War God Supreme

Chapter 2237: Mysterious chip

"It turned out to be this chip."

"I didn't expect that the chip we accidentally got, it is so important."

The planetary master saw the chip in Li Lingtian's hand. The rune on the lens flickered. Although they couldn't understand it, it didn't matter because Li Lingtian could understand it.

Li Lingtian's super lineup master, the rune above, he naturally knows what it represents.

Indeed, after taking out the chip, Li Lingtian moved his mind, and Tiandao Roulette appeared overhead.

The heavenly roulette suspended in Li Lingtian's continuous rotation, a mysterious heavenly atmosphere was emitted, and there was a beam of light corresponding to the chip. Needless to say, the information in this chip needed the heavenly roulette to be seen.


Li Lingtian put it a little bit with one hand, the light beam on the Tiandao roulette formed a light curtain two meters long and two meters wide, which can also be said to be a projection, and the spider-like texture appeared on the light curtain.

There are countless apertures on the lines, red and green apertures and purple apertures.

These red, green and purple apertures, they don't know what they are, but they know that this light curtain must be the same as the map. As long as they follow the route above, they can find their destination.

"Young Master, the only purple aperture should be where we are going."

Qingling asked, looking at the only purple aperture above the light curtain.


"The purple aperture is where we are going."

"The green aperture is where we are now. The red aperture is a powerful and terrifying beast, or a monster and beast forbidden land, although it seems that there is not much red aperture on this light curtain, because this light curtain is not the world. All of it can only show a general direction and a part of the scene."

Li Lingtian nodded. The aperture on this light curtain really represented the target location and the dangerous area as well as his own position.

Green represents where you are, red represents powerful beasts and monsters or terrifying dangers, and purple represents the destination of the chip. As long as you fly towards this purple target, you can find the place related to the chip, which is an important The place.

He didn’t dare to determine the purple aperture, but he could determine his position on behalf of the green aperture, as well as the red aperture, because every time he encountered a red aperture, he would encounter powerful gods and monsters or dangerous beasts. Ground.

Moreover, he walked all the way and recorded the places he passed and the iconic mountains and lakes, so that he could come here again in the future, and at least he could follow the road he walked back to Shenwu Continent.

"So this is ah."

"As long as the direction is right, there is hope to find something valuable."

Looking at the aperture on the light curtain, the Master of the Star Palace finally understood why Li Lingtian was so confident after listening to Li Lingtian's words.

"Now, we will use a flying warship."

"My congenital-class flying warship is on Shenwu Continent, and I have only ancient-class flying warships on my body."

"However, the ancient-class flying warships are flying faster than we are on the road."

During Li Lingtian's speech, the chip and Tiandao Roulette were put away.

At the same time, one-handed wave.

A huge flying warship appeared in the space in front. The flying warship was ten miles long and three miles wide, and it looked like a sword.

This is a high-class ancient-class flying warship.

Many ancient-class flying warships on him were obtained by destroying the strong in the flames of battle.

After the flying warship appeared, Qingling and they were not surprised.

Because during this time, Li Lingtian did not fly the flying warship, but he used the flying warship to rest at night.

This flying warship is only a few grades higher than the God-class flying warship used for rest during this period. The appearance of the flying warship is not much different. The real strength depends on the configuration and interior of the flying warship. Conditions and materials.

"Then we don't need to experience it in the future."

Qingling asked.

They naturally knew that Li Lingtian did not fly with flying warships, and it was in this place that they were trained.

Now that you are flying a warship, you should just stop going.

"no need."

"Your strength has reached the peak of Demigod."

"It is absolutely invincible among the demigods. Now, as long as you break through the demigod to the true god, your strength will be more powerful. Moreover, we will first rush to the destination to see what the situation is."

"If we don't find out, we can return to Shenwu Continent without delaying time here."

Li Lingtian reached out and stroked Qingling's small face, and said with a smile.

They are now trapped in a semi-divine state for hundreds of years, and their strength has reached its peak. If they go to Heaven, they will soon break through.

It is certainly not easy to accumulate and accumulate for hundreds of years.

Maybe their real **** realm is equivalent to the horror of the prince.


After talking, Li Lingtian took the three Qinglings toward the flying warship, and finally entered the flying warship.

"Speed: Level 4."

"Target: Go straight."

"Defense: Level 4."

"Attack: Level 4."

Entering the flying warship, Li Ling Tianshen gave orders.

In a moment, the order was completed.

"Command accepted."

"The flying warship started successfully."

The sound in the main control room sounded, and then the flying warship pierced the void, like a meteor flying towards the sky.

In this world, there are no coordinates, no humans.

Naturally, I don't know where the destination is, so Li Lingtian can only let the flying warship go straight.

Calculating the distance and the speed of the flying warship should reach the destination within half a year.

Besides, anyway, he has contact with the wafer. The wafer is close to the purple aperture, he can know the first time, so he will not worry about anything.

Flying warships quickly shuttle through the vast world.

Li Lingtian rested and chatted with the Qingling three in the battleship.

Although this place is no longer a Shenwu continent, it cannot be broken through.

So three people can only play and rest. Li Lingtian's cultivation is not in a hurry, but put all his emotions on this world. If he can find something here, then he will be very angry.


In the immeasurable world, there is a terrible Jedi.

This Jedi is a pitch black garden hole with a diameter of millions of miles. It can also be said to be a terrifying black hole. The general black hole is a few miles in size, and the largest is only a hundred miles.

But this black hole has a diameter of one million miles. I can imagine how big this black hole is.

The black hole, rotating, engulfed everything in the world.

Ordinary people simply cannot find the existence of this black hole, because the edge of the black hole only has strong suction and vortex power. Even if the demigod and the true **** go, there will not be much danger.

However, as long as it enters this black hole, one accidentally enters the suction force of dozens of hundreds of times or even trillions of times of terror, which is the center of the black hole, the real black hole.

This black hole has no life within tens of millions of miles, just like a desert desert.

In the center of this black hole, the devouring power and tearing power of destruction are enough to make the God King and God Lord instantly disappear.

"someone is coming."

"No... there... I thought... someone came."

Destruction and devouring the black hole in the center, an old voice sounded.

The voice with endless vicissitudes and loneliness may be because he has not spoken for a long time, which has caused him to speak a little hard, and he is not used to speaking.

However, even if this is the case, there is still endless majesty in this voice, which makes people dare not to commit slight offenses.

The black hole trembled slightly in front of the sound, but what about it, in front of such an endless horror black hole, creatures and human beings could not compete with it.

"I don't know how many eras are trapped in this place."

"The deity's law of divine power is almost swallowed up, hey."

"Hey, how about the coming person, even the deity is trapped here, and who else can enter it, and can only be trapped here forever, only to have a companion before the destruction of the deity."

In the center of the dark black hole, a ray of light with a size of a few square meters flashed, and the sound came from this radiance.

The brilliance of the nine colors is dazzling.

However, the brilliance at this moment can obviously be seen as very weak, like a residual candle in the wind, which may disappear at any time.

This glory can neither leave the black hole nor be completely swallowed by the black hole, just like being dropped in the air.

With a vicissitudes and majestic voice soon disappeared in the black hole.




The domineering roar sounded in the void.

However, when the sound rang, a light and shadow in the void had long been unknown how many miles away.

This is the speed and power of the terrifying ancient-class flying battleship.

The speed is tens of thousands of times the speed of sound. When the sound is heard, the flying warship is already far away from the sky.

Inside the battleship, three women and a young man stood in the main control room.

The three women are unparalleled in beauty, and the young people are just chic.

They are, of course, Li Lingtian and Qingling, as well as the Frost Palace Lord of the Star Palace.

I didn’t know how many billions of miles I traversed for nine months, and finally came to the destination sensed on the chip~www.wuxiaspot.com~ During these nine months, Li Lingtian accompanied the Qingling on the flying warship, or Even if you learn about exercises, positions, and supernatural powers, time passes quickly.

The closer to the destination, the stronger the induction that the chip passes to him.

Now the distance is close to the destination, and all four are very excited.

All four of them looked at the crystal screen above the main control room. The closer to the destination, the more Li Lingtian reduced the speed of the flying warship. He did not dare to mess up in this place to avoid accidents.


The crystal screen feeds everything outside into the sight of four people.

At this time, when the four people saw the picture on the crystal screen, they could not help but startled at the same time, their faces showing shock, as if they saw ghosts.



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