War God Supreme

Chapter 2212: Dragon Realm

The dragon qi in the dragon ring kept entering the body of Li Lingtian.

The domineering and terrifying dragon's energy impacted Li Lingtian's body, making Li Lingtian enter the eighteenth floor of hell, with a distorted expression on his face and a very painful look.

Gradually, a shocking change occurred in Li Lingtian's body, and the whole person turned into a ten-mile-long holy dragon.

The body protection of the real dragon, Li Lingtian has reached the peak of the Holy Dragon Realm long ago, but he has no time to practice, and naturally cannot break through. Now that he is on the verge of life and death, he can only try it hastily.

A ten-year-old holy dragon swayed in Wuyue's repression, and the terrifying dragon spirit continued to strengthen the holy dragon.

Inside, Shenglong Neidan continues to sublimate.

For a time, Shenglong Neidan reached its peak.

The entire space is full of ruined dragon spirit, the flames of the fairy sea oscillate, and the void vanishes.

The dragon itself is the supreme race, powerful and invincible, and the divine body is extremely overbearing. The divine body is the best and most powerful weapon, especially the Holy Dragon Realm reached by Li Lingtian.

Shenglong resisted the suppression of Wuyue, and Shenglong continued to sublimate and change its quality.

Lord Haoyang saw Li Lingtian turned into a holy dragon, and the look on his face was shocked. He did not dare to have the slightest care. He tried his best to destroy God Wuyue, hoping to destroy Li Lingtian as soon as possible, or he would not be able to kill Li Lingtian after Li Lingtian broke through.

However, no matter how he displayed the God of Destruction Wuyue, the Holy Dragon was not destroyed by him.

The Holy Dragon resists the horrible suppression, and the Dragon Spirit continuously strengthens the Holy Dragon.

Lord Haoyang constantly blessed the power of Wuyue, and the two stalemate together, and they didn't know the ending.

The army and the strong men present were shocked beyond sight when they saw the shock in the air. They did not expect that Li Lingtian to be destroyed was still a member of the dragon family. Now he is breaking through. If he can break through, Li Lingtian will be able to break away from God of Destruction. ·Suppression of Wuyue.


"Join to kill Li Lingtian."

At this time, the countless super demon and gods of Kunlun Shenting were also worried.

I don’t know who shouted, and dozens of devastating magical powers suddenly bombarded Li Lingtian.

However, all the magical powers bombarded on the suppression of Wuyue, and immediately displayed the power shock of Wushen and Wuyue, as if they were to be destroyed. This situation shocked the powerful people and gods of Kunlun Shenting, and Haoyang was almost angry. .


Lord Haoyang gave a cold drink and looked coldly at the spirit who attacked Li Lingtian.

Not afraid of opponents like gods, only pig-like teammates.

Originally these gods wanted to help Lord Haoyang to kill Li Lingtian, but did not expect that the suppression of Wuyue was shaken. All the attacks landed on Wuyue.



Li Lingtian turned into a holy dragon, and the dragon chanted through Jiuxiao.

Moreover, under the impact of a terrifying and powerful dragon gas, the Holy Dragon sublimates rapidly, absorbing the divine power of space as energy, and the Holy Dragon Nedan exudes terrifying power.

In the void, the mighty power of God of Extinction·Flame and God of Extinction·Sky Armor also constantly squeezed Li Lingtian, making Li Lingtian's dragon body change more and counterattack in the Jedi.

"Nine dragons changed, the dragon appeared, and the world was shocked."

"This seat turns into a dragon and travels all over the world."

"Shenlong Realm, Breakthrough!"

The sacred dragon that Li Lingtian turned into was constantly changing. In a full minute, the sacred dragon broke through and sublimated under the eyes of all the armies and the strong.

Even Wuyue who couldn't do Haoyang could not kill Li Lingtian. Not only did his Wuyue not kill Li Lingtian, but on the contrary, it also became the protection of Li Lingtian, because the attacks of other powerful people will be resisted by Wuyue.

But he did not dare to withdraw Wuyue. If Li Lingtian was freed from the crackdown, it would be even more difficult to kill Li Lingtian. All the people who wanted to kill Li Lingtian had no way at all.

Within a minute, Li Lingtian roared and shook the world.

Holy Dragon Realm also began to impact Shenlong Realm at this time.

Suddenly, the entire flaming fairy sea shook up, the space was twisted, and the void was destroyed.

The holy dragon was only ten miles long, but now it is soaring rapidly.

Ten miles, twenty miles, thirty miles...

One hundred miles, two hundred miles, three hundred miles...

In a moment, the holy dragon reached a size of three thousand miles. The holy dragon, which was about three thousand miles in size, has not stopped, and it is still skyrocketing. What is more shocking is that the holy dragon is sublimated and the breath becomes more terror.



Roar, roar!

The shocking sound of the sky, the roaring violently.

The holy dragon is five thousand miles long and hundreds of miles in size, like an endless mountain range, but this mountain range is not a mountain range, but a terrifying dragon.

This divine dragon, still under Wuyue's repression, never broke free from Wuyue's repression.

In this situation, Haoyang relaxed a little, because even if Li Lingtian broke through, he did not break away from Wuyue's repression. At that time, the suppression and destruction of Li Lingtian would take at most a little time.

