War God Supreme

Chapter 2279: Dayan

"Damn., have you all the way! [reading net]"

"Old Xue Xue, you're so abominable."

In the endless world of flames in Brahma, terrible flames burned the world.

More than 800 gods and gods, all entered into the black D.

Although it is not certain that the black D is the entrance to Brahma D, it is also a glimmer of hope. Looking at all the gods and gods entering the black D, some gods and gods suddenly angered the sky.

But it was too late to stop.

Several **** respected strong eyes looked at Mu Xue **** respect coldly, shouted fiercely.

Because, they want to get a complete copy of the map from the Ice Palace, Tai Y Hall and Blood Moon Tower, but they did not expect that Mu Xue Shenzun and others gave the disciples of God King and God Lord the first time the following disciples entered Black D.

By the time they responded, the gods and deities had entered the black D with a duplicate map.

Not only the Ice Palace, but also the Tai Y Hall and the Blood Moon Tower.

Thirty complete maps were all obtained by the three forces. The other powerful players did not even get a corner. The advantages and opportunities were taken up by the three forces.

Originally, with all the gods exerting pressure, even if the three major forces were even stronger, they could not fight against more than ten thousand gods.

It's a pity that they are one step slower, and they also didn't expect the three major forces to dare to monopolize 30 maps.

"My Excellency, did the deity offend you?"

"The Brahma D-day was discovered by us, and then it was our hard work to open it."

"Now you are only a hundred Tianjing. For you, 100 Tianjing is not even worth nine cents. Why do you target us like this?"

"Now, whether you want to go in or not depends on your determination."

"I don’t want to tell you the gods. According to the ancestors of Bingxue Palace, people and creatures above the gods are the most unsuitable, including the gods. Moreover, the Bingxue Palace also fell because of Brahma D. ."

Mu Xue Shenzun said aloud with a faint smile on his face.

Now that the three major forces have opened Brahma D-Day, whether the Ice Palace can be revived, it is here in one fell swoop, and some of the secrets of the Ice Palace need not be concealed. It is time to announce the world.

Besides, the history of Bingxue Palace is not a secret. Some newly-emerged strongmen may not know it, but those old monsters are clear.

"Not bad."

"Ice Snow Palace fell because of Brahma D."

"I believe some seniors should have heard about the cause and effect."

The Mysterious Deity of Tai Y Temple also nodded at this time, agreeing with the words of Lord Xue Xue.

At this time, no matter what the reason is, he will be on the side of Mu Xue God, so that he can resist the pressure brought by all gods.

"You are right."

"Countless trillion years ago, Blood Moon Tower and Tai Y Temple were originally the Ice Palace, but I don't know why. The first ancestor of the Ice Palace disappeared, the first super demon disappeared, and the Ice Palace divided into three forces."

"Believe, this is related to Brahma D-Day."

A loud but loud voice sounded, the sound seemed to have a magical charm, so that all the gods and gods present could not help looking at the master of this voice.

When seeing the master of the voice, all the gods above were shocked and their faces showed respect.

"Dai Yan God!"

"Dai Yan God!"

"Dai Yan God!"

More than ten thousand gods, looking at an old man who must be white, shouted respectfully, with a sincere look on his face.

Because, the deity in front of you, in the heaven, is one of the ten most recognized deities, and also the ten oldest deity, cultivated to the earth, even if the realm is not a divine emperor, but even a general divine emperor, it cannot Shake them.

In the celestial realm, there are rules of heaven and heaven, and these rules of heaven and heaven form various laws.

All creatures can't break the rules and rules, but some people get the love of heaven and earth, with unique means and magical powers, which makes them powerful and unmatched.

These people can be said to be infinitely close or have touched the rules, and the calculation is touched, and they will not foul.

Thus, these people can do some magical things.

In other words, these powerful people who have magical means and touch the rules can beat their opponents across the border.

Dayan Divine Venerable is such a person. He has lived countless eras and is the oldest **** revered. The means are thorough, and naturally make countless powerful people of the same rank awe and admiration.

"Brahma D is extremely dangerous in the sky."

"It can be said that there is no death in ten years. At that time, the first demon of the Ice Palace was countless times more powerful than the deity, but it almost fell in it. You want to go in, naturally, but don't regret it."

"If you don't have a doppelganger, don't go."

Dayan Shenzun floated in the void, his eyes glanced at all the gods, his eyes were dull, and there was no slight emotion.

When speaking, step by step toward the blue and white flames.

