War God Supreme

Chapter 2221: gap

c_t; Inside the five-element world, inside the central square of Shenting. (cotton candy

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of super demon and super strong are gathering. These devil and strong are all with a shocked look on their faces. Looking at the crystal screen, they are completely dull.

It's like seeing ghosts.

The third floor of Jupiter's Sky, the fourth heavy tower of the Nine Towers, pass!

The fourth floor of Jupiter’s Sky, the fourth tower of the Nine Towers, pass!

The fifth floor of the fourth tower of Jupiter’s Sky, pass!

The sixth floor of Jupiter's Sky, the fourth heavy tower of the Nine Towers, pass!

The Ninth Tower, the fourth heavy Jupiter's seventh floor, pass!

The eighth floor of Jupiter's Sky, the fourth heavy tower of the Nine Towers, pass!

The ninth tower, the fourth heavy Jupiter sky, the ninth floor, pass!

On the crystal screen, the three characters of Li Lingtian are huge. The logo of Jiuxiao Tower behind Li Lingtian's name lights up one layer every five minutes. From the second floor to the ninth floor, it reaches 40 minutes.

Looking at the change behind Li Lingtian's name, all the super demon and super strong were shocked.

This is not to climb the nine towers, but to climb directly.

A **** king, a **** king who has just reached the **** king realm, can kill several perfect **** masters, which is unimaginable, but this is indeed the fact.

Every time Li Lingtian ran through a layer, the strong outsiders thought that Li Ling's next layer would definitely fail, but after five minutes, Li Lingtian's name lit up again.

In just forty minutes, Li Lingtian broke into the ninth floor from the second floor to the ninth tower of the fourth heavy Jupiter sky, and all the super demon and super powers were sluggish.

Not only in the central square and the five-element world, some super-gods of the shrine were also shaken.

"It's too ruthless."

"It's too bad."

"This is the real evildoer."

"Too domineering."

"Go straight from the second floor to the ninth floor of Jupiter."

"Divine King Realm, a team that can kill nine Divine Lords."

"I just don't know how strong Ling Tiange's domain is."

"It is said that the most powerful opponents in Jupiter are those who reach the Jiuzhong realm."

"It's terrifying to be able to resist the Jiuzhong area."

"Lingtian Pavilion is a five-element field. I remember that he was a four-level field in the last time. The four-level five-element field can crush the seven-eighth field but it can also resist the nine-level field."

"Realm, Lord Lingtian Pavilion has no fear, because Lord Lingtian Pavilion's realm is not too high, and the opponent's realm is not very strong."

"Yes, if Ling Tiange's field reaches five or six, the opponent's field may reach the field's ten major perfect reads."


After a long time, everyone awakened. (ad)

There was constant discussion for a while, and the shock was endless.

However, no one talked about whether Li Lingtian would go any further, and no one talked about whether Li Lingtian could pass through the first floor of the Ninth Tower's fifth heavy Mercury Sky.

Because, in this world, it is impossible for a **** king to cross the fifth level of the Jiuxiao Tower.

Even the Five Elements Divine Emperor did not break through the fifth weight of the Jiuxiao Pagoda when he was the King of Gods.

Li Lingtian is very evil, and even the degree of evil can compete with the Five Elements Divine Emperor, or exceed the degree of the evil elements of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, but they naturally do not know these things, because when the Five Elements Divine Emperor is a genius, it is already countless. Things before the millennium.

The **** king has crossed the fourth Jupiter sky, which is already the sky in the sky.

You know, it is impossible for a person to face nine super monsters of the same rank, and it is impossible to win, let alone a person facing nine super monsters higher than a big realm.

Now Li Lingtian is the King of Gods, able to reach the ninth floor of the fourth Jupiter Sky, already a myth.

No one dared to imagine Li Lingtian's unconventional challenge to the fifth heavy Mercury Sky, because the opponents in Mercury Sky are all gods, perfect gods, and even stronger than the gods in the **** court.

The evil spirits and powerful people in the court of God and things that dare not dare to think about were also testing Li Lingtian at this time.


"Li Lingtian, Divine King Realm, you have already crossed the ninth floor of the fourth heavy Jupiter sky of the nine towers."

"Are you going to the fifth Mercury Sky?"

The mechanized voice sounded, resounded throughout the Xianhai.

Li Lingtian suspended above this fairy sea, his face was plain.

The gods in Jupiter's sky are all super-existent in the 7th and 8th layers of the realm. In the ninth layer of Jupiter's sky, the realm of the god's field has reached tenfold.

The ten-fold field, although it is related, can also crush the fourth-level field of the five elements.

The crushing of Li Lingtian in nine ten-tier fields made Li Lingtian disappear almost instantly.

Fortunately, Jiuxing disrespected Armor and God of Destruction, canceled the opponent's realm, and blocked the original airflow, otherwise he would be directly destroyed.

Although he has been through quickly, Li Lingtian has already displayed the God of Extinction, Sky Armor, and God of Wuyue. Except God of Extinction and Flame, all other means have been exhibited, so that he has reached the ninth floor.

