War God Supreme

Chapter 2207: Ganjin Shinsei (2...

c_t; Blaze Pass all the armies above the true god, as well as countless gods and kings, as well as god-level spirits, all gathered in the Blaze Fairy Mountain. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]. Update quickly. Please search for the most complete! The fastest updating novel

For a time, here can be said to have gathered the most powerful strength of Tianchi Holy Land and Blaze Pass.

The armies of the two sides are stalemate against each other.

Although the powerful of other forces do not want to be enemies with Taiyue Shenting and Kunlun Shenting, they also do not want to give up destroying God. Flames.

Therefore, all the super gods and the strong are waiting outside the flame fairy mountain.

Boom~ boom~ boom~

Time, day by day.

Unconsciously, three months have passed.

Three months have passed, the flames of the Flame Mountain are even greater, and the flaming flame ‘wave’, the terrifying power, surrounds the entire Flame Mountain, even the God Master is not afraid to be within a hundred miles of the Flame Mountain.

On this day, the huge towering flaming fairy mountain exudes hundreds of millions of fiery radiances. The radiance is somewhat similar to the flame, but it is not a blaze, because this radiance is like a crystal.

Seeing this situation, all the strong men and spirits were foolish and irritated, and an excited **** ‘exposed’ on his face.

Because this sign is before the birth of the peerless treasure.

In other words, the flames have a **** of destruction. The flames are true.

Although I heard rumors before, I didn't believe it. Now that I see the situation at this time, all the strong men are sure to destroy God. Blaze must be here, and will be born soon.

Peerless treasures, top-notch archaic artifacts God Extinguishing·Flame, make countless super gods and super evil spirits excited.

Get this treasure, heaven.

Even if the gods of ice and wood cannot be used, they can be exchanged for wealth and treasure.

"Goddess Flames is coming."

"Ready, don't let people play'flowers' here."

Gods such as God of Gods and Lord Taishuang saw that God of Flame and Flame were about to be born, and they ordered it to prepare the army of Flame Pass, and the flying warships were joined together, and the attack of destruction and powerful defense opened.

If the army of Kunlun Shenting fights with flying warships here, the army of Kunlun Shenting will find death.

In such a situation, as long as everyone competes fairly and will not use flying warships to kill opponents, then Taiyue Shenting will not use flying warships.

In fact, the powerful and powerful forces in the Heaven Realm all know the power of Taiyue Shenting.

We all know that Taiyue Shenting's flying warships are the first in the heavens, and their power is destroying the world. They don't want Taiyue Shenting to use these flying warships. It can be said that a powerful flying warship is a taboo weapon in the heavens. (

Like a nuclear weapon in the age of nuclear weapons, Taiyue Shenting controlled the most powerful and most flying warships.

Naturally, I don't want to use a flying warship to fight Taiyue Shenting. This is to kill Taiyue Shenting with his own weaknesses.



For a time, thousands of ancient-class flying warships, and even ruined congenital flying warships were here, and there was a flying warship of the highest class in the middle.

In the celestial realm, congenital-class flying warships are rarely used, let alone the treasure-class flying warships.

A treasure-class flying warship, as long as a **** is locked, even if the **** power is careless, it will instantly disappear. However, as long as the **** ruler does not violate the rules of the heaven, you cannot use the innate and treasure kills. Deity.

Even if the deity violated the rules, he could only be caught and sent to the central heaven for trial.

"Wu Tian, ​​don't violate the iron laws of the Four Great Divine Court and Heaven Court."

The phaseless **** master of the Kunchi Shenting Tianchi Holy Realm was shocked to see that the tens of thousands of flying warships of Taiyue Shenting had opened, and all the super gods and super demon were also afraid.

Suddenly, the God of the Unrelated God shouted loudly, and the sound spread throughout the area hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"Taiyue Shenting has an order. As long as everyone does not violate the iron laws of Shenting and Tianting, Taiyue Shenting will not use flying warships. If someone dares to mess up, Taiyue Shenting's flying warships are not vegetarian."

"Although the treasure appears in the flame gate, appears in Taiyue Shenting, but Taiyue Shenting gives everyone a chance, who can get this God of Destruction Flame, that is his luck."

The God of No Phase said loudly, with a smile on his face.

Although the strength of Taiyue Shenting is not the most powerful, the flying warship is the most terrifying of the entire heaven.

In the face of these flying warships, no matter how powerful they are, they can only fear and fear.

"So much the better."

After the God of No Phase heard God's Word, he felt a little relieved.

At the same time, other super monsters and super gods, as well as other forces are also relieved a lot, as long as Taiyue Shenting does not use flying warships, they will not fear the strong man of Taiyue Shenting.


It was this moment of kung fu that made the flame fairy mountain move even more.

The fierce flame fairy mountain shook and shook, as if it was about to collapse.

