War God Supreme

Chapter 2204: The sea of ​​flames

"The escape has left."

Dozens of super gods and super demon are waiting on the flaming fairy sea.

With the passage of time, there was no slight movement on the flaming fairy sea, and no flying warships fell. The flying warship could not scan the flaming fairy sea with the slightest human breath.

In this situation, everyone knows that Li Lingtian is no longer here.

However, it is clear that, with Li Lingtian's strength, even if he is bombarded by the beam of a flying warship, he may not be able to destroy him, at most he is injured.

Naturally, Li Lingtian could not be killed by their flying warship in the sea of ​​flames.

Not seeing Li Lingtian now means that Li Lingtian has left here.

By looking at the crystal screen in the main control room, he passed on the sound to other super-gods, and the expression on his face became more and more dignified.

The great evil spirit of the great consummation of the God Lord, I did not expect this time to fall into the hands of a young god. If his consciousness is strong, the flying warship has the power to defend the penetration of consciousness, and he will also be strangled by Li Lingtian’s soul.

Because, he has suffered Li Lingtian's soul attack.

It was only that his flying warship had the power to defend against the penetration of the soul, and that his spirit was so powerful that it was not killed, but it also made him feel uncomfortable for a while.

Fortunately, inside the flying warship, if outside, he was attacked by this spirit, he lost his mind for a short time, and was killed by 100%.

Now I'm deeply afraid of Li Lingtian, and I even feel afraid of Li Lingtian.

Yes, all the **** masters and super demon in the flying battleship are penetrated and killed by Li Lingtian's soul.

"Brother, what should I do now"

"Does he enter the flame fairy mountain or leave the flame fairy sea"

"Yeah, do we want to continue chasing now"

"Brother, I don’t think we can use flying warships. We can use flying warships to be completely beaten by him. If we all show up, even if he is even more powerful, we can kill him together. "

"Yes, Li Lingtian is good at the soul attack. He is the soul soul penetrating the flying warship to kill our companions. As long as we force him out and attack together, his spirit attack is useless."

"Yes, even if you can use the Soul Attack, you can't deal with everyone."


The super gods and super demon in the flying warship began to talk and discuss.

But they dare not leave the flying warship, lest they be killed by Li Lingtian's name as soon as they go out.

"it is good."

"Everyone leaves the flying warship."

"His goal is the Flame Mountain, we go to the Flame Mountain, notify the others, and spread the news outside, so that Li Lingtian will be enemies everywhere."

After he finished speaking, he left the flying warship and put away the flying warship suspended on the flaming fairy sea.

There is a ruthless look in his eyes. This Li Lingtian will not kill, he will leave a shadow of his life. Xiuwei also wants to make progress, and if Li Lingtian does not kill Li Lingtian now, after Li Lingtian reaches the God Lord, They will not be able to deal with Li Lingtian.

Suddenly, other gods and geniuses also left the flying warship.

However, when he left the flying warship, he passed on Li Lingtian's whereabouts, and also notified other super monsters to rush over to fight to wipe out Li Lingtian in this place.

Afterwards, Baizhan took other gods and super geniuses and flew towards the Flame Fairy Mountain.

While flying, glance with your consciousness to guard against Li Lingtian's sneak attack.

When Bai Zhe and others chased towards the Blaze Immortal Mountain, the Kunlun Shenting and the Blaze Guan's army all knew about the Blaze Immortal Sea, and learned that Li Lingtian had not fallen yet, and in the absence of a flying warship, he flew the Kunlun Shenting Dozens of gods in the battleship were killed.

Such a thing is even more shocking.

"Without a flying warship, it is possible to destroy the God Lord inside the flying warship. This is impossible."

"how did you do that"

"In the absence of a flying warship, it was also bombarded by hundreds of ancient-class flying warships, and actually killed so many gods of the other party. It was too powerful."

"My brother Li is really terrifying."

"Little Master Uncle's strength is too powerful, and the super demon and the gods are also killed while hiding in the flying battleship."

"Kunlun Shenting countless super geniuses and super powers have already gone to the Flame Flame Mountain. It should be to deal with the Lingtian Pavilion Lord. We also gathered all the strength to go to the Flame Flame Mountain."

"This Li Lingtian is too strong and must be killed."

"Prepare the second plan to deal with him."

"Everyone goes to the Flame Mountain."


The Great Flame Guan Army, the Kunlun Shenting Army, shocked.

Li Lingtian is like a victory in the two armies, an unmatched victory.

At the same time of shaking, the two armies also began to arrange. Countless large forces quickly gathered towards the Flame Fairy Mountain. Countless super powers and gods also approached the Flame Flame Mountain.

Pulling the whole body in motion, a person attracts 30 million troops and countless super gods.

"Turn on the teleport and go to the flames of the central station."