Overcoming all the way, he was able to compete with the Divine Lord, but his realm and field were too low, which made him suffer a lot.

"carry on."

Li Lingtian groaned for a moment and said.

Although I am not sure to deal with the deity, but have the opportunity to see the horror and power of the deity, which will definitely help myself in the future.

As Li Lingtian's voice fell, a beam of light swept through Li Lingtian and disappeared.

When it appeared again, Li Lingtian had appeared in a barren mysterious world.

In the void, a young man in white was suspended in the air.

Without the slightest breath, without the slightest momentum, nor with the slightest domineering, it is completely like an ordinary young man, and there is no strong youth for cultivation.

However, Li Lingtian felt the power and oppression of heaven and earth crushing.

Facing this young man is like facing a world, even more terrifying than facing the Bishui Fairy. When they are with the Bishui Fairy, the two are in the same door and there is no threat, but the person in front of him is an opponent.

"You have no hope."

"Take your most powerful blow."

The young man in white turned around and looked at Li Lingtian with a dull expression on his face, and said, his tone was dull without any emotion.

"it is good."

Li Lingtian nodded. In front of this young man in white, he really could not find the slightest advantage and pride.

Because this young man in white is so terrifying, he is a strong god, and he is not yet qualified to fight with the other party, just want to appreciate the attack and defense of the god.

When he nodded his answer, Li Lingtian had already exhibited the God of Extinction and Flame.

Suddenly, God of Extinction and Flame brought the power of the entire flame fairy sea, with the power of top-notch Taiko artifacts.

At the same time, God of Extinction, Sky Armor, and God of Wuyue are also connected. The power of the three pieces of God Extermination suits is superimposed, which makes the power of God of Extinction and Flame reach an extreme.

For a time, the entire world became a world of flames, and at this moment the entire world became molten.

"Goddess Flames!"

"Goddess·Sky Armor!"

With a loud roar, the flames of God of Extinction 1 were chopped out, and the whole world was cut in half.

With this warrior, Destroyer Heaven Realm exploded Li Lingtian's power by a factor of 100, and the whole person's strength increased by a factor of 100, reaching a level of horror. This blow is equivalent to his power to reach the great consummation of God King and even God Lord.

This blow was his most domineering blow, and he dared not imagine the power.

As the devastating attack erupted, the terrifying defense unfolded.

Attacks, defenses, the whole action flows in one go, all in one go, it will be completed instantly.

"You are very powerful, but the difference from the deity is not a grade, but a world."

Seeing Li Lingtian's attack, the young man in white changed his face, and it was absolutely beyond imagination for a **** king to perform such an attack, but no matter how powerful the attack and power, there would be no use in front of the god.

Divine Venerable and Divine King are not different from each other.

Or the **** king and the **** master can make up with magic power and treasure, but compared with the **** king and the deity, no matter how powerful the magic power and treasure can't narrow the distance between the two.

Because God controls the law.

In front of the law, you can ignore all attacks and forces without the law.


With a loud explosion, I saw the young man in white with one hand, and a mark was crushed with the power of the rules of the world. Then, Li Lingtian was directly crushed and destroyed.

While destroying, Yu Guang saw his supernatural power attack and knocked back his opponent, but he didn't hurt his opponent.

When I woke up again, I had left the Jiuxiao Tower and appeared in front of the space-time passageway that left the Jiuxiao Tower.

"so horrible."

"Countless times stronger than Yan Tianmo."

"This is the rule. Under the rule, everything is ants."

Li Lingtian said to herself, the expression on his face was calm, but his heart turned over.

This time, I gained a lot, at least knowing that I am definitely not an opponent of Divine Venerable, but also let myself understand what is lacking between myself and Divine Venerable.

No matter how powerful you are and how you defend against the sky, you will be vulnerable to the law.

After calming down, Li Lingtian turned away from the Jiuxiao Tower and entered the space-time channel.

When leaving the space-time channel, he also watched countless super wicked monsters and powerful people looking at the crystal screen in shock, but when he saw the appearance of Li Lingtian, they all awakened.

For a time, countless super monsters and powerful people greeted Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian also nodded in return and left the palace of the space-time channel.

Divine King Realm can kill nine perfect Divine Lords. This strength is no longer a horror.

"He doesn't want to come to the Divine Court, but he has reached the ninth floor of the fourth Jupiter Sky."

A superpower said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is the first genius in this year's talent list. "

"It has only been more than a hundred years since I came to Shenting."

Said a super demon.

It has been more than a hundred years since I came to Shenting, and I have achieved such achievements.

Encountered such a demon, it is simply impossible to compare, let alone envy, only envy.

"Shenwang Realm, broke into the ninth floor of the Ninth Tower, the fourth heavy Jupiter's sky, unimaginable."

Numerous evil spirits and strong men can only shake their heads for Li Lingtian's evil spirits, because they can't describe it. They are both genius and evil spirits, but compared with Li Lingtian, they are not a grade at all.

This time, Li Lingtian broke into the Jiuxiao Tower again to shake the evil spirits and gods reads of Shenting;.


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