War God Supreme

Chapter 2286: Lord of the Sky

After wandering for half an hour, Li Lingtian gave up. One reading book ww?w?·1?k?a reading n?s?h?u reading·c?c?

Because of his cultivation strength, not to mention half an hour, even if it is thousands of years, it is impossible to walk around here. Here, in addition to the palace or the palace, it gives people a feeling of reaching the gods.

Now that he consumes too much, he must first restore his divine power and energy.

Randomly found a palace to enter, sat cross-legged, and began to stabilize the injury.

Although there are pagodas to resist the law of flames, the seven heads are equivalent to the attack of the Great Flame Master Divine Flame Beast, which almost made him disappear, and now the injury is extremely extreme.

And the divine power has been exhausted, and the five-element field and the space-time field have been exhausted. It must be restored as soon as possible.

For the time being, there is no need to manage the Brahma Palace.

One day, two days.

Ten days have passed, Li Lingtian's injury is stable, and his divine power and field have been restored.

If you want to recover from the injury, you have to spend at least a year or two.

Now, he was not in a mood to heal, but wanted to dispel the doubts in his heart, and it just happened that Yunhua Venerable sought him.

What is more important is to figure out the relationship between the beads and yourself. Since Brahma Cave Heaven is opened for the first time, why the beads are in the hands of Yunhua God, there are too many things that I don’t know.


His figure flashed, and he was shuttled around the palace.

After a few minutes of effort, Li Lingtian came to a tall palace.

The palace is 10,000 miles in size and thousands of miles in height. In the palace of Brahma Palace, it can be regarded as medium to high.

Li Ling stopped in front of the palace, and his face was calm, and his heart turned over.

With his strength as a cultivation base, he can naturally find the place where Yunhua Goddess is located along with his divine consciousness.

He calmed down a little, and walked towards the palace.

There was no restriction in the palace. Li Lingtian walked into the palace and saw Yunhua God above the main hall.

Yunhua Shenzun did not sit on the throne, but stood in the center of the main hall, facing away from the gate of the palace. ?Read a book??w?ww?·1?k?an?sh?u?·


Li Lingtian came to the place where Yunhua Shenzun was 100 meters away, shouted, and saluted Yunhua Shenzun.

"You came."

"The injury recovered well."

Yunhua Shenzun turned and looked at Li Lingtian.

With a curious look in her eyes, she is a dignified and respectable god, and she is also curious about this **** king youth. In her eyesight, this youth is all over the body.

Not only do you attach great importance to your master, but you can also persevere in front of the endless beast.

More importantly, that ray of light turned into a bead. The bead attracted the flames of the Brahma Palace and instantly destroyed the seven-headed Great God Flame Beast. It can be seen how terrifying this bead is. It is also amazed that Li Lingtian and this bead and Brahma What does the palace do?

"Thank you for your help."

"The juniors do have a lot of doubts and doubts. I hope the seniors will solve the doubts."

Li Lingtian salutes again, this thank you Yunhua God for saving him when he is about to be destroyed.

He didn't turn corners, he opened the door and went straight to the subject.

When speaking, he looked at Yunhua Shenzun calmly.

"The deity cannot help you."

"However, all your doubts and doubts will be answered."

Yunhua Shenzun's body changed, and his appearance changed.

In an instant, Yunhua Shenzun is no longer that ordinary ordinary woman, but a gorgeous goddess, enough to make the world's men crazy crazy.

At this moment, Li Lingtian was also very surprised.

I did not expect that ordinary god, such a magnificent, so powerful and unmatched.

However, although surprised, his face did not show up.

And even more concerned about Yunhua Shenzun, since Yunhua Shenzun can't solve his doubts, is there anyone else who can't solve his doubts?

When Li Lingtian was curious, he suddenly felt a pair of eyes behind him staring at him. ?To read?Book 1ka?nshu·

Feeling such a situation, Li Lingtian's body flashed and disappeared instantly. When he appeared again, he was already on the other side of the palace with a shocked look in his eyes.

In this palace, apart from him and Yunhua Goddess, there is no one else, and now he feels his eyes and scalp feel numb.

Looking at the place where he started to stand, a yellow shadow was suspended in the air not far from where he was standing.

It was this Huang Ying staring at him. When he saw this Huang Ying, Li Lingtian was even more shocked.

Because when he entered the Brahma Cave and the Black Hole, he had seen this yellow shadow, and the yellow shadow entered the silver-white light, but after the light turned into beads, he never saw the yellow shadow again.

I didn't expect this Huang Ying to appear here, and I felt a sense of fear.

"Who are you?"

Li Lingtian asked, looking at Huang Ying.

At the same time, I was also vigilant to Yunhua Shenzun. From the situation in front of me, it seemed that Yunhua Shenzun knew the existence of this yellow shadow.

This yellow shadow is the same as when there was no body before the blood moon, but the yellow shadow in front of him is not comparable to the blood moon, no matter how it looks, but it is weaker than the blood moon, just like it will disappear at any time.

