the battle, their whole army will be overthrown, and the latter battle plan will not be discussed.

However, Zhitai God King looked at Li Lingtian and did not know what Li Lingtian had instructed.

Suddenly, the other gods also looked at Li Lingtian. This battle was won, and a legion under the Minghua God Lord was wiped out, and the Taihao God King was also killed, and it was the most powerful **** under the landlord. The Wang combination was killed, completely beyond their imagination. If Li Lingtian helped them in this legion, the future war would be smoother.

"This seat is here to do a task."

"Target~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Great Dharma King, you find out the Great Dharma King under Lord Minghua, and this one will erase a few of the Great Dharma King under Lord Minghua."

"As for how to do it, it is your business. It is enough for the Great Dharma King to "pay" to this seat."

Li Lingtian said nonchalantly. After that, his eyes were swept to all the **** kings.

In this place, there are thirty-three kings, including two great consummation kings.

The legion of Emperor Zhitai wiped out all the legions under the main seat of Minghua God. The legions under the head of Minghua God are all invincible. If they are completely destroyed, it will definitely cause shock.

At that time, the Lord Minghua will let the following legions retaliate against the legion of the gods of the Zhitai God. In this way, they can wipe out the Great Constellation King under the Lord of Minghua without searching.

Maybe this mission can be completed. If it can be completed in a short time, it would be better, because when other forces found here, they had already left the flames.


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