War God Supreme

Chapter 2225: Unique Congenital

"This is Dongluo Sacred Realm, please hurry and replenish it."

"Meeting here five hours later, there is something to signal the first time."

Li Lingtian stopped the flying warship, looked at the huge city in the distance, and said to Chu Yunge and others, that in a year of flying, everyone was practicing on the flying warship.

There are not many things used daily on flying warships. Stay in this place and let them walk around the city by the way. After all, it is boring to practice on flying warships all day.

"Don't the young teacher go with us?"

When Tianyue Gong saw Li Lingtian not going into the city, he asked.

"No, I will take a break here."

"Hurry up, I will wait for you to come back."

Li Lingtian shook his head. Although he could change his appearance into the city, he didn't want to wander into the city. This is also related to his state of mind. At a certain time, people will change.

"Brother, then we are gone."

After finishing his speech, Xiaobai took everyone to fly into the city.

Li Lingtian was left alone outside the city.

Watching Xiaobai and others disappear into the city, Li Lingtian drew back his gaze and meditated to rest in a more hidden place. In such a place, there was no danger.

He did not enter the city, but also for everyone to consider, if Xiaobai what happened to them, he can also enter the city to help them as soon as he receives the signal, and he can also respond outside.

"Let's go back to Dongmu Holy Land first."

Xuanyue Sanctuary Dongmu Shengjing is the most remote in Taiyue Shenting, and when Li Lingtian ascended to heaven, it was also Dongmu Shengjing. In places like Dongmu Shengjing, there are not many powerful people, and the movements caused are also It's relatively small.

This time leaving the court, the task is only a guise.

The main thing is to return to Shenwu Continent and go to Jiutian God City to take Tang Qingyue and them to Heaven.

Because counting time, the reincarnation of the celestial lord is coming to the celestial realm, and he has only one hundred years of time to deal with some things, and then concentrate on looking for the reincarnation of the celestial lord and destroy it kill.

Looking at the compass-like jade in his hand, Li Lingtian's face showed a look of anticipation.


Time, one second and one second.

Two hours later, Xiao Bai and others appeared in Li Lingtian's sight from the city.

After Xiaobai and others returned, Li Lingtian appeared.

"how about it."

Li Lingtian looked at Xiaobai with a smile, originally to let them go around to relax, did not expect to come back so early.

"Things to use have already been bought."

"I also bought a lot of delicious food."

Xiaobai said happily, with a smile on his face.

When speaking, he stretched out his hand and showed his space ring.

In them, everyone has thousands of Tianjing, and thousands of Tianjing just want trillions of spirit stones. These net worths, even some ordinary holy places, can't be brought out.

"Go, let's go to Dongmu Shengjing."

"There are not many strong men in Dongmu Holy Realm. We can break the void and return to Shenwu Continent."

Li Lingtian took everyone to fly away, and after leaving the city a million miles, he took out his flying warship.

Xuan Yu

The whole shape is like a triangle fighter.

It is ten miles long, with a sharp tip in front, five miles wide and one hundred meters high, with four floors in total.

Peerless congenital flying warship, the fastest speed reaches 500 million miles per hour.

The biggest attack can destroy the creatures of the **** consummation.

The most powerful defense can resist the destruction of the Great Emperor Divine Emperor, as well as the attack of the Soul of God, the gas and flames, and the defense and speed are the strengths of this peculiar congenital flying warship.

Li Lingtian took control of it, but never really flew.

The hull of the entire flying battleship is silver-white, giving a visual impact.

Destruction, domineering, sharp, destructive, tough, invincible, noble.

There are fourteen characters to describe this bow flying warship.

You know, in Taiyue Shenting, it is absolutely rare to have a unique congenital flying warship. Unless it is those gods and super gods, even if they are gods, they may not be able to use the unique congenital flying warship, and, Even if it is used, it is all because of official business.

Li Lingtian's bow flying warship is his own.

Only his identity can own such a flying warship.

For a time, Chu Yunge and others were insane.

Even with the existence of their god-lord level, they have never seen the unique congenital flying warship.

"Special Congenital Flying Battleship!"

"It's a congenital class."

"I finally saw the unique congenital flying warship."

"With such a flying warship, it is invincible."

"The patriarch is amazing."

Chu Yunge and others woke up and said in horror.

They never imagined that Li Lingtian still has such a flying warship. With such a flying warship, it can be said that it is invincible.

Speed, attack and defense are invincible.

"Son, this flying battleship is yours?"

Lantianyue looked at Li Lingtian and asked.

