War God Supreme

Chapter 2258: 59 Destroyer Sword...

"Destroy the Divine Sword, Wan Jian return to heart!"


Li Lingtian looked at the soul of the heavenless master away from 100,000 miles away. The whole person was filled with endless destruction of the sword domain. With a roar, the thirty-three handles of the extinct sword entered the body, and the remaining forty-five handles were destroyed. Tenjin sword spins fast. ?.?`

Suddenly, the long sword of the gods of the Thousand Thousand Strong in the Freezing Holy City broke away from the master's control, and flew towards Li Lingtian like a meteor shower. The entire void, and millions of long swords were suspended.

These long swords are at least the existence of holy artifacts.

Millions of long swords revolve around the forty-five extinct **** swords, showing a colorful world between heaven and earth.

Li Lingtian, the soul of Wan Jian, stands among the forty-five swords of extinct gods. His eyes are like sharp swords. He looks at the boundless world of swords. The whole person is like a sword that destroys the earth.


"This is the sword god."

"God in the sword, horror."

"Supremely domineering sword array."

"In such a sword formation, even the deity might not be able to resist it."

"That is, Lord Ling Tian can do so."

"My ancient artifact is ruined, but it is worth seeing this scene."


The gods of the ten million strong, watching their artifact long sword free from suspension in the air, were shocked.

It was more excitement than shock. Being able to see such a horrible magical sword array is indeed worth it. In the heavens, there are countless gods, but it is the first time they can see the sword array to such a degree.

With Li Lingtian as the center, within a million miles, it is full of ruined sword qi and sword awns, all endless sword-inspired sword domains, all horrible and overbearing sword shadows, space and air are fragments here.


There was another roar, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth.

Forty-nine destroying the sky sword array he controlled to the pinnacle, but the five-nine destroying the sky sword array was the first time to show it.

Because there wasn’t enough extinct swords before, even if it was the enlightenment of the five-nine extinct swords array, it hasn’t been shown. Now it can be said to be forced, and more importantly, the extinct sword has changed from the innate artifact. The ancient artifact of Chengzhong Pin is simply beyond his control. ?.??`c?om

This is thousands of times more difficult than controlling the ancient artifacts of the pinnacle.

Moreover, when he refined the seventy-eight extinct **** sword, he obviously felt that something was missing.

Thinking of Ling Xiao Divine Emperor, I know that there is a lack of Excalibur, Heavenly Sword and Dao Sword.

If you want to exhibit the Seven-Nine Destroyer Sword Array, you must have an Excalibur. If you want to display the Seven-Nine Destroyer Sword Array, needless to say, you need the Heavenly Sword. It won't work.

Now, he realizes that the Five-Nine Sword Sword Formation does not require three swords, and can naturally be used.

It's just that for the first time, the Sword of Destroyer that controls the archaic artifact, and the first display of the Sword of the Five and Nine Destroyer, is too reluctant for him, even if it is the body of the Sword.

At this moment, at this point, he had no escape route.

Can only gather terrifying divine power and sword territory, control the forty-five handles of the sky sword, control millions of long swords.

Compress and control the entire world of swords, exploding the power of the world.

In the distance, Thunder God Venerable, Bishui Fairy Fairy, and Gale God Venerable, looking at Li Lingtian's striking Fifty-nine Destruction Sword Array, his face showed shock and joy, and at least now he admitted that his brother did not embarrass them.

Even if he knew that the celestial lord had broken away from the seal, he had no worries.

"Young Master's training is still too low."

"If he can play this trick again when he is in the Lord's realm, I believe no one among the Lords can catch this trick."

Gale God said seriously.

When he spoke, he nodded, and was very satisfied with the performance of this little teacher.

"Time is too short."

"The Nine Sky Sword Formation is on the ninth floor, and his fifth floor has just come out."

"And the Sword of Destroyer is also rebuilt, just refined, so it is so difficult. If he had the body of the Sword and the horror talent, he would have been destroyed by the Sword of Destroyer and millions of artifacts. "

"In another tens of thousands of years, the Seven Wonders will be of no use to him.?.?`"

Thunder God Venerable also said.

He is much longer than Shou Yuan of Gale God and Bishui Fairy, and he doesn't know how many times he has lived.

Knowledge and experience are naturally much richer than those of the younger brothers and sisters. Seeing Li Lingtian’s situation, it is clear what Li Lingtian is lacking. As long as you give yourself this younger brother, this younger brother will roar for nine days.

At the end, a smile appeared on his face.

The Seven Wonderful Mirrors are superb ancient artifacts. Li Lingtian possesses the Sword of Destroying Heaven, and if he can spend more than tens of thousands of years, he will be able to wield the power of the Yuetai Ancient Archaeological Artifacts, which naturally does not require his Seven Wonderful Mirrors.

"It won't take tens of thousands of years."

"The younger brother is only a thousand years old. He is practicing too complicated now. If he specifically cultivates one or two exercises, his achievements will not be inferior to that of you and me. Now let us see what power his sword array has achieved."

