War God Supreme

Chapter 2281: 4 volts of death

Brahma is a vast world.

No one knows how big it is, because no one has been here.

Legend has it that even the first ancestor and the first demon of the Ice Palace were never folded back here, and no one in the Heaven Realm knew everything in the Brahma Cave, the new secret realm, which made the billionaires rush.

Such a world is full of unknown dangers.

There are powerful flame beasts everywhere, magic monsters everywhere, and death everywhere.

In the realm, more than 800 gods and gods entered the black hole, and more than half of the gods and gods were turned into ashes in the black hole. Only a small number of gods and most gods survived.

The strong man who can really come to Brahma is only about 6 million.

"Flame Beast, the next level of God Lord."

A young man in black just came to Brahma Cave, and encountered a huge flame beast. Seeing that the flame beast is the next **** level, his face suddenly showed a gray look of death.

Because he is just a great consummation king, he has become weak to the extreme in the black hole for several years, and his strength is not 30% when he is at his heyday. If he is at his heyday, he can still have some master beasts from the **** level Escaped in front, but now, there is no slightest chance.



Without any hesitation, turning and flying ≠ long ≠ wind ≠ literary ≠ learning, w∞ww.c↓fwx.n☆et escaped.

But when he had just flown, the flames of the destruction of the flaming beasts were crushed hard, and the sound of a crack in the space, the **** of black youth turned into ashes, and fell completely.


"No, it's flames!"

"God, how come there is flames of wind, ah!"

A middle-aged man, the next Divine Lord, exuded the domineering breath of the Divine Lord, but his face was tired.

Standing on the ground, looking at the looming space fluctuations all around, the man's face showed horror, as if he had seen ghosts, and he had not yet waited for his reaction to escape.




A fierce sound appeared in the fiery red sky.

Above the earth, dozens of gods, gods, masters and powerful men fight for a treasure.

At this moment, the sudden horror sound made all people stop their hands and looked into the air. The face of the strong man on the scene changed dramatically, as if they saw something terrifying.

I saw the sky, and the overwhelming black clouds rolled over.

These black clouds are not black clouds, but a group of horror gods and beasts. These gods and beasts have blocked the entire sky. There are tens of thousands of them. Each **** and beast is a lower level and a central level.

Seeing so many Divine Lord level beasts, dozens of Divine King Divine Lords were shocked.


"Ah, ah!"


Instant kung fu, overwhelming beasts rushed towards these gods and gods.

Suddenly, the riots on the earth seemed to collapse, and the space was shattered. The whole world seemed to be destroyed in an instant. At the same time, countless screams sounded.

For a few seconds, the sound of screaming disappeared, and the overwhelming beast swept the sky and flew towards the sky.

On the earth, where there were dozens of gods and gods, there was only a little blood on them. All gods and gods disappeared and no bones were left. They were completely swallowed by these gods and beasts.



Xuan Bing Divine Lord walked through the endless dark world to the world of Brahma.

In this place, he has been here for a few days. He also got some precious materials, and even got a middle-class ancient artifact, a middle-class ancient artifact, although it is nothing to him. , But enough to show that there are many treasures here.

The figure flashed, the mind was extended, flying carefully.


Wow la la.

At this moment, the void was broken, and a thunder thundered through the void clouds.

Hearing the sound of the void breaking, Xuan Bing God Zun suddenly felt the threat of death, his face changed dramatically, his eyes looked at the void, and when he saw the thunder in the void, the whole person's heart jumped wildly.

"Fighting Thunder Flames."

"God, I'm going to be finished."

Xuan Bing Shenzun couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the thunder that was emptied by the void.

Subconsciously, the most terrifying defense is displayed, and at the same time the figure flashes.

As long as the defense resists the moment of thunder, he can escape from the thunder.


The shock was thundering, and the speed of thunder was beyond the imagination of Xuan Bing God. The defense had just been put on display, and he was hit by the thunder before he escaped. Suddenly, Xuan Bing God stood on the spot, with a gray look in his eyes.

Then, the unmatched and powerful body turned into ashes.

Xuan Bing God Sovereign, although not well-known in the heavens, but also a super **** of great power, but under a thunder, the Yuanshen all extinguished.


One **** king fell instantly.

One by one the gods were destroyed instantly.

The gods disappeared instantly.

In Brahma, there are nine deaths and one life.

