War God Supreme

Chapter 2218: Turn in

Back at the Shenting, Li Lingtian's first thing was to go to the Qingji Palace.

The Qingji Palace is the largest palace next to the central square of the four major secret areas. It is also a place where geniuses accept tasks, a place where geniuses trade, and a place where all geniuses and powerful people receive benefits and rewards.

Li Lingtian's task was naturally obtained from this place.

The first time he received the advanced task, the 100-year deadline is basically impossible to complete. Now he has completed this advanced task in four years, and he has completed this advanced task in excess.

Some tasks can only be done once, and points are also specified.

Some tasks, although they can only be done once, have additional rewards.

For example, Li Lingtian’s high-level mission is at Blaze Pass. The condition of the mission is to kill ten great consummating **** kings, as long as the ten great consummating **** kings are killed.

If you kill 20 Great Consummation Kings, you will get double points. If you kill 30 Great Consummation Kings, you will get three points, which is the stacking of mission completion.

Moreover, the killing of a Divine Lord is equivalent to the killing of ten Great Perfection Kings.

Soon, Li Lingtian came to the Qingji Palace.

"Congratulations to Lord Lingtian Pavilion."

Just came to the Qingji Palace, Zhang Yao achievements ushered in.

Zhang Yaocheng happened to pass the hall of Qingji Palace and saw Li Lingtian coming, so he hurried forward to salute Li Lingtian.

"This seat comes to hand in the task."

Li Lingtian nodded, with a smile on his face.

"Ling Tian Pavilion Master, please."

Zhang Yaocheng bowed and made a please gesture.

He took Li Ling to walk around in an elegant room. In front of Li Lingtian, he did not dare to have the slightest sloppyness. The last time Li Lingtian took the advanced task, the Bishui Fairy found him and gave him a sense of palpitations.

When Li Lingtian arrived in the room, a maid served a fragrant tea.

"This place kills 1,132 people of the Great King of God, and 163 people of the Divine Lord."

"This is the ghost record condensed from this block, you review it."

After tasting a sip of fragrant tea, Li Lingtian moved, a crystal ball appeared in his hand, then he said, and after that, the crystal ball floated towards Zhang Yaocheng.

This time, the original high-level task was to experience and earn points.

I did not expect that I had killed so many strong men in the battlefield, and the points I exchanged were naturally quite a lot, but when I wanted to use them, no more points would be enough.

"Patriarch, please wait a moment."

"To review the tasks and advanced tasks of the cabinet master, there must be more than three talent lines."

"Moreover, this time the overlord has completed so many tasks that the next person cannot be determined."

Zhang Yaocheng knew that Li Lingtian was shocking the world in the flames, but he did not expect Li Lingtian to kill so many powerful people, so many powerful people and gods were killed, the task has exceeded countless times. When reviewing, naturally it is necessary to A few people will be there together.

Li Lingtian waved his hand and let Zhang Yaocheng leave.

After a moment of effort, four figures at the level of the gods walked into the room, and after saluting Li Lingtian, they began to check the mission record.

The five **** masters and strong men, looking at the battle records released in the crystal ball, their faces are all shocked, just like seeing ghosts, they are **** masters and strong men, but they have not reached the great consummation.

And Li Lingtian's extermination and killing of the Great Sovereign Divine Lord is just a wave of hands.

In other words, Li Lingtian's extermination of the Lord of the Gods was simply killing the ants. If they were to be wiped out of five, it would be just a few fingers away.

They are countless epochs in the realm of heaven, but they never imagined that a monarch is as horrible and powerful as possible. Fortunately, this horrible character is not their enemy. If such an enemy is encountered, it will be a nightmare.

After a full hour, the five finally read the record of Li Lingtian's battle.

It's just that the five people have become numb, and Li Lingtian's intrepidity and anti-naturalness make them speechless and indescribable.

"Lingtian Pavilion Master."

"I have completed the task record review and all have passed the task requirements."

"One thousand and one hundred and twelve great consummate **** masters, the task completion degree is 113 times."

"One hundred and sixty-three gods and strong men are also one hundred and sixty-three quilts, a total of 276 times."

"Flame off advanced task, after completion is 10000 points, now Lingtian Pavilion Master can get 2.76 million points, multiplied by double points is 5.52 million points."

Zhang Yaocheng saluted Li Lingtian and said the results of the audit.

Afterwards, he calculated the points that Li Lingtian deserved this time. The points Li Lingtian got this time reached 5.52 million points. This horrible data is unavailable to other super monsters for hundreds of thousands of years or even a lifetime.

"it is good."

Li Lingtian nodded. With so many points, he can use it for a while.

It can be said that if you don’t do tasks for at least a thousand years, you will not spend ugly points, but the premise is that you can’t exchange for treasures, otherwise you can use up millions of points even for the same thing.

