War God Supreme

Chapter 2186: Shock Flame

"Subordinates obey."

Heavenly Divine Lord and the Seven Great Perfection Kings, after hearing Li Lingtian's words, answered with respectful salutes.

They know that Li Lingtian’s intentions are that only when they have a strong army and subordinates, the odds of winning will be greater. Even Li Lingtian will take out half of his fortune. What else can they say, in fact, they dare not say anything they want to say .

Being able to reach the realm of God King and God Lord is naturally not a fool. He understands that Li Lingtian does not want other criminals to join in.

He is sensitive to Li Lingtian’s identity, and many forces want to kill him, especially on this battlefield, so Li Lingtian instructed them not to allow any outsider to enter the legion.

"You go to find other legions."

"Tell this seat after determining the distance and location."

Li Lingtian waved his hand, beckoning the **** of heaven and others to retreat.

Heavenly God Lord and others retired with a happy look on their faces.

In the past, wars were cautious. Even so, there is a possibility that the whole army will be destroyed. Now that there is a Li Lingtian, there is no need to worry about these problems anymore.

All that needs to be done now is to find the location of other legions.

Moreover, in this battle, the legion of the Divine Lord of the Heavens won, and annihilated all the troops and kings of the Minghua Divine Lord. Even the Minghua Divine Lord has fallen. What is even more shocking is that the Lord of the Earth Splitting Lord and the seat of the Great Constellation Divine King are all destroyed.

It is impossible for a conventional legion to defeat the main force of another legion and a legion.

However, the legion war was passed back to the commanding battalions of both sides.

For a time, the Heavenly Legion became famous.

It is the first time in 100 years that the Taiyue Shenting Legion has won, and it has inspired the Taiyue Shenting Army.


"A regular legion, it is a victory over the other one legion, the Lord Minghua and the Earth Splitter, as well as the 20 Great Perfection Kings and more than 200 ordinary Kings."

"It should be that the super strong person is helping, otherwise, the **** of heaven will also suffer from the **** of Minghua."

"However, the leader of every legion is here, it is impossible to help Heaven."

"Who is that white man in the end, so horrible."

"The key to victory and defeat is that in the white man, who was only the Great Sovereign Divine King, but easily killed the higher Divine Lord. Those Great Sovereign Divine Kings fell silently, which was terrifying."

"There is no such character on this battlefield."

In the commanding camp of Taiyue Shenting Blaze Guan, countless troops and gods were shocked.

No one knows who this young man in white is.

Naturally, the Lord of the Hundred Mysteries knew, but he couldn't say it.

"Taiyue Shenting, the young man in white, should be Li Lingtian."

"The field of five elements is his iconic identity."

"I didn't expect to choose the advanced mission for the first mission. I came to the battlefield of the flames, and it was indeed evil."

"This man must be killed."

"Otherwise, it will become a future enemy of my Kunlun God Court."

"On this battlefield, it's still a regular war, don't mess up, wait until he leaves."

"No, you have to find a way to wipe him out."

"We don't do it, other people have to do it, just a genius."


In the Kunlun Shenting Tianchi Shengjing General Command Battalion, some senior officials recognized the young man in white on the battlefield.

In the Taiyue Shenting, there are naturally countless other powerful and martial artists.

These people must know Li Lingtian's things, and the five element areas that Li Lingtian has are well known.

As long as Li Lingtian develops the field of five elements, he will be recognized by other powerful people.

The strong man of Kunlun Shenting naturally does not want a wicked figure to appear in Taiyue Shenting so as not to break the balance.

They were worried that Li Lingtian would become the second Wuxing Divine Emperor. If he became the second Wuxing Divine Emperor, Taiyue Shenting's strength would be even more terrifying, and even Kunlun Shenting could not compete with it.

Just as the Taiyue Shenting Corps and the Kunlun Shenting Corps shocked the Celestial Corps, the Celestial Corps once again shook the Legion of the Two Great Courts at the flames.

Because, on the fourth day of the destruction of the Minghua Divine Lord Corps.

The enlightened Divine Legion was annihilated by the Celestial Legion, and there was no one left.

On the ninth day, the legion of Yuncheng Divine Lord was annihilated, and there was no one left.

On the twelfth day, the Legion of the Blue Lord was annihilated, and there was no one left.

On the twentieth day, Lord Baifeng and Lord Moon God, the two large legions joined forces, were also annihilated, and one was left.

In just twenty days, the six front and rear legions were annihilated by the Celestial Legion, and the Celestial Legion shook the entire Flame Pass battlefield, invigorating the Taiyue Shenting Army on the Flame Battle Pass.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's identity was also exposed.

Taiyue Shenting is the first super demon in trillions of years, Dzogchen Sovereign, come to Blaze Pass to do the task. The goal of the mission is to kill ten Dzogchen Sovereigns, and it is undoubtedly a dream for the Sovereign to kill Dzogchen Supper.

