War God Supreme

Chapter 2262: Go to Tianji Sheng...

The higher the talent, the higher the cultivation level, and the less chance of having a doppelganger. 【】

Moreover, only strong men above the prince can have avatars. It can be said that only one of the 10,000 super princes can have avatars. The lord of the gods has fewer avatars. The higher the state, the fewer the chances of having an avatar.

The master of the Holy Temple only chose to cultivate the way of life and death after the deity. Such courage had to be admired.

Moreover, he almost succeeded, but he was unlucky and was intrigued by failure.

The bigger the heart, the smaller the chance. If it is successful, it will be terrifying.

"It is said that the princes of the heavenly sanctuary are running everywhere, the **** king is walking everywhere, the **** master is flying in the sky, and the gods are countless."

"Brother went to the Heavenly Temple in the Heavenly Sanctuary. The future is difficult."

Xiaobai said with a faint smile on his face.

But she knew that what Li Lingtian decided would not change.

"Let's not say that it is going to make trouble in the Holy Heaven Temple. Only the strongmen of the Four Great Courts will go to the Heavenly Sanctuary, and they will all be attacked by the strongest of the Heavenly Sanctuary. "

"Moreover, the son's identity is special, and many forces may just take the opportunity to deal with the son in the heavenly sanctuary."

"It can be said that this time is definitely a challenge for the son."

Ming Yan'er said, although it was dangerous, she was not afraid at all with Li Lingtian.

In her heart, Li Lingtian is invincible and invincible, no matter how powerful the enemy can be solved, no matter how difficult things can be handled, the same is true of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

"From here to the heavenly sanctuary, it takes more than five years to fly alone."

"During this time, we can just take a break and practice in the flying warship. When we reach the Heavenly Heaven Sanctuary, we must face powerful challenges all the time. You must be mentally prepared."

"Fortunately, when I was in the court, I asked Qiu Wuhen to buy me more than 20 billion spirit stone wine, which is enough for us to use for a few years, but I don't feel bored in flight."

Li Lingtian smiled, Tianji Sanctuary was at the border of Taiyue Shenting.

Congenital-class flying warships also have to fly for more than five years. Ordinary spaceships and flying warships cannot fly for hundreds of years or thousands of years.

I was excited when I thought of the huge existence of the Holy Temple.

When you reach the celestial sanctuary, you must face not only the powerful ones in the celestial sanctuary, but also the sacred temple, but also the secret calculations of other forces.

Now, while taking a good rest during the flight, otherwise you won’t have a chance to rest in the Heavenly Sanctuary, at least there won’t be such peace of mind in the flying battleship.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you have any plans?"

"You will not go directly to the Holy Temple and take out the Holy Scepter."

"If this is the case, even if you are the patriarch of the Taiyue Shenting, the Temple of Heaven may even strike you and take away your scepter of the Holy Heaven."

Tang Qingyue asked Li Lingtian curiously. Although he had a goal, he did not hear what Li Lingtian had planned. In the face of such a behemoth, he had to have an arrangement and plan.

"Let's go to the Heavenly Sanctuary"

"I don't plan now, after all, I don't know anything about the Heavenly Sanctuary."

Li Lingtian shook his head, and speaking of his plans, he really had no plans at all.

In the Heavenly Sanctuary, only one step can be taken.

"Then let's go to the Heavenly Sanctuary to settle down."

"Wait until the Sanctuary of Tianji is understood."

"It's better if we can improve our cultivation outside. If we reach the divine state, each of us will have a lifetime of one hundred epochs. At that time, even if we don't break through, we can live a long time."

"Master is now the realm of God King, and Shou Yuan alone can reach 10,000 epochs. With the gift of the master, within this 10,000 epoch, it can naturally reach the Lord of God or even God."

Wang Xiaoman got up, poured a glass of fruit wine to Li Lingtian, and said softly.

Ordinary people on the Shenwu Continent, who have lived for a few hundred years in a lifetime, are considered to be long-lived when they can live a hundred years old, and now one hundred years is simply a kung fu in front of them.

The true **** has an epoch of epochs, while the prince has a epoch of one hundred epochs, and the king of the gods reaches 10,000 epochs.

"Actually, although the son's reputation is great, it is limited to Taiyue Shenting."

"For other forces, only some core seniors know about your existence, and most people don’t know about you. Tianji Sanctuary is on the edge of Taiyue Shenting, trillions of miles away from the Shenting, and for more than a hundred years, people who know your reputation there not much."

"The premise is that you can't let the high-level and core figures of the Celestial Sanctuary know that you have gone to the Celestial Sanctuary, so it's not easy to inquire about the Celestial Sanctuary. As long as we keep a low profile, it's in the Celestial Sanctuary. No one can know us at all. ."

Ming Binger said respectfully.

After she finished speaking, Tang Qingyue and they nodded in agreement with Ming Bing's words.

There are many people who know Li Lingtian from Taiyue Shenting, but they have only seen it from the crystal screen. Tianji Sanctuary knows less about Li Lingtian.