Every step looks very ordinary, but when going out, it is far away.

When the voice of Dayan Deity dropped, the whole person had disappeared and entered the black D.

In the void, there is also the majestic voice of Divine Deity.

All the deities were also shocked in the voice of Dayan.

By the time they responded, Dayan Divine Vendor had entered the Black D, which made the more than ten thousand God Venerable Powers entangled and hesitated. They naturally believed in Dayan Divine Venerable's words.

They did not think that the Ice Palace had such a history, nor did they think that there was a super demon in the Snow Palace that was countless times more powerful than Dayan God Venerable. What a horror and danger inside.

Now, Dayan Shenzun entered Black D and headed to Brahma D. They didn't know if they should enter Black D.

As for the millions of super gods and gods, they don’t care.


As all the gods hesitated, a figure cut through the void and flew towards the black D.

Seeing this person, they recognized this as the deity of the Ice Palace.

"Someone really wants to die."

"I'm still going to the emptiness."

"I also go to the land of emptiness."

"The deity will retreat for a million years."

"The deity still returns to Qingfeng Hall."

"Everyone says goodbye."

Seeing that the ordinary deity of the Ice Palace entered the black D, countless deities were shocked.

Even so, he chose to leave and not venture into the unknown secret realm.

Besides, there is no need to rush to such a mysterious and huge secret realm. After the other strong people come out, ask in to find out clearly, and then go in. If no one comes out, then all fall into it, so they don’t have to go in.

For a time, almost all the divine and powerful people quickly left Brahma.

This kind of thing, without calculation and tactics, is entirely based on your courage. Those who have courage can go straight in. If they don't have courage, they leave early, regardless of other people's choices.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Half a day passed, a day passed.

A month has passed, and the powerful people above the Brahma Land have basically left, leaving only a dozen of deities in the Ice Palace, Tai Y Temple and Blood Moon Tower, and some of them are good or or The really hesitant strongman is waiting here.

In general, there are only a thousand people in this respect.

However, quite a few **** kings and **** kings came and saw that the Ice Snow Palace and the Taiyue Hall's Blood Moon Tower had no opening, so they quickly entered the black D.

"Let's go in too."

Mu Xueshen opened his mouth with a determined look in his eyes.

After finishing speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared in place. When it appeared again, it had already come to the black D. Finally, it quickly entered the black D. The other three deity powers, without any hesitation, followed Enter the black D.

Seeing that the five deities of Bingxue Palace all entered the black D, the Tai Y Hall followed closely, and several deities of the Blood Moon Tower also followed into the black D. This time, thousands of other deities The strong man finally made up his mind and quickly entered the black D.

Everyone knows that risks and gains coexist, and there will be no pie in the sky.

If you don't take risks, there will be no gains.

Since the gods of the three major forces all entered it, they had to take a risk.


Just as all of these divine powers were about to enter Black D, the blue and white flames around the black D exploded again, and the blue and white light soared into the sky, throwing dozens of divine powers.

The blue-and-white light forms a mask, blocking dozens of deities, while the deity-strength in the blue-and-white light is intact, and finally pulled by the power of black D.

At the same time, the blue and white light quickly withdrew and retreated toward the black D, just like the ebb tide. The gods and powerful persons in the blue and white light were all disappeared in the black D.

In an instant, the blue and white lights disappeared, the blue and white flames stood still, and the black D disappeared.

All of this came too quickly, and the whole process was just an instant effort.

The dozens of gods who were thrown away were completely stunned.

Is this just outside the door?

Brahma D-Day still has such power, or what does all this represent?

In other words, Brahma D-Day only accepts a certain number of gods and numbers.

"Brahma D-day is closed."

"what happened?"

"Why are we refused to be outside?"

"What happened above?"

"Why is Brahma D-day closed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ one step late."

"You shouldn't hesitate, knowing that Brahma D-Day will be closed, I should have entered long ago."

"This is not necessarily a bad thing, maybe you will encounter a horrible unknown danger in it."

"Now, everyone can go home with peace of mind."

"I don't know if anyone who enters there has a chance to come out."


Looking at the scene in front of him, the remaining gods were all surprised, his face unwilling.

However, it is too late to regret now.

However, some strong men were able to let go, turned around and left Brahma D-Day.

This kind of thing happened in Brahma's land, which everyone did not think of. I am afraid that even the first ancestor of Ice Palace and Huang Tian, ​​the first demon of Ice Palace, never thought it would become like this.

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