The commanding center of the flames, Lord Liuli and other powerful masters of the gods were also the first to get the matter of the flames and the sea, and they couldn't sit still when encountering such things.

After proposing to go to the Sea of ​​Flames, the sixteen Super Dharma Peak Gods all agreed to rush to the Sea of ​​Flames, lest things change.

It takes a few days from the main command center of the flame to the central battlefield.

However, the flame has created a magical transmission array, a special dedicated transmission channel that can span a few days in just a few minutes.

The teleportation array was opened, and the sixteen superspirits of the Great Consummation Peak disappeared.

"A hundred years of stalemate, this time may break the deadlock."

"If you can't defeat the Flame Pass to the Flame Sea, you must kill Li Lingtian."

"Teleport Target: Blazing Sea"

In the Kunlun Shenting Tianchi Holy Realm Battlefield Command Center, the expressions on the faces of more than a dozen super-consumer gods were extremely excited.

The strength of the armies of the two sides is very different. It is easy to defeat the armies of the flames of the Taiyue Shenting.

However, their goal is not to defeat the army of Taiyue Shenting's Blaze Pass, even if they are defeated, there is no use, because Taiyue Shenting cannot be defeated.

The battle at the flame gate is for the flame sea within the flame gate.

Now, the goal is for the God of Destruction in the God of Destruction suit. Blaze, there is the eradication of Li Lingtian, the first demon of Taiyue Shenting.

"The army of Taiyue Shenting Blaze Pass, and the army of Tianchi Shengjing, are all gathered in the flames of the Xianhai. They are not only for Li Lingtian's business, but also for destroying God. Blaze."

"The war between the two armies, we can seize the opportunity to destroy God. Blaze."

In the battlefield of Blaze Pass, not only the army of Taiyue Shenting Blaze Pass and the army of Tianchi Holy Realm, but also countless other strengths are mixed in it.

This point is naturally known to the two armies, but both armies did not pay attention to these strong men and forces, because there is no need to pay attention to these strong men and forces.

As long as they do not participate in the wars and interests of the two armies, the two armies naturally open their eyes and close their eyes. However, if someone touches the interests of the two armies, then the result is a ruinous end.

Because, in the heavens, the four great courts are the most powerful. Even if other forces are very powerful, they are not opponents of the four great courts.

"This time, Li Lingtian must be killed."

"If there is a chance, by the way, wipe out these guys like Hao Yang and Bai Zhan."

"The super evils of the two great courts cannot be left behind. In the future, the two great courts will become more powerful and will be detrimental to us."

"Different lords, lords, ants only."

The flame is close to the tens of millions of miles of the flaming fairy sea. An old man in black is suspended in the air, with a black flame in his eyebrows. His whole body is filled with horror magic energy. The entire space is his field within tens of thousands of miles.

Eyes, blood red for a while, miserable green for a while, the world changes in his eyes.

In one step, the whole person is already a million miles away.

If someone sees this person, he will definitely see his cultivation as a state, and he has already reached the divine state.

However, I can't believe that gods with **** level entered the battlefield of Blaze Pass.

"Li Lingtian, in order to kill you, the deity has been suppressing the realm for almost a hundred years, and it really deserves you."

"The deity can't shoot, the deity will let you see the means of the false deity."

Lord Haoyang looked at the direction of the flaming fairy sea, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When the sound fell, the strange shape disappeared, as if completely evaporated.

He, Lord Haoyang, super demon of Kunlun God Court, the first demon of a period, has now reached the pinnacle of Great Dharma Lord, only one step away from Divine Venerable.

If you reach the deity, it is the pinnacle of mankind, surpassing trillions of humans.

However, the above allowed him to stay in God Realm for a period of time, because Li Lingtian in Taiyue Shenting, God Venerable can not kill and deal with other powerful people, but as long as he reaches the God Venerable to kill Li Lingtian, no one will say anything.

"Goddess suit, another treasure is born, haha."

"This time I can't miss it."

"This time countless people are competing for this extermination. Blaze, there is a good show."

"Li Lingtian's things and treasure things meet together, haha, really good."

"While killing Li Lingtian and fighting for the **** of destruction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Flames, this is the most exciting thing."


Countless scattered powerhouses and monks naturally know the flames of the sea.

Although Li Lingtian is strong against the sky, but countless strong men and gods join forces, even if Li Lingtian is still against the sky, there is only one way to go.

The treasure is an unowned thing. If you can get this treasure, your strength will increase a lot.

Such treasures are rare for thousands of years, and naturally cannot be missed.

For a time, countless armies, countless **** kings and gods, countless super monsters, countless mysterious powerhouses and mysterious forces, all stared at the flame sea and flame mountain.

Blaze Pass, flying warships can be seen everywhere, and countless super powers can be seen everywhere. The targets are all one place, that is, the flame sea and the flame mountain.



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