The Kunlun Divine Court and other powerful army gods were shocked and rejoiced.

The Taiyue Shenting army and the gods are looking forward to it very much, expecting Li Lingtian to break through Wuyue's repression after breaking through the Shenlong Realm.

But now Li Lingtian has reached the Shenlong Realm, but has not broken through the crackdown of Wuyue.

"Every god, Wuyue, wants to suppress this seat."

"Jokes, big jokes!"

"Shenlong changes, everything is destroyed!"

Become a holy dragon, break through to the dragon, Li Lingtianlong Yin Jiuxiao.

The dragon body is five thousand miles in size. The dragon body is cyan, and the whole body is cyan, with a terrifying visual impact. This dragon body gives an indestructible breath of destruction.

The dragon scales shone with white brilliance, the cyan dragon body with white brilliance, two colors of divine dragon.

Seeing Wuyue's repressive power, the Shenlong made a terrifying sound of dragon chanting.

When the sound fell, the huge dragon claws captured Wuyue's crackdown.

Suddenly, the power of the claws formed a terrible vortex in the space. The vortex bombarded the power of Wuyue's suppression, and only heard a clicking sound.



Wuyue's repression was torn, and the destruction of the dragon claws bombarded Wuyue.

Suddenly the huge Wuyue shook up, and the Lord Haoyang, who was in charge of Wuyue, spurted out blood, and his body flew out into the distance, his face pale.

Shenlong Realm, breakthrough!

The dragon is five thousand miles in size, the huge dragon tail swings, and the space is torn apart.

The dragon's claws wave, and the world is imprisoned.

Dragon Breath destroys all things in the world.

Shenlong is the supreme existence of heaven and earth, glancing at the world.

The flaming fairy sea also trembles in front of the dragon, as if it is about to burst.

The coercive power of the Nether God Extinction, Flame and God Extinction, and the power of the God Dragon imprinted with each other, all the troops and gods present felt the terrible threat of death.

In front of the Shenlong, even the super gods became weak.

Shenlong, the supreme dragon.

The peak of the Xiaobai Shenglong Realm is equivalent to the peak of the God King. If it reaches the Dragon Realm, it is the four-color Shenlong, which is equivalent to the peak of the Divine Lord.

Li Lingtian is not Xiaobai, but he also has the blood of the dragon.

Therefore, even if his achievements in the Dragon Clan are not as high as Xiaobai, but apart from Xiaobai, no Dragon Clan is more powerful than him.

Now, reaching the state of the Shenlong is equivalent to the state of the Great Perfection of the Peak of the God King.

The dragon clan is the pinnacle of the **** king, which is comparable to the pinnacle of the **** clan, because this is the dragon clan, and it is not comparable to ordinary human beings.

At this time, the Shenlong Realm was comparable to the pinnacle of the Great Constellation Divine Lord, and would no longer fear the super-gods such as Lord Haoyang. Even if they were not their opponents, they would not be able to suppress him as they started.

"Useless, look at you high."

In the air, a floating sound sounded.

The sound was so cold that everyone felt trembling after hearing it.

Everyone looked at the source of the speech. I saw that the speaker was indeed the black-clothed god, the great-grandmother's black-clothed god, and the black-clothed **** looked disdainfully at Haoyang God who was blown away in the distance.

At this time, all the people knew that the black **** was talking about Lord Haoyang, but he didn't know who the black **** was, and he dared to say that.

"court death."

Lord Haoyang was injured when Li Lingtian broke through the Shenlong Realm, and is now insulted by others. He was even more furious. One-handed, a gray arrow struck at the gods in black.

The gray arrow strangles and destroys the space, and instantly travels hundreds of miles to the black god.

Unexpectedly, the attack of Lord Haoyang stopped strangely at a distance of 100 meters from the black god, as if imprisoned in the air.

This situation shocked everyone, and Lord Haoyang was even more shocked.

Although his attack was not as powerful as Wuyue, it was absolutely terrifying enough. It is impossible for the general Divine Master Dzogchen to easily take it, let alone want to be imprisoned in the air like this.

More importantly, there is no movement at all in this black god.

Even if there is no movement, you can control the whole world and everything in the world.



"He is a deity."

"God respects the strong."

"It is the super **** of God."

Seeing all this, countless super-gods exclaimed, the domain cannot do this step, and it can do this step, only the law, the supreme law will be so magical and powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The **** in black is definitely a deity of the **** level, but it hides cultivation as the realm.

It was found that this black deity was indeed a deity, and all the armies and deities were horrified. A deity was hidden here, and it must have been a conspiracy. The deity took action, but it was terrible.

"On the battlefield, it is strictly forbidden to enter the deity."

"I don't know how to call the senior. The younger urged the senior to leave the flaming fairy sea as soon as possible, otherwise it would be against Taiyue Shenting, and even the most heavenly."

The look on the face of Liuli God is ugly. He knows that most of this black **** is coming to Li Lingtian, not to destroy the treasure.

If Li Lingtian really came, then this matter would be troublesome, and no one could stop it.

Now, he can only use the rules of the heaven to suppress the black god, and he dare not mention the purpose of the black god, so as not to remind the black god.


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