Besides, Li Lingtian is no more than the central **** king. In places like Tianji Sanctuary, it is only the middle and lower levels of the monks. No one will pay attention to him at all.

Unless he reveals his own identity and does something earth-shattering.

"Well, Binger is right."

"You remember to call me in front of outsiders."

"I will also try my best to do some magical powers that everyone knows. Under the last resort, I will not expose my fame powers. In fact, as long as I don't meet the gods, my avatar will do."

Li Lingtian nodded and agreed with Ming Bing's attention.

There are only two ways to reveal identity, one is breath and appearance, and the other is power and magic.

He is famous for Li Lingtian's fame, but everyone in the world knows it.

For example, the Sky Sword Array and the Light of the Stars, as well as the Wuxing Realm and Bingyan Jiugongtian.

Among the heavenly realms, only Li Lingtian owns them.

As long as these magical powers are not displayed, no one can recognize that he is Li Lingtian. Besides, there are countless magical powers and many killer skills. Even if he encounters a super godhead, it is impossible for him to perform these magical powers.

"No one can recognize it in terms of address."

"I call your brother most, don't I?"

Tang Qingyue said with a smile on his face.

Speaking of the back, she couldn't help laughing, because she thought of the situation of teasing Li Lingtian in Tianyunzong before. Both were originally disciples of Tianyunzong, and Li Lingtian had to call her sister, or sister Qingyue.

"Yes, it must be."

Li Lingtian froze for a moment and hurriedly answered.

At the same time, I knew in my heart that there would be no mistake in the name. Ming Yan'er Ming Bing'er called his son, Xiao Bai called his brother, and Xiao Man called his master. Tang Qingyue only needed not to call his name.

"No sky is gone, Huang Tian is here, Qing Tian is here."

"In twenty years, the Holy Temple, even without the Holy Scepter, the Lord can open you."

In the center of Tianji Sanctuary, a huge city towers between heaven and earth.

This city is nine hundred million long and nine hundred million wide. The city is full of tall buildings.

At the core of the city is the forbidden area of ​​the Heavenly Sanctuary. This is the power center of the Heavenly Sanctuary and the center where the powerful gather.

Three hundred million miles long and wide, are all forbidden areas, palaces.

Each palace is tens of thousands of miles in size, and the largest one is a million miles long and millions of miles wide and tens of thousands of miles high. After hundreds of millions of years of wind and rain, it has risen between heaven and earth.

In the depths of the palace, the empty hall, high above the supreme throne, a middle-aged Wei Yi in Qing Dynasty sits.

The whole person exudes a breath of peerlessness, his eyes are like stars, and the world is changing.

On both sides of the hall in front of him, there were nine old men in the robe of stars, all exuding great majesty on them. If the strong men of **** level saw these old men, they would be absolutely stunned.

Because the nine old men are all **** emperors and strong men standing on the peak of humanity.

It is such nine super-gods, when facing the middle-aged Tsing Yi on the Supreme Throne, their faces are all with a respectful look. In front of the peerless atmosphere of the middle-aged Tsing Yi, the bodies of the nine old men shivered.

"Congratulations to the Lord."

"Congratulations to the Lord."

Nine old people respectfully respected the middle-aged people in Chao Qingyi, with fear on their faces.

"Wait for the opening of the Holy Temple, and then the major will go further, and who is the opponent of the heaven?"

"Time Roulette shows that the Holy Temple opened 20 years later."

"These three things must be dealt with, and there must be no mistakes, otherwise the catastrophe will go away."

Tsing Yi's middle-aged face looked cold, like a piece of ice, without any human feelings.

During the speech, an oracle appeared in front of the nine old men.

The message in the oracle was accepted by the nine old men, and then the oracle disappeared.

"Subordinates quit."

The nine old men respectfully saluted, their bodies disappeared and disappeared into the hall.

In the hall, there is silence, space and time are still, like a dead place.


"In three million years, the Five Elements Law cannot be restored."

"It seems impossible to restore the Five Elements Rule."

"Lord of the blue sky, you and I are fighting for the ten million era. If you don't go astray, even the emperor is not your opponent, and you still don't give up."

The Five Elements World, the Five Elements Shrine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A middle-aged robe is standing in the center of the palace, wearing a colorful radiance and a joyless face.

This is the master of the Five Elements Divine Palace, and the Five Elements World controls the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

The Great Emperor Divine Emperor, the pinnacle of mankind, is one of the best in Taiyue Shenting. Generally, no one knows his existence. Even if it is a **** in Taiyue Shenting, few people have ever seen him.

In humans, he can be regarded as the ancestor of humans.

Take control of the five elements of heaven and earth and know everything about heaven and earth.

The transcendent existence of the Heavenly Sanctuary is naturally under his control.

Just after leaving the gate, I sensed the movement of the super-god in the Heavenly Sanctuary.

Looking at the endless five-element world, the five fingers of the right hand flicked, and a turquoise leaf appeared in the palm of the hand, followed by the turquoise leaves turning into smoke, disappearing between heaven and earth.

Every move, contains the power of heaven and earth, with the supreme law of nature.

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