War God Supreme

Chapter 2198: The secret of the flames...

"Appreciate further details!"

When I saw Chiyang, I wanted to tell the secrets of the flame fairy sea and flame flame mountain, and suddenly showed curiosity.

He suspected that there are secrets in the flames and the flames, but he didn't expect them to be true. I don't know what the secrets are. Only a few high-level officials knew, and it attracted 30 million troops to gather in the flames and the flames.

"I heard that God of Destruction. Flames appeared."

"It appeared near the Blaze Fairy Mountain and Blaze Fairy Sea. Whether it is true or not, I am not sure."

"Ashamed, the Flame Gate is the site of Taiyue Shenting, but let the army of Kunlun Shenting first discover the secret of Flame Gate, the army confronts the Flame Sea and the Flame Mountain."

Chiyang said lightly, but these are all speculations of super gods, and there is no evidence.

However, the army of the Kunlun Shenting can be gathered in the Blazing Immortal Mountain and the Blaze Immortal Sea. I believe that the army of Kunlun Shenting has some certainty, or found something. Otherwise, the 20 million troops will not gather in the Blaze Fairy Sea and Blaze Fairy Hill.

"Goddess. Flames?"

"What is this? Is it a treasure or a practice?"

"Can it be a complete set of treasures?"

Li Lingtian was stunned, and the 30 million troops on both sides gathered for the sake of an extraordinary super treasure. Don't think about it. Blaze should be a powerful treasure or skill.

"Not bad."

"According to legend, there is a set of powerful treasures in the heavenly realm called God of Destruction."

"There are ten pieces of God of Destruction, including heaven, earth, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and war armor. Heaven and Earth can be comparable to the powerful Taichi artifact."

"But this set of treasures has never been gathered together, and ten pieces of God of Destruction are scattered throughout the heavens. The flames may be in the flames of the sea and the flames of the mountain."

Chiyang tells the secrets of the ten-piece set of God of Extermination. This treasure is for everyone in the realm of heaven, but no one gets it.

Not to mention a set of treasures, even a single piece is enough to cross the heavens.

The top-notch archaic artifact, it is the most powerful treasure in the realm of heaven, and even the Divine Lord can hardly get an archaic artifact.

Even if there is an ancient artifact in the hands of the **** master, it is all inferior and middle grade. The top grade is extremely rare, and the gem is rare in legend. Now there are the top ancient artifacts in the top class, which naturally makes countless powerful people shake and compete. .

"There are such artifacts in Heaven, no wonder."

"It seems that the younger brother is right this time."

Li Lingtian listened to Chi Yang's words, his face showing an excited look.

Although he has no certainty, he was able to encounter such an event, and he was very excited. Others or those who did not know the power and horror of the ancient artifact, but he knew it.

There are several ancient artifacts in his hand, Yunshuang, the God of Extermination, Nine Stars Outstanding Armor, Cloud Extinction Pearl, and Seven Wonderful Mirrors. These are powerful Swire Artifacts. The top grade, Yunmeizhu is also top grade.

The ancient artifact alone is far less powerful than the complete set of treasures, and the skills and attributes are the same.

His five-element field four-fold suppression and crushing heavy but the realm, the extinct **** sword innate artifact can be comparable to the ancient artifact.

If the ten unique artifacts of ancient archaeology come together, I don't know how powerful they are.

"Brother Li, be careful."

"Kunlun Divine Court has come with countless super geniuses, and some of the former super powers are also in the army of Kunlun Divine Court. The super genius Divine Lord is not the ordinary Great Perfection Divine Lord."

There was a trace of worry in Chiyang's voice. After all, even if he was, he was not 100% sure of the super monsters.

More importantly, he is the commander of the flames of the battlefield, he can not leave here, even if there are peerless treasures outside, he can not watch to compete.

He knew that Li Lingtian was a great super demon of Taiyue Shenting, but he was always just a god.

It can deal with ordinary **** masters, but it is not so good to deal with super **** evil **** masters.

"Little brother understands."

"Special operations team, younger brother to report."

"Ling Tian wished Brother Chiyang to cultivate for the great advance and step into the divine realm."

Li Lingtian stood up and said goodbye to Chiyang.

At present, Chiyang God mainly retreats and cultivates. He doesn't want to bother too much, and he still has some things to deal with, and he can't delay time.

"That's the promise of Brother Li."

There was a hint of joy in Chiyang Divine Lord's voice.

Then Li Lingtian left the main hall and walked outside.

After leaving the palace, he reported to the special operation group. The people of the special operation group arranged Li Lingtian into a palace, and did not assign any task to Li Lingtian.

After all, they all know Li Lingtian’s identity and know that Li Lingtian came here for other things. The Special Operations Group is just his identity, or a cover-up.

Taiyue Shenting, four secret areas.

Inside the Lingtian Palace of the Taiyue Temple.

This is the territory of Taiyue Shenting, the first super demon Li Lingtian in trillion years. With his identity and status, others may be squeezed out of Taiyue altar, but he will not be squeezed out.

After a hundred years of cultivation in the Five Elements world, all geniuses and evil spirits will do tasks.

The same is true for Li Lingtian. Calculating time, Li Lingtian has been away from the Shenting for five years.

During these five years, Li Lingtian will cast a ghost image every few days and return to Lingtian Palace to reunite with Xuanyuan Yingying.

"This time, I may have to stay here for a long time."

"Because there is a big secret in the battlefield of the flames, I have reached the flames, so I will not miss it."

On the third floor of Lingtian Palace, a small room where Xuanyuan Yingying and others gathered here.

In this room, a faint figure suspended in the air, with a multicolored glow, looks magical. If this shrine is very weak, no one would consider him as a figure, but as a super strong.

This figure is naturally Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just like Li Lingtian, the colorful brilliance is formed in the field of five elements, and it is also the attribute of his cultivation.

This is the ghost image, which is hundreds of millions of miles away, and can easily gather the ghost image in front of the person you want to see, but only if you have the coordinates of the other party.

When Li Lingtian left Shenting, he left a lot of coordinates in Shenting.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​what is the secret of the flames?"

"It can make you so curious, there is no danger."

Xuanyuan Yingying looked at Li Lingtian's phantom and said curiously.

Although they missed Li Lingtian, they were relieved to see Li Lingtian safe.

Now, when I heard that Li Lingtian said that there was a secret in the flame, he would stay in the flame for a period of time. I was curious about what happened to the flame, and even Li Lingtian was interested.


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