War God Supreme

Chapter 2289: Brahma Palace,...

As soon as the consciousness moved, a bowl-sized bead appeared in the dragon ring. Read a book?w?ww·1·

The beads had a fiery red luster, crystal clear.

Gentle and smooth, but when seen, the beads have a magical feeling that is tempting.

In the years above the flying warship, Li Lingtian didn't know how many times he watched the bead, but it didn't show up at all. It was completely like a useless glass ball.

It was the beads that the silvery white light turned into.

Unexpectedly, this bead turned into a light is the key to this palace.

However, even now, even this powerful deity, he could not believe it.

Because he has tried countless methods, but the beads still have no movement and reaction.

However, at this time, even with this powerful deity, in the face of the Seven-Headed Great Sovereign Deity Flame Beast, there is only the ending of the road, and the other party will never deceive him at this time.

Now, there is only one more test with sperm blood, and the dead horse is used as a living horse doctor.


When the exercises are running, a drop of essence blood appears in front of you.

What he didn't expect was that when his blood appeared, the void swayed, the light curtain above the palace city was also a trace of movement, and the entire sky was roaring at the moment.

Even Yunhua God Venerable in the void is horrified. The blood of a **** king, with such terrifying movements, is terrifying.

And it also affected the Brahma Palace, not to mention the God King, even the blood of the Divine Emperor Divine Emperor could not be done, Li Lingtian's blood at the moment caused such a shocking change.

To say that Li Lingtian has nothing to do with this Brahma Palace, she absolutely does not believe it.

Li Lingtian was also shocked. He knew the power of his blood, but it was completely incomparable with this movement.

However, he did not hesitate to use his consciousness to mobilize the blood and beads to meet.


When the beads and essence blood touched together, Tianhai shivered even more.

It's like the end of the world is coming. ?Read a book??w?ww?·1?k?an?sh?u?·

Li Lingtian's mind was also connected to the beads at the moment when the blood touched the beads. A familiar and intimate feeling surged in his heart, and there was also a feeling of wandering home.

Moreover, this feeling is getting clearer and stronger.


At this time, the beads broke free of Li Lingtian's control and rose into the sky.

Li Lingtian's body was also taken up, the whole person and the beads were suspended in the air, the palace city, the majesty of destruction was exploded, and the light curtain also became nothingness at this moment.

Faced with the majesty of destruction, Li Lingtian did not have the slightest fear and fear, but instead felt kind and warm, just like being loved by his parents.

In the palace city, endless flames spread the whole world.

This flame of destruction was instantly connected to the beads. The endless flame of destruction poured into the beads. Li Lingtian clearly felt that the beads swallowed the flames like a bottomless hole. When the beads swallowed the flames, he also I illusion that I am this bead, and I also feel like swallowing flames.


Swallowed in an instant, massive flames entered the beads.

Li Lingtian's illusion is very real, he feels that he has endless power of destruction.

With a loud roar, the bead pulled the endless flames of the palace city as an example. Using the bead as the lead, the flame of destruction was directed to the seven-headed Great Sovereign Deity Flame Beast.


Muffled, flames tear the space.

Severely crushed in front of the Seven-Headed Great Constellation Divine Flame Beast.

There was a trance in the void, and Tianhai was disillusioned.

In a flash, Tianhai Void returned to normal.

However, the flaming beast of the Seven-Headed Great Sovereign Divine has disappeared, leaving only seven Nedans transformed from Yuanshen suspended in the air. As a result, Li Lingtian was almost stunned.

A flame, silently destroying the flame beast of the Seven-Headed Great Constellation, is this an illusion, or is you dreaming, otherwise how is this done?

In the void, Yunhua Shenzun also completely froze. ? One? Look at the book w? ww watch · 1?k?a?n?s?h?u?·

She is an ancient deity of Dzogchen Sovereign. She naturