War God Supreme

Chapter 2239: Dragon Destruction

The dragon entered the black hole and immediately felt the devouring power of destruction. ▲.ww.▼

The current dragon, although not the deity of Li Lingtian, is also the avatar of Li Lingtian.

Therefore, all the feelings of the Shenlong are Li Lingtian's feelings, which represent Li Lingtian, but the means of the Shenlong avatar and the deity are different.

Li Lingtian is a human being. He controls the five elements of heaven and earth, controls the realm of time and space, and displays the treasures. The means are stronger than Shenlong. However, if the light is more than cultivation and strength, Li Lingtian is not necessarily the opponent of Shenlong.

"What a horrible black hole."

"With this swallowing power, the true **** will come in and vanish."

The dragon quickly flew towards the center of the black hole, and said to itself while flying.

Now he is a dragon, but he can speak.

And there is a space ring on the claw of the dragon, and the treasures can also be stored in the space ring.

How big this black hole is, he can't know now, but one thing is, the more he flies in, the more horrifying the force of devouring and tearing.

Flying less than 100,000 miles, the power of the black hole's rotation and tearing reaches a terrifying level, and if the true **** comes here, it will definitely fall.

When entering 300,000 miles, the engulfing power of the black hole made the Divine Monarch impossible, and any Divine Monarch who came here would definitely be devoured and have no chance of surviving.

At 500,000 miles, Li Lingtian was even more shocked.

Because I don’t know how big the black hole is, and how far away from the center, but the devouring power and destruction power here are enough to destroy the God King instantly. He is the God King Realm. If he had not powerful means and strength, he would have been Ruined. ◆▼

In this way, he does not know whether he can stick to the center.

Artists are bold, the first dragon is the avatar, even if it falls, Li Lingtian's deity can also condense a dragon at any time, at most, let Li Lingtian consume a little divine power and dragon spirit and spirit.

Finally, the dragon came to a place of 700,000 miles from the edge and stopped.

Once here, Li Lingtian no longer dared to fly a little ahead.

Because in this place, with the control of the dragon body and space of a hundred miles, it was almost swallowed and destroyed by the black hole, and the dragon body was constantly being attacked by the force of engulfment and tearing, and the dragon body appeared Some cracks and scars.

He didn't dare to move forward, because he could imagine that if he moved forward a little bit, the dragon would be instantly vanished and vanished into nothingness.

In front of it, is the center of the black hole.

The endless swallowing power and the tearing power rotate, swallowing everything in the center of the black hole.

The power of rotation, the power of tearing, all of which can destroy any powerful god.

There is such a terrifying power outside the black hole alone, but how terrifying is this black hole.

"No wonder Jiu Tian Shen Zun is trapped here."

"This horrible black hole, I don't know what it looks like behind the black hole."

The dragon looked at the center of the black hole in front of him, and the terrifying dragon gas supported the dragon from being swallowed.

Around the Shenlong, the darkness of destruction was everywhere, making people palpitate. ◆▼

Now, Shenlong does not know whether to go down and see.

If he goes on, he will probably disappear, and if he doesn't go on, he will give up like this, he is a little unwilling.


A roar came from the mouth of the dragon.

Then the dragon's body flashed, and the dragon body that was originally hundreds of miles in size became only ten miles in size.

At the same time, the Shenlong flew towards the center of the black hole, and was torn apart just near the center of the black hole.

The dragon's green-grey dragon's body was dripping with blood, making the dragon painful.

But now it is too late for the Shenlong to leave, because the endless swallowing power makes the powerful Shenlong quickly fall towards the center of the black hole, and there is no chance to return at all.




With a roar, the dragon continued to struggle and swing.

But there was no point in using it. Within a moment, the sound of the dragon disappeared.

The power of engulfing in the center of the black hole is still the same, and the power of tearing is still the same, but the dragon is gone, as if it has never been there.



The black hole engulfs everything in the world, terrifying.

The world is still the same, but this black hole makes this world look scary and mysterious. ▼.ww.▲

In a rolling mountain tens of thousands of miles away from the black hole, in a cave house, Li Lingtian opened his eyes, his face was shocked, and finally a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The whole person's face was dignified and he kept silent.


"Little brother."

"How's it going?"

Seeing the look on Li Lingtian's face and the blood on the corners of her mouth, the three daughters of Qingling were shocked and asked Li Lingtian, wondering what happened.

You know, Li Lingtian did not leave the one-step cave house from beginning to end, only Shenlong avatar went to the black hole.

"Dragon is destroyed."

"It's too scary inside the black hole."

Li Lingtian said briefly, the expression on his face was even more solemn.

How terrifying the power of the Shenlong is. He is the clearest. He didn’t expect that the dragon would be swallowed and torn by the black hole just a moment after entering the center of the black hole, and it has vanished.