Weak as a **** king, as strong as a god, in this Brahma world, we are so weak that even ants are weak, and very fragile.

Various destructions, various deaths, various unknown dangers.

It can be said that in this place, the God King, God Lord, and God Sovereign are completely destroyed by tricks.

Flaming beast, unknown danger, cannibalism

All this is performed in Brahma.

However, there are opportunities where there are dangers.

Naturally, there are also a lot of super powerhouses who escaped from death to obtain magical treasures and precious materials.

All this has to do with strength and luck.

In the endless sea of ​​flames, a huge flying warship cut through the void and quickly shuttled through the fiery red clouds. Li Lingtian in the flying warship was already numb to the horror here.

The powerful flame beast is powerful.

There are thousands of horrible beasts in motion, and even he felt a strong shock inside the flying warship.

There are also some destruction crises that suddenly appeared in the void, which caused the flying warship to be greatly hit.

Fortunately, the Xuan Yu is a congenital flying warship, even if it is inferior, but this congenital flying warship is specially made by Shenting. It is powerful and unmatched. The most powerful thing is its defense and speed.

Even the God-sovereign cannot shake it.

The speed is fast, tens of thousands of miles, and 100 million miles per hour. This kind of defense and speed is the only guarantee for Li Lingtian to escape from the Divine Beast Group. He dare not imagine that if there is no Xuanyu, he will even go against the sky. It must fall here.

I never imagined that the flying battleship that I exchanged for points could be the only magic weapon to save his life.

"How far are we flying?"

Li Lingtian stood in front of the crystal screen of the main control room of the flying warship and said lightly.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and stroked it on the white fur.

"From the beginning to the present."

"We have been flying for six years and 131 days."

"A total of 557,400 million miles were flown."

"There have been 3,719 attacks."

"One hundred and sixty-three thousand and three hundred and forty-two heads of the next god-lord beast."

"One hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-six head beasts of the median **** level."

"High-level god-beast-level beasts of eighteen three thousand five hundred fifty-seven."

"The Great Dharma Lord God Lord level is 39,831."

"Sixty-three beasts of the next **** level."

"Unknown threat 366 times."

On the crystal screen, a cute sprite appeared.

The elf said diligently, reporting a series of data.

Listening to these data, the look on Li Lingtian's face was cold.

Flying over this flaming fairy sea for more than six years, during these six years, he has not been attacked by the mythical beast all the time. Although he was not hurt, he was extremely unhappy and always worried.

Such a situation is more uncomfortable than in the dark world of black holes.

The worst monsters and monsters encountered are the lower **** master level, the most powerful are the lower gods, and no lower level monsters and monsters, nor humans.

Encountered are dangerous threats and death.

"Are we going to be trapped in this sea of ​​flames forever?"

"The avatar was not found, but it's stuck here."

"The realm of this seat is also about to break through. In this way, the Divine King Realm cannot find an avatar, hey."

Li Lingtian said to himself.

In the past six years, his cultivation practice has been elevated to the peak of Dzogchen, only one step away from Divine Lord, and he feels that he will break through within a year.

Facing such an endless ocean, he had no way.


"Give me the chart of encountering the beast."

"Are the attacks and threats we encounter become more and more intensive?"

Li Lingtian asked the elf above the crystal screen.

Just a few seconds after his voice fell, a graph appeared on the crystal screen, along with some data.

"The number of attacks we encountered has increased in intensity."

"And the unknown danger intensity is also increasing."

"In this case, we should have entered a certain forbidden area or important area."

"Do you want to go back and change direction?"

The sound of the elf Jiao Didi sounded.

With this graph and data, plus the sound analysis of the wizard, Li Lingtian can see at a glance.

I feel more and more heavy in my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The direction of flight not only did not leave the sea of ​​flames, but instead entered the depths, and the danger was more and more.

If in general, under such circumstances, it is naturally best, because you can find some clues, or find important instructions, but now, there are endless dangers ahead.

One accidentally disappeared.

To say return and change direction, he must not be reconciled.

After six years have passed, the return is another six years. Even if you return, then where do you want to go, and how do you leave Brahma Cave? These things are not sure and clue.

"Tell the present situation of the battleship."

"And what the battleship's greatest tolerance is."

Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, and then asked the elf.

He now wants to fully understand the current situation of the battleship, which also makes it possible to make the next decision.

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