"If it can weaken some of the power of the Celestial Lord, it will be easier to suppress the Celestial Lord."

The fairy of Bishui looked at Li Lingtian in the distance, and his face showed satisfaction, and more of it was caring.

One is because Li Lingtian is her mentor, and her elder sister is like a mother. In her heart, Li Lingtian is one of her younger brothers. The second is because Li Lingtian is the genius selected by her to host the genius list. Naturally, Li Lingtian is expected to be stronger.

The third reason is that Li Lingtian is her brother-in-law. In this world, siblings and parents may not be the closest relatives, because siblings and parents may be old, sick, and dead, and the same door and master can only be with them for the longest time. People.


While the three were talking, Li Lingtian walked towards them step by step.

Walked over with a world of boundless swords, wherever he passed, the world was destroyed.

The turbulence in space is transformed into nothingness, the air is distorted, and everything is dead.



One hundred thousand miles, in a blink of an eye.

When Li Lingtian came to a place thousands of miles away from the Lord of the Heavenless Heaven, with one hand, the world of swords that was boundlessly destroyed was bombarded towards the Lord of the Heavenless Heaven.

He and the Heavenless Lord exploded at the same time.

Li Lingtian's explosive roar represents endless magical destruction.

The exploding roar of the celestial lord represents despair and anger.

For him, even after the repression, he can find a way out of the repression, and with the immortal soul, no one in the world can kill him.

However, there is no fixed number in this world.

It is not that there is nothing that can break away immortality, but few people see it.

Now the world of Li Lingtian's sword is sharp and has a strong threat to the soul and immortality.

If the soul was strangled by the world of swords, even if he had no heavenly master, he would only disappear completely in this world.

Gradually, he regretted his reincarnation reincarnation. Without reincarnation, no one in the realm could threaten him. Now, regret is too late, and he can only let it go.


"Click, click."


"Boom, boom!"


Between heaven and earth, continuous destruction.

The whole world has completely become a sea of ​​swords, and the celestial lord is drowned in the endless world of swords.

The sword is in the sky, the sword is vertical and horizontal, and the sword is awe-inspiring.

The sword flashed four times, the sword qi fluttered, and the sword shadow raged.

Everything within a thousand miles was destroyed, and even the space was incomplete. The thunder **** Venerable Wind God Venerable and the Bishui Fairy also showed a horrified look on their faces, and quickly displayed the power of the law to defend themselves.

They did not expect that Li Lingtian's Five Nine Destruction Sword Array was so terrifying.

Although this move did not hurt them, they also completely shocked them.


In the endless sword array, with the supreme array.

Just inside the sword array, a screaming sound rang out, and this screaming sound is not who the heavenless lord can have.

When the screaming sounded, the sword array oscillated, exploding hundreds of millions of sword lights.

The sea of ​​swords, which was originally thousands of miles in size, was completely flooded with dazzling light under the exploding billions of sword lights.

This hundreds of millions of rays of light spread rapidly.

The entire frost-cracked holy city, the entire Xuanyue Sanctuary, and dozens of sanctuaries near the Xuanyue Sanctuary all felt this ruined sword light. The sanctuary beyond the Xuanyue Sanctuary, the earth was shaking. .

Countless billions of living spirits tremble, and the spirits of dozens of trillions of powerful people tremble.

"Want to break free, delusion."

In the endless sword light, Li Lingtian's voice sounded.

Although the Celestial Master is constantly destroyed by the sword array, it is impossible to completely destroy it.

Seeing that the Lord of Heaven didn't use the supreme rule to get rid of the sword array, Li Lingtian shouted loudly that the sword array crushed more quickly. Now if he doesn't take the opportunity to suppress it, he can't beat it.

Moreover, Li Lingtian did not just want to suppress the Celestial Master, but to kill him and wipe it out completely.

"Junior, you want to suppress the Lord, you are too tender."

The Soul of the No Celestial Master shook, and the entire sword array shook.

Now Li Lingtian wanted to suppress him with one person's strength, and suddenly became furious.

You know, Li Lingtian in front of him is his real enemy. If it weren’t for Li Lingtian, the original heart would not return to Shui Qilin, nor would he come to trouble Li Lingtian. Refining the primitive heart, at that time, cultivation was soaring, and he could go to the universe.

Now, not only is it unavoidable to be suppressed, but also bullied by a junior.

"Suppress you?"

"You don't look up to you too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This seat is not to suppress you, but to completely wipe you out. In the future, there will never be a person without the Lord of Heaven in the heavens, in the billions of worlds. Now."

Li Lingtian laughed loudly.

Fifty-nine destroying the sky sword array has reached the extreme of his control. Now, it is impossible to completely wipe out the heavenless lord. The only thing is to destroy the heavenless lord with the power of time and space.

When the sound rang, the space-time domain burst out, and in the endless sword sea, the space-time domain was covered up.

The time and space realm cooperates with the sword array, and the sword array is so powerful.

Suddenly, the celestial lord is imprisoned in front of the realm of time and space, letting the hundreds of millions of swords be destroyed and unable to recover.



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