Until now, she couldn't believe that this flying battleship was Li Lingtian.

In other words, this flying warship was temporarily used by Li Lingtian because the congenital-level flying warship, even if it had a spirit stone, could not be replaced, let alone a unique congenital class.

Hearing Lan Tianyue asking Li Lingtian, everyone else looked at Li Lingtian.

Temporary use and possession are completely two concepts.

"Not bad."

"This is the application that the master brother helped me to apply for and also used up 5 million points."

"The main defense and flight of this bow flying warship is generally not necessary for attack."

"Go, let's go up and see first."

Li Lingtian nodded. At this time, a hatch appeared next to the flying battleship. The hatch was opened. Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand and pulled Xiaobai to fly towards the Xuan Yu.

After entering the flying warship, the door was closed, and no trace of the door could be seen.

It can be said that the entire flying warship is integrated into one body and has no connection.

After everyone entered the flying warship, they were stunned.

Everything here is the real luxury atmosphere. The treasured ancient **** beast skin is a carpet, which makes people feel very warm. Every place is exquisite.

There are no flaws, everything is there.

The main control room is also very luxurious, here, beyond your imagination.

"Xuan Yu, start."

"Speed: Level 2"

"Target: Xuanyue Sanctuary."

"Defense: Level 2."

"Height: Baili."

As soon as Li Ling's gods thought about it, he passed instructions to the flying warship.

The flying warship opened with the idea, just like Li Lingtian's arm.

"Xuan Yu, get the order and start successfully."

"Speed: Level 2"

"Target: Xuanyue Sanctuary."

"Defense: Level 2."

"Height: Baili."

On the huge crystal screen in the main control room of Xuan Yu, an elf-like woman appeared. She looked very lovely. She was very charming when speaking, which made people very comfortable to listen to.

Immediately, the Xuan Yu shuttled through the space, and the entire space seemed to be still.

The unique congenital flight battleship Xuan Yu, even at the second speed, has reached 200 million miles per hour. Such a speed looks like the entire space is still.

However, at such a fast speed, the flying battleship is as smooth as it is without movement.

"The unique congenital flying warship is powerful."

"The moment is thousands of miles, and the fastest speed is 500 million miles per hour."

Captain Du Ting said with a shock on his face.

"For those who own a unique congenital flying warship, Taiyue Shenting can only find a few more than Lingtian Pavilion Master."

"Congenital quality, no amount of spirits and wealth can be exchanged, otherwise this world's innate flying warship will be flying all over the sky, and the Lord Lingtian Pavilion is Taiyue Shenting's first super devil in trillions of years, naturally qualified to have this class. Flying warship."

"This bow flying warship represents a transcendental identity, represents the Divine Court, and represents the advent of gods at the deity level."

Chu Yunge said.

He has lived countless epochs, and has a wide range of knowledge. He knows a lot of things. Although he is not as good as Li Lingtian in status and identity, he has spent much longer in Li Ting than Li Lingtian.

"Yunge, you control the flying warship."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he turned and took Xiaobai and others to leave the main control room and walked towards the third floor of the flying warship.

The flying warship has four floors. The first floor is the warehouse, the second floor is the main control room, and the third and fourth floors are resting places. Li Lingtian planned the flying warship.

The bodyguard lives in the main control room, or on the first floor, and the third and fourth floors are his private forbidden areas.

Now they are following Li Lingtian, where Li Lingtian lives, where they naturally live. The entire flying warship is fully automatic, and there is no need to control it at all. Chu Yunge they just took a look.

Because it is Li Lingtian who really controls the flying warship. Li Lingtian is integrated with the flying warship, just like Li Lingtian’s left arm and right arm. Otherwise, he will not easily let such a precious flying warship be controlled by others.

After leaving the main control room, Xiaobai and others came to the third floor.

The third floor also has an area of ​​several miles in size~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are more than ten suites above, each of which has several rooms, some practice rooms, and a resting place, which can be said to be a magical cave house.

Xiaobai and Wang Xiaoman, they each chose a suite, which is also luxurious, so you don’t have to take care of it yourself.

After settling in, Li Lingtian and others came to the center on the third floor. The center has a small square two miles long and two miles wide, as well as a place for rest and entertainment. Resting here is definitely a treat.


"Are we going back to Shenwu Continent after going to Xuanyue Sanctuary?"

Xiaobai asked Li Lingtian.

Although there were some feelings in my heart, it was still unreliable without Li Lingtian saying it himself.

At the same time, the owner of Tianyue Palace also looked at Li Lingtian with a look of expectation on his face.


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