War God Supreme

Chapter 2277: Dongtian opens...

Tianji Sanctuary, meet a quarter of Taiyue Shenting. (Baidu search)【Reading network】

Such a vast world is completely controlled by the Holy Temple.

In this world, the most famous heavenly holy city, the land of the extreme north, and the land of Brahma.

The land of the extreme north is an endless world of ice and snow, and the land of Brahma is a vast world of flames.

The world of ice and snow is imprisoned for hundreds of millions of years.

The Brahma Land is a blazing world that devours the heavens and the earth, and everything in the world will be reduced to ashes here. General monks who only dare to practice on the edge of the Brahma Land and dare to enter the Brahma Land are all super powers. .

The deeper the Brahma, the more terrifying the flames.

At the deepest point, it is said that even ordinary artifacts can be easily melted.

Artifacts are easily melted, not to mention humans and all creatures.

Normally, in Brahma's land, gods and kings are rarely seen, but in recent years, super **** kings and super **** masters can be seen everywhere. These **** kings and **** masters are in peace, and the well water does not violate the river.



The flames of destruction are like the boundless fairy seas. When the strong come here, they do not know what the ground is. They can only fly in the air, because the flames here are like sea water, and they do not know how deep.

The whole world is full of flames. Entering here is like entering the sea water, but the sea water is cold, and here is the sea of ​​flames. The general **** king will also be turned into ashes by accident.

However, even in such a place, the landform and appearance are the same as in other worlds. There are mountains, flowers, and trees. But the flowers and trees here are all attributes of the fire system, and the mountains are also blazing flames.

After half a year of flight, the flying battleship of Ice Palace finally entered the Brahma Land.

After flying for half a month in Brahma, the flying warship slowed down.

On the flying warship, you can see the **** king strong and the gods of the gods everywhere. Even the gods can see them everywhere. These strong men are in groups of three or five, and some even dozens or hundreds.

Needless to say, these strong men are either acquaintances, or forces, or temporary alliances.

Moreover, in the world of flames, flying warships are everywhere.

What is even more shocking is that the lowest level of the flying warships here is the top-grade ancient class, the top-ranking ancient class and the bottom-grade congenital class are the most, and the middle-class and top-grade congenital class are also not rare.

Li Lingtian and others looked at the countless dense outsiders inside the flying battleship, and they were shocked.

I knew that there were about three or four million super gods and gods here, but now I saw them with so many super gods, and they shocked them completely.



The flying warship finally stopped after traveling for twenty minutes among countless warships and powerful men.

Appearing in front of Li Lingtian and others is a blue-and-white flame. This blue-and-white flame is as large as a million miles, and everyone was shocked to see this flame.

Because this flame is completely still, as if space and time have stopped.

However, although there is no slight movement in this flame, it can give people an endless destruction, more terrifying than the flames anywhere in Brahma, and more powerful than any flames.

"Everyone has no orders to leave the battleship."

"For this period of time, prepare yourself well. Sleep him for ten days and ten nights. After entering Brahma D-Day, I'm afraid there will not be much chance of sleeping."

The voice of the elder Mu Xueshen, the elder of the Ice Palace, sounded in the flying battleship, but he could not hear the sound.

"Disciples obey."

The strong king of the gods in the battleship heard this voice and answered respectfully.

They also know that Taishang Elder is for their good, because after leaving the flying warship, they might be calculated by other powerful men, and outside the flying warship, when the D-day is opened, they will be scattered.

Mu Xueshen said it right. Taking advantage of the opportunity to rest now, take a good rest. If you are in the Brahma D-Day, then it is a luxury to want to rest at that time.

Next, Li Lingtian and others relaxed in the flying battleship.

They are completely indifferent to the outside world. Since the elders of the Taishang let them rest in peace, there must be safety guarantees, not to mention that they are in the middle-class congenital flying warship.

The medium-grade congenital flight warship, even the top-grade congenital battleship, cannot be destroyed.

Besides, Bingxue Palace, as the protagonist of the opening of Brahma D-Day, everyone is naturally offended to provoke Bingxue Palace.

Ten days, past.

Twenty days, past.

One month passed.

Li Lingtian and others adjusted their mental state to their peak in this month, which also made them sleep for a month.

Although not sleeping every day, most of the time I am resting, not cultivating, not understanding, the biggest task is to relax and adjust my spirit.

This month, some people heard a lot of news.

In Brahma, there are about 3.1 million gods and kings coming, as many as 4.6 million gods and gods, and 130,000 gods and gods. These data are not accurate, but they are not much different.

