War God Supreme

Chapter 2271: Ice Palace Forbidden Area

c_t; "I am the same as the Vice-President!"

"Ice and Snow Oracle!"

"The ice goddess made an excuse not to see you, and gave you this token again. There must be her bitterness. Didn’t you say that you have had several relationships before? It should be because of these things, and these things are very important. Thing. Read the full text of the latest chapter"

"Because of these things, she can't meet you. It's okay to stay for a while, and she will have an identity in the heavenly sanctuary in the future."

Seeing the Purple Token and hearing Li Lingtian's words, Wang Xiaoman and Xiaobai showed a surprised look on their faces.

Tang Qingyue pondered for a moment, and said his thoughts.

It can be regarded as an analysis of Li Lingtian who disappeared from the ice and snow goddess.

"You are right."

"So I plan to stay."

"But my current identity is a true disciple, this token should not be used for now."

"Your identities are also true disciples, and we will be people in the Ice Palace in the future."

Li Lingtian told him what he had discussed with Lin Wushuang.

Without waiting a few days, Li Lingtian and others moved to the Forbidden Land of the Ice Palace to practice.

Although it is a forbidden area of ​​the Ice Palace, this forbidden area is also full of tens of millions of miles in diameter. Such a large place, even no matter how many strong people and gods live and practice, it seems very spacious.

Besides, this is the forbidden area of ​​the Ice Palace. Only super gods, super demon geniuses and elders, and true disciples can live and practice.

Li Lingtian's identity is a true disciple, and Tang Qingyue's identity is also a true disciple.

Among the six true disciples, Lin Wushuang selected a huge palace for Li Lingtian and others.

The area occupied by the six of them alone is hundreds of thousands of miles. Such a large area, no matter how you practice, can not affect other people, and other people will not affect them.

The ice and snow world in the extreme north has always been a place full of immortality.

What's more, inside the forbidden area of ​​the Ice Palace, practicing in the forbidden area, the cultivation rate rises linearly. It can be said that thousands of miles a day, and practicing one day in the palace of the forbidden area is equivalent to five years of hard work outside.

It’s no wonder that in places like this, only super monsters like Lin Wushuang can practice here, or even other gods, gods and lords may not be able to practice here.

Only when there is a great contribution to the Ice Palace, or if a genius disciple impacts the King of Gods and God’s main realm, will he have the opportunity to apply for cultivation for a period of time. The importance here is no different from that of the Five Elements World in Taiyue Shenting.

"Mr. Tianling, this is the place for your future cultivation. Read the full text of the latest chapter"

"This area is 990,000 miles, and within this 990,000 miles is your territory. No one will come here to disturb your cultivation reads;"

"If there are any needs and things, you can go to the Ice Palace to solve it. In the forbidden area, you can only practice. However, if the true disciples impact the realm, you can apply to the Ice and Snow Secret Realm. There is no limit to the attributes."

Lin Wushuang took Li Lingtian and others into the forbidden ground of Bingxue Palace and came to the front of a huge palace and said.

The place where this palace was cultivated was specially selected for Li Lingtian.

Generally speaking, the cultivation ground of a true disciple is only tens of thousands of miles.

But Li Lingtian was a few people together, and Lin Wushuang arranged a huge palace for them.

"Not bad."

"Being able to practice here is also a pleasure."

Li Lingtian was very satisfied with the cultivation place in front of him.

Whether it is the environment, the palace, or the immortal spirit, it is beyond his imagination. I did not expect the Ice Palace and such magical cultivation places.

"Does Tianling have any orders?"

Lin Wushuang asked politely, he was also very happy to see Li Lingtian satisfied with this place.

"Thank you."

"Go busy."

Li Lingtian turned to look at Lin Wushuang and said.

"That disciple wished Master Tianling cultivation as a master."

"If you have anything to tell, the disciple will retire first."

Lin Wushuang respectfully retired.

Li Lingtian opened the ban with the tokens of the true disciples, and suddenly a light curtain appeared over the palace. This light curtain enveloped a circle of 990,000 miles.

From now on, this place is a place of ownership, and no one else can enter it.

Only the tokens of Li Lingtian and Tang Qingyue can enter and exit.

Seeing the inside from the outside, the inside is a fairyland, but when you really enter the inside, the beauty inside is beyond imagination and cannot be described by words.

Moreover, the richness of the immortal spirit in the inside is more pure and dense than they thought, and more importantly, this has a breath of spirit inside. This kind of breath, Li Lingtian knows, is a great help to the field and the soul of the spirit. .

Just like in the five-element world, not only does it increase cultivation, but it can also cultivate powerful consciousness and realm. It is also an understanding of the Tao, and this place is also true.

"This place is not inferior to the immortal spirit in the court."

"I didn't expect that there would be such a magical place outside Taiyue Shenting. If we practiced here for a few years, our cultivation might be able to reach the **** king."

"Yeah, I feel like cultivating here for a day is equivalent to cultivating for a few years."

Looking at the beautiful surroundings around the palace and feeling the huge and pure immortality, Tang Qingyue's five daughters and girls could not help but be shocked, with excitement on their faces reads;.

This place is not much worse than Taiyue Shenting, and it is even slightly stronger.

"That's nature. In heaven, there are countless magical places."

"Furthermore, this place is the forbidden area of ​​the Ice Palace. Here you can practice, and the cultivation will improve quickly."

"If you went to the Five Elements World, the Five Elements World of the Five Elements World, then you only knew what a true cultivation paradise was, in which cultivation, the consciousness, the soul, the field, the Tao, and the sentiment can be comprehensively improved."

"Since there is such a good place, we live here first, and then practice for a while."

Li Lingtian looked at Tang Qingyue and others looking happy, and couldn't help but smile.

This place is similar to the four secret realms of Taiyue Shenting, but it is still inferior to the five-element world in the five-element world. It is just too difficult to enter the five-element world.

Besides, Taiyue Shenting is the four great heavens in the heavenly realm, and Bingxue Palace is just the three major forces under the tenth supreme superpower Shengtian Temple.

But even so, the Ice Palace is equivalent to some super sanctuary in Taiyue Shenting.

"Then let's take a look inside the palace."

"Settle first."

After finishing his speech, Xiaobai flew towards the palace in the distance.

Divine princes and priests cultivate vast abilities, or a few people will practice in a place as large as 990,000 miles, and it will take a long time to walk.

Now their cultivation practice is that 990,000 miles is just a moment of effort. For Li Lingtian, the diameter of 990,000 is just a few teleports.

Seeing Xiaobai's palace flying, Tang Qingyue and others quickly caught up.

A moment of kung fu came to the front of a huge palace, a huge palace, a hundred miles long and a hundred miles wide, a main hall, four auxiliary halls, forming a huge palace.

Inside the Ice Palace, the Ice Palace is everywhere, and this place is also the same.

Don't look at the Ice Palace, but the Ice Palace is stronger than the palace built by Bluestone, and there are countless magical prohibitions and formations in the palace. There is no icy feeling in it, but the seasons are like spring.

Several people walked around in the palace, and then each chose a place to practice.

In this way, I settled down here. With such a good opportunity and place for cultivation, I naturally put cultivation first, and for a time, several people were immersed in cultivation.

"Master, Xueyuelou intercepted the disciples of Bingxue Palace this time, someone should have leaked it."

"If there were no traitors, Xueyuelou would not have controlled the forces of the Ice Palace so accurately. Fortunately, the Brahma map was not lost, otherwise, Xueyuelou would succeed."

The Forbidden Land of the Ice Palace, among the Ice Temple

The Lord of Ice Palace no longer sat on the throne of the throne, but stood on the main hall.

Opposite her, there was a woman with a veil, she couldn't see her face or how big she was, and she radiated a magical light on this woman, which made her unclear.

In front of this glory, the main owner of the Ice Palace was also affected, and the tone of his speech was extremely respectful.

Yes, this woman with the veil is the current master of the Ice Palace. After the Ice Palace awakened the Ice Body, it was paid attention by the senior officials of the Ice Palace and worshipped the powerful **** as a teacher.

"This matter comes to an end temporarily."

"Anyway, the three major forces will gather together in a few years to open the Brahma cave together."

"Let the following deal with this candidate carefully. Although we don't know what is inside, we must prepare for the Ice Palace. Before that, we shouldn't be surprised."

Yunhua Shenzun said.

As the master of the ice and snow palace, the cultivation base also achieved the great consummation of the god.

Inside the Ice Palace, there are only a few surviving fruits.

Similarly, she is the only woman in the Taishang elders at the Ice Palace.

No matter when and where, the Zongmen and the family are divided into several forces. Each person stands in a different team. Naturally, the Ice Palace Master is the Palace Master, and the candidates of several Palace Masters are also unacceptable. Those Palace Master candidates The elders behind him are not convinced.

Each Taishang elder has his own network and his own small team.

That is to say, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Ice Palace is also divided into two forces, one side is to support the Ice Palace, and the other is not to accept the Ice Palace.

The two naturally knew what was going on this time, just for the development and future of Bingxue Palace. They didn't want to make things big. If they were to kill each other internally, it was Bingxue Palace that would destroy other forces.

"Master, I have heard of Brahma Dongtian before, but why hasn't it been opened yet."

"Although the three forces are not in harmony, can't we join forces to open Brahma for the time being for the sake of benefit? Why should we wait until now?"

The ice goddess spoke, her face showing a puzzling look.

After speaking, he looked at Yunhua Shenzun curiously.

This doubt, she did not ask the Master after she became the Master of the Ice and Snow Palace. Now the three major forces agreed to join forces to open the Brahma Dongtian, and then asked her Master, what is the reason in this?



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