Moreover, it is known that the Blaze Pass mission is an advanced mission. Generally, it is only done when the super genius reaches the God King, but Li Lingtian is a god, and he chose the Blaze Pass mission for the first mission.

Now, in just 20 days, Li Lingtian's army of Tianchi Holy Realm has six divine masters and 51 great consummation kings falling into Li Lingtian's hands.

"It really is Li Lingtian, Taiyue Shenting's first super demon."

"I didn't expect him to come to the flames."

"Six Divine Lords and 51 Great Perfection Kings, all destroyed in the hands of one Great Perfection King."

"How horrible this can be, even the Divine Lord may not be able to do this step for him."

"The so-called Taiyue Shenting is the first super demon in a trillion years, and it really turned against the sky."

"Li Lingtian is a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor. This news has just been received."

"Ling Tiange Pavilion has come to our Blaze Pass, why don't we know about it, who actually received him?"

"He came to do the task, so his identity was kept secret, and he is now found."


On the battlefield of Lieyanguan, Li Lingtian's identity was exposed.

The news of Li Lingtian's coming to Blaze Guan let all the troops on the battlefield of Blaze Guan know.

Although I haven't seen Li Lingtian, I have heard about Li Lingtian. Now Li Lingtian is in the Tianfang Legion, destroying the six corps of Tianchi Shengjing.

Identity leaked, Li Lingtian did not hide.

Because even if the identity is exposed, other super powers will come, it will take a while.

His plan, even if he waited for these strong men to come, competed with these strong men.

The other party, as long as they don’t send the God Venerable Power, besides, the other party doesn’t dare to send the God Venerate to kill him, unless they are assassinating Li Lingtian in other places. battlefield.

When countless strong men and Tianchi Holy Realm Army discussed how to deal with Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian also passed a command to let the army under the **** of the heavens fight with all his strength, and try to kill these legions when the other army and the powerful form a circle.

For a time, all of the 90,000 troops of the Celestial Army took the ancient-class flying warship.

These warships are the spoils they obtained by killing other legions.

Use an ancient-class flying warship to fly with all the armies, meet the opposing legion, and stop the battle.

The Legion of the Divine Lord of Heaven and Earth swept along the way.

In just two months, of the eighteen legions in the outer battlefield, thirteen legions were wiped out by the legion of the Divine Lord.

Two months later, Tianchi Shengjing Center transferred ten large legions, and a million troops to deal with the Tianfang legions.

At the same time, Taiyue Shenting Blaze Guan Dajun, also sent a million troops to support the Heavenly Legion.

Both sides know each other's actions, because the two million troops are transferred from the central station. Needless to say, when the other army leaves the central station, it is transferred to the outer battlefield.

"Pavilion Lord."

"Tianchi Holy Realm sent a million troops to come, a total of thirteen superior **** master strong."

"Flame Pass also sent a million troops, 13 gods and two armies, 800 million miles away from us. The battlefield we met should be the Wuluo Mountains."

Among the unparalleled numbers, the respectful salute of the **** of heaven.

The news obtained from outside was immediately communicated to Li Lingtian.

Following Li Lingtian for a long time, the more I felt Li Lingtian's intrepidity. In three months, the army swept all the way, and there was no rival in the place.

The lower Divine Lord, the Middle Divine Lord, and the Upper Divine Lord had no chance to escape in front of Li Lingtian.

Even if Bai Feng and Lord Moon God joined forces, they were also beheaded by Li Lingtian.

"It's finally coming."

"After this battle, you will return to the general command battalion, and your seat will also leave."

"War, there are too many variables, you are ready for yourself."

An excited look appeared on Li Lingtian's face.

A million troops, I really deserve him.

However, no more army is useful. The million army is not his enemy, because the army with the flames resists, and his opponent is the Great King of God and the strong master of God.

As long as one or two of them are killed, the victory or defeat of the war will be in the hands of the flames.

However, although the other party has only 13 high-level divine masters on the bright side, it is inevitable that there are hidden divine masters and great perfection divine masters in secret, so he will not worry about the strong on the bright side, but the secret strong.

"The subordinates understand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the cabinet owner encounters any problems, don't care about us, just return to the general command battalion."

"The current status of the Pavilion Lord is sensitive. Whether it is Kunlun God Court or other forces, they want to erase the Pavilion Lord, so the Pavilion Lord has to do his utmost to protect himself."

Heavenly Divine Lord naturally knows Li Lingtian’s current situation. If he is too evil, he will be chased and killed by countless forces.

Like a demon like Li Lingtian, the people of Taiyue Shenting will not let other forces deal with him, because Li Lingtian is the super genius of Taiyue Shenting and the pride of genius.

"Go to the Uro Mountains and prepare for war!"

Li Lingtian nodded. He naturally had a plan. Even if he lost, he could leave safely.

Now, we must make the most powerful battle. After this battle, he will make other plans and will not stay in this place.


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