Now, he has other things to solve, and if he doesn’t, it’s really troublesome.

"That subordinate transfers the points to Ling Tian Pavilion Master."

Zhang Yaocheng said.

Li Lingtian said nothing, and took out a crystal clear token.

This token is his identity token, which has basic information, and the points of Shenting are all transferred to it, which is also convenient when used.

Soon, Zhang Yaocheng transferred 5.52 million points to Li Lingtian and returned the token to Li Lingtian.

"You will deal with these treasures and materials."

"Change to these materials, or spirit stones."

Li Lingtian took over the token and completed the high-level mission. Now he still has some wealth he has to deal with. These things were all obtained by him in the battlefield of Blaze Pass, and they were processed here.

With his identity, these treasures and objects are naturally not needed, but the Divine Court has a way to deal with them.

"Subordinates let people handle it."

Zhang Yaocheng took over Li Lingtian's space ring, and the consciousness swept inside the space ring.

It was found that the space ring was full of space rings, which was shocking.

He naturally knew that the wealth was obtained by Li Lingtian in the battlefield of the flames. The quantity was naturally shocking. If one wanted to sort out the value of these treasures, it was simply whimsical.

Then Zhang Yaocheng followed the other four divine masters to leave the Ya room. After a few minutes of effort, Zhang Yaocheng came to the Ya room with a dozen god-level existences and counted the wealth in front of Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian was meditating while resting. Naturally he knew how many items he had, and the other party would not be able to complete the inventory in a short time. So it is the best way to meditate and rest.

Sure enough, more than a dozen **** kings plus Zhang Yaocheng counted the wealth in Li Lingtian's space ring, and it took four hours to count them. This was the end of the count, and the value of these wealth was calculated.

"Lingtian Pavilion Master."

"We have finished the inventory."

"The total value of these treasures and materials is 1230 trillion. The materials you need are only 80 trillion."

"So, we can pay you 1,150 trillion spirit stones and 80 trillion spirit stones."

"Look, are there any questions?"

After Zhang Yaocheng counted the wealth in Li Lingtian's space ring, he spoke respectfully.

Putting the value of these wealth aside, he looked at Li Lingtian after he had finished speaking. If Li Lingtian had no objection, he would collect the wealth.

"that's it."

Li Lingtian said flatly.

There are so many spirit stones and wealth, enough for him for a while.

One mission, such a big gain, beyond the scope of imagination.

Soon, Li Lingtian's Lingjing card had more than 1,150 Tianjing, and Li Lingtian's spirit stone from these space rings had 717 Tianjing, now in Li Lingtian's Lingjing card. There are a total of eight hundred and sixty-seven days crystal, that is: 1867 trillion spirit stone.

Dealing with everything, Li Lingtian left the Qingji Palace.

In the central square, I gathered for a day with other super geniuses and monsters of the same period.

These people are naturally Zhuge Yangyu and Bai Chengze.

In more than ten years, Li Lingtian completed an advanced task. They also completed the junior and intermediate and advanced tasks, but they did not get as many points as Li Lingtian.

I haven't seen it for ten years.

One day later, Li Lingtian returned to Lingtian Palace to concentrate on cultivation.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also sent the materials of his extinct sword and Bishui fairy into the Wuji Palace.

Promise Palace, is the palace of Taiyue altar, the human super-spirit Ling Xiao Divine Emperor, a person covers an area of ​​tens of millions of miles.

There are countless disciples under Lingxiao Divine Emperor, all of them are forging masters and array masters.

Taiyue Shenting's flying warships and treasures are all built from the Promise Palace.

Ling Xiao Divine Emperor's status was unmatched. Even Li Lingtian was a disciple of Wu Xing Divine Emperor, but it was impossible to see Ling Xiao Divine Emperor, so Li Lingtian had to help the Bishui fairy help.

Li Lingtian has also made arrangements, hoping to be able to impact the God Realm within fifty years in the Shenting.

At the same time, take control of God of Destruction, Sky Armor, God of Flame, and God of Destruction-Wuyue ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to improve your overall strength, and then complete the things you have not done.

While cultivating, refining treasures, while enlightening the mystery of magical powers, improve the realm.

At the same time, he also instructed the people in Lingtian Palace to practice. In his free time, Li Lingtian instructed the maid and maid to practice in Lingtian Palace and taught Wang Xiaoman and Ming Yan'er.

Although he would not let them go to war, he wanted them to live alone.

If he was not there, they would have the strength to protect themselves.

With Li Lingtian's knowledge and cultivation practice, pointing the Divine Lord is also a hand in hand, so it is naturally very easy to point out some maidservants and bodyguards. The fastest improvement in cultivation strength is Wang Xiaoman and them.

With Li Lingtian’s instructions, treasured elixirs, and magical and powerful exercises, his strength has risen sharply.


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