Naturally, he also knew everything about the dragon in the black hole.

It's like Li Lingtian's deity has entered a black hole, this is the power of avatar.

"Dragon destroyed?"

The three girls were startled and their expressions changed.

Shenlong is also one of Li Lingtian's avatars, which can be said to be Li Lingtian.

If it weren't for the Shenlong to go in and destroy Li Lingtian, if the deity of Li Lingtian went, it would definitely be destroyed. ▼●◆

For them, the impact of this ending is indeed very heavy.

"Yes, the dragon has been destroyed."

"With the skill of the Shenlong, it has just entered the center of the black hole."

"Below that black hole, it's terrifying."

"However, at the time of the destruction of the dragon, there was a person in it, a trapped deity. I guess this person should be Jiutian Deity, and only a deity like Jiutian Deity could be trapped here without falling."

Li Lingtian stood up and said nonchalantly, as if recalling everything before the destruction of the Shenlong.

The powerful defense and physique of the Shenlong, even when it enters the center of the black hole, is too terrifying. You should know that although the Shenlong is not a colorful Shenlong, its realm of power is equivalent to the Great Perfection King, plus the defense and natural strength of the Shenlong His physique is absolutely comparable to that of Divine Lord.

That's it, still fell in the center of the black hole.

With such power of destruction, it is no wonder that all creatures have to vanish into the inside.

Only the Nine Heavenly Deity was trapped in it. It should be that the Nine Heavenly Deity was trapped in it. It could not come out, nor could it enter below, but the gods such as the Nine Heavenly Deity were almost immortal, and the black hole did not put him destroy.

He is just guessing, guessing that the figure in that brilliance is God Nine Heavens.

Moreover, the figure in that glory can neither go down nor come up, and was shocked when he saw the Shenlong.

At the moment of the destruction of the dragon, the figure in the glory and the figure still had vitality, but the vitality was weak. This is the only news that Li Lingtian got the deepest part of the center of the black hole.

"Young Master, can your Shenlong avatar still recover?"

The host of Hanshuang Palace asked, she was most worried about Li Lingtian's comfort.

If the avatar cannot be recovered, there will be one more danger in the future.

After all, a doppelganger is equivalent to a life. There are doppelgangers, and the doppelganger will not really fall.

"Shenlong avatar can of course be restored."

"It only consumes half of the spirit and divine power."

"I'm going to restore the Shenlong avatar first during this time. When the dragon recovers, I will go to a black hole. When there is a dragon outside, even if I am trapped inside, I will be able to come back and explode."

Li Lingtian said seriously that the avatars fell and the treasures they brought would also be lost.

The avatar can be recovered, and the lost treasure cannot be recovered.

This time, Li Lingtian used the Shenlong for the first time to go to the black hole, so the Shenlong did not bring any treasures. There were only two congenital treasures in the space ring. The two congenital treasures and the loss of the space ring were nothing to Li Lingtian. .

However, this is enough to show that if the avatar and the deity are one of the falling, then the treasure will fall in the place where it fell, which is equal to the loss of the treasure.

Now, the Shenlong falls in the black hole, and the loss is not great.

More importantly, he got very important information in it, which helped him a lot.

So he wants to restore the dragon, and then the deity goes to a black hole.

"Son, your deity is going to the black hole?"

"This is too dangerous."

Qingling heard Li Lingtian saying that the deity was going to the black hole, and he was shocked suddenly, with a worried look on his face.

The avatar fell, the loss was not large, and at least the deity was still around them. If the deity went to the black hole and fell, that would be too dangerous.


"Little brother, this is too dangerous."

"Little Brother, I think you should wait a while and come again."

"It’s not necessary to sum up first, there is no need to let the deity go to the black hole for adventure. Although we don’t know how terrible the black hole is, from the perspective of the falling of the dragon, the black hole is definitely terrible. You will encounter it when you go. To many dangerous things."

Lord of the Star Palace and Lord of the Frost Palace also open up to stop Li Lingtian, do not want Li Lingtian to go to the black hole adventure.

"No problem."

"There are dragons out there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I leave some treasures outside."

"Even if I was trapped inside, at most I was blasting away and leaving. Losing some treasures is nothing. It's a big deal to find some treasures again. And, when I take risks in the future, I still have a lot. I can't stop my footsteps in this place."

"Furthermore, even the gods such as Jiu Tian Shenzun value this place so much, it is definitely not simple inside."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, he knew that Qingling they worried about his safety, but he had some assurance that even if he didn't gain anything, he would be able to learn more about it.

Since you have all come here, you can't back down here.

More importantly, the figure of the dragon that he saw in the black hole may be the Nine Heavenly Deity. The figure was trapped because of the disorder of time and space, which is a space like space and time.

So, he has some confidence.



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