Hundreds of millions of fiery radiances shining on this world, the terrifying power overwhelmed the gods and gods present, but they did not want to take a step back in the face of the peerless treasure that was about to be born.

"Treasure is about to be born, our people fly up."

"Treasures are born, and anyone who obtains them will become the target."

"But you can't always see the treasure and don't grab it."

"Seize it first and then say, as long as you get the treasure, you will leave here immediately."

"This is a top-notch archaic artifact, a super treasure of heaven."

"Brother, you and I will join forces for the time being, and wait until the treasure is in hand before we can do it."

"Yunting Lange, let's work together. If we get this treasure, how will we exchange it for wealth?"


Watching the movement of the flame fairy mountain, countless strong men began to join forces in secret.

Under such circumstances, only by joining forces can we have a chance to obtain treasures, otherwise we will have no chance at all.

Not only is the casual cultivation and the super gods quietly joining forces, but the super powers except Taiyue and Kunlun have also secretly formed an alliance. Before fighting for the treasure, they cannot kill each other. They are unanimously aimed at the two powers.



At this moment, the flame fairy mountain erupted a shocking explosion.

A million miles in diameter, the flame fairy mountain suddenly exploded.

The power of destruction is like destroying the entire celestial realm. The strong men who are hundreds of thousands of miles away bear the brunt, and the repair is turned into ashes in a slightly lower moment.

All armies and powerhouses, all flying warships, are destroyed by the power of destruction.




With a scream, a bang, the flame fairy mountain disappeared, and the flame fairy sea was so confusing and chaotic.

The explosion of the flaming fairy mountain caused countless troops and gods to fall.

It can be said that one-third of the army and the strong fell under this one.

All the big armies and the strong, withdraw millions of miles.

His face was horrified, and he felt palpitations.

However, at this moment all looked at the fiery red glow in the distance in the sky.

Originally there was Flaming Immortal Mountain, but after the Exploding Flame Immortal Mountain exploded, it completely disappeared into the melt of the Flaming Immortal Sea. However, after the Flaming Immortal Mountain disappeared, a thousand-foot artifact was suspended in the air.

The artifact is the formation of flames, the soul of flames.

The power of destruction emanates from the artifact, impacting the world.

Moreover, under this artifact, there is a radiance, a radiance of gray'color', the radiance of gray'color' is printed with the radiance of flames and flames.

Seeing this scene, all the army and super gods exclaimed.

"Goddess Flames!"

"Goddess Flame is born."

"No, it's more than God Extinguishing Flame."

"There is one more treasure under God of Extinction and Flame, the treasure together with God of Extinction and Flame."

"It's God Destroyer."

"Goddess·Sky Armor!"

"Goddess·Flame and Goddess·Sky Armor together!"

"The two treasures of the Destroyer Set are together, which is great."

"I didn't expect the two treasures to appear together."


In the void, the kilometer-long God of Destruction·Flame, and the powerful God of Destruction·Sky Armor, made countless troops and powerful people very excited. They did not expect that the God of Destruction suit appeared two at once.

A battleship and a destroying flaming artifact, if obtained, heaven is undoubtedly.



Suddenly, all the super monsters and super gods flew towards the two super treasures in the void.

The battle of fierce competition began.

The general army, the True God and the Divine King, dared not participate, even the Divine King, did not dare to **** two super treasures, and could only watch from afar.

In the air, there are nearly one hundred super gods in Taiyue Divine Court, more than two hundred super gods in Kunlun Divine Court, and super gods of other forces, adding up to four hundred super gods.

Four hundred super gods fought fiercely in the air, competing for two super treasures.

Anything is a super existence that shakes the heavenly realm. If you can get one, it is enough for the heavenly realm.



Destruction, destruction of heaven and earth.

The blazing flames "wave" into the sky, the whole world is destroyed.

Over time, more than ten super-gods have fallen, but no one is within two hundred miles of the two super treasures, and within one hundred miles, they cannot bear the power and flame of destruction.

As long as it is close to God of Destruction, Flame and God of Destruction, it will be impacted by the power of Sky Armor and destroyed by the power of Flame. The two treasures together are enough to destroy any god-level deity.

"Stop first."

"Stop first."

A moment after the war~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All the super-gods saw the strangeness. They didn't even touch the super-treasure and fell more than ten gods. This is not worth it.

If it is said that after getting the treasure and being killed, it will not regret it.

However, so many strong men, but unable to get closer to the artifact, this face is too scary.

Suddenly, all the war gods stopped.

Eyes looked at the God of Destruction, Flame and God of Destruction in the distance.

"The God of Destruction, Flame and God of Destruction, with the power of destruction, if there is no way to take it away, let's not fight for it, see who can take them away."

A black superhero was suspended in the air and said aloud.

All gods have helpers or joint hands, but this black **** is alone, but he has not been hurt in the slightest. Countless powerful gods dare not approach him.


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