After he asked, Huang Ying didn't answer, but Yunhua Shenzun spoke.

"Disciples have seen Master."

"Li Lingtian, this is the master of the deity."

Yunhua Shenzun respected Huang Ying with a respectful salute and introduced to Li Lingtian.

"Have seen seniors."

Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard Yunhua Shenzun's introduction.

How powerful Yunhua Deity is, he is the highest-level deity that he has ever seen. Even the Thunder Deity Venerable and Gale Deity Venerable, as well as the Bishui Fairy, close her, and think how powerful Yunhua Deity is.

But she called this Huang Ying the Master, then this Huang Ying is more powerful than Yunhua Shenzun.

At least, this yellow shadow is the existence of God Emperor level.

Seeing such people, Li Lingtian did not dare to be careless, and he did not dare to be rude. Besides, as long as he is not an enemy, such a existence naturally deserves his respect.

"Li Lingtian, you have many doubts."

"Yunhua, you also have a lot of things you want to know."

"You don't even know the name of the deity. Maybe no one in the world knows the deity."

Huang Ying said faintly that the phantom was suspended in the air, and it looked like he could be blown away by a gust of wind.

However, that kind of faint majesty made Li Lingtian feel that a big mountain was over his head.

After all, the phantom in front of him is the master of Goddess Yunhua.

"The juniors do have a lot of doubts and doubts. I hope the seniors will solve the puzzles."

"Master Honors."

Li Lingtian and Yunhua Shenzun spoke at the same time, admitting that they wanted to know many things.

"The deity is called Huang Tian, ​​and some people call it the Lord of Huang Tian."

"The deity comes from this Brahma cave, which is the Brahma world."

"This is an endless and perfect world. Here, living a carefree life of cultivation, I have a few best friends. They are the Lord of the Sky, the Lord of the Sky, the Lord of the Sky, and the Heaven Lord, Yantian Lord, Cangtian Lord, Xuantian Lord and Zhongtian Lord."

"We are all the most gifted children of the Lord of the Nine Palaces of Brahma World. At that time, we only had the true God to practice. One day, the Brahma World met a strong enemy. The Holy Lord sent his nine people out of Brahma World by his shocking means."

"We came to Heaven Realm and worked hard for the future. I also became a disciple of the ancestor of the Ice Palace. When Master and I went to Brahma World, there was nothing wrong with the Brahma World."

"In the Brahma Palace, we have a ray of soul and a sacred force of the Holy Lord. The Holy Lord was suppressed by the people. The Master opened the seal, but he was repulsed by Heaven and sent to the mysterious place."

Lord Huang Tian said nonchalantly. His face was dull and his eyes closed slightly, as if he was remembering.

Li Lingtian and Yunhua Shenzun on the side were in shock.

Neither of them thought that Huang Tian was the master of Huang Tian, ​​and that several of the powerful players in Heaven Realm were also the evil demon of Brahma World.

What shocked the two more was that Brahma World was so powerful that its opponents completely wiped out all the people in Brahma World. Until now, they do not know whether the people in Brahma World are dead or alive.

The original ancestor of the Ice Palace was completely robbed in Brahma World, and now he does not know the life and death.

Who is the enemy of the Brahma world and how powerful is it?

Not only did Huang Tianzhu not puzzle the two, but they were even more surprised by these words.

"Senior, do you know who is the strong enemy of Brahma World?"

Li Lingtian asked.

Although he wants to know whether he has a relationship with the Brahma World, he is now curious about the secrets of the Brahma World.

After asking, he stopped talking and looked at Huang Tianzhu.

His question is what Yunhua Shenzun wants to know.

"The deity, do not know who is the strong enemy of Brahma World?"

"When I saw the Lord, the Lord only had a ray of soul and a ray of divine power."

"Originally, with the cultivation of the Holy Lord, no one can destroy him in the cosmic wasteland, but the Holy Lord consumed all the divine power in order to protect one thing, even the last trace of the divine power was also used in Such things are above."

When Huang Tianzhi said of the Holy Lord, Yu Cheng looked respectfully on his face, and more of admiration and respect.

While speaking, he looked at Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's heart beat, inexplicably beating, I don't know why.

He doesn't know how powerful the ancestors of the Ice Palace ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it is said that the nine days of ice and snow are formed by a law of heaven and heaven that came from the ancestors of the Ice Palace. You can see how powerful the ancestors of the Ice Palace are.

"Holy Lord of Brahma World, I don't know how strong cultivation is."

"Even the Lord has to use all the cultivation and divine power to protect such things. You can see how much the Lord cares about such things. Master, you know what such things are protected by the Lord."

Yunhua Shenzun's face was full of curiosity.

The master of a world, exhausting the whole body to protect something, so how important it is.

Although it is not known how powerful the Holy Lord of the Brahma World is, from the mythical beasts in the Brahma World, it can be seen that the Brahma World is simply not comparable to the heavenly realm.

In such a powerful world, strong enemies are naturally more terrifying.



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