Even if the data is biased, the number of strong men coming to Brahma D-Day this time is beyond their imagination. They never thought that so many strong men came here.


"When the time comes, the D-day will really be opened, and the disciples of the Ice Palace should not go advanced."

"Separate some people to organize wealth and let other powerful people enter it. Certainly some gods want to enter, just see if the gods can enter the D-day."

Inside one of the battleships in the Ice Palace, inside the main hall.

The five dignified and strong men have a dignified look on their faces. Why have they faced so many super strong men.

Similarly, this is the first time such a thing has made them feel a little bit stressed.

The person who spoke was the seemingly indifferent woman, that is, the lowest divine powerhouse. When she spoke, the other four divine powerhouses listened carefully.

Because, she is the **** of Yunhua, one of the only fruits remaining in the Ice Palace.

In the Ice Palace, the status is superb. Only a few super gods who are the same as her can be equal to her.

"Uncle Shi said very well."

"The Brahma D-day is extremely dangerous, and even the access restrictions are not clarified. Naturally, the disciples of the Ice Palace cannot take risks."

"However, what we can think of can also be thought of Tay Hall and Blood Moon Tower. The other strong men and monks, who are not the old J giant cunning, will certainly not be used as a test article."

Another woman sitting beside Yunhua also spoke after Yunhua Shenzun finished speaking.

The same as the god, but she respects Yunhua god.

Even if the cultivation is the same as the realm now, Yunhua Goddess is still called Master Uncle.

Not only him, but also other gods, this is also because of the status of Yunhua God in the Ice Palace.

Yunhua Shenzun is a disciple of the second disciple of the first ancestor, and they are much smaller than Yunhua Shenzun. It can be said that all the disciples in the Ice Palace are young generations of Yunhua Shenzun, only a few The old guy and Yunhua Shenzun were the strong ones in the same period.

"In addition to this matter, we should also pay attention to the Tai Y Hall and the Blood Moon Tower."

"This time the distribution of wealth must be cautious, don't go to the Blood Moon Tower and Tai Y Hall."

"Actually, those who respect the gods are easy to solve. Let's send the **** king and the gods first. If they want to enter, as long as they have paid a hundred days of crystal or a hundred days of crystal wealth, they can enter as long as they don't enter. "

Mu Xueshen said.

"It's almost time."

"The old guys in Blood Moon Tower and Tai Y Temple are out."

"The copied Brahma map, nine maps for the **** master, and one for the **** king."

Yunhua Shenzun stood up and said.

When the voice fell, she had disappeared inside the flying battleship, and when it appeared again, she was already outside the flying battleship, her eyes coldly watching the blue and white flames.

The whole person is very ordinary, but with a sense of transcendence beyond the world.

After she went out, Mu Xueshen four people also came to her, and the five stood together, looking at the gods and strong men in the distant Tai Y Hall and Blood Moon Tower.

To start Brahma D-Day, three forces must work together, because the Brahma map is divided into three parts and controlled by the three forces.

Seeing that the gods of the three forces came out, the powerful in the Brahma Land quickly gathered towards the center, and the powerful in the flying warship also left the flying warship, preparing to enter it when the Brahma D-day was opened.

Li Lingtian and others also came out of the flying warship, and the people in the Ice Palace gathered together.

When they came out, the gods of the three forces communicated.

In a moment of effort, the three major forces discussed and came to a conclusion.

"Everyone, you can now prepare spirit stones or items."

"I don't have time to delay everyone's entry into the D-day. If you are delayed for some reason, then you must not blame us.

A great consummated **** of the Taiyin Temple said aloud ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sound spread like a wave, and the strongest within a radius of thousands of miles could hear clearly.

At the same time, Taiyian Temple sent two thousand strong men, Blood Moon Tower sent two thousand strong men, and Bingxue Palace also sent two thousand strong men. These six thousand strong men were specifically responsible for collecting spirit stones and wealth.

Suddenly, countless powerful people began to exchange spirit stones and wealth for three uniquely created tokens. This token was created according to the Brahma map. In addition to the tokens created by the three major forces, other forces are even powerful. It is impossible to forge such a token.

Besides, Xiu Wei has reached the realm of God King and God. He naturally doesn’t want to risk himself at the door for a little spirit stone and wealth. If he uses a fake token, he might be banned and killed at the door of D Tian Men.

The strong men who come here all get the news from the three major forces. It must take 100 Tianjing to enter D-Day. If D-Day cannot be opened, you can exchange tokens for 90% of Tianjing.

Therefore, when the spirit stone and wealth are collected, there is no strong man making trouble, and some complaints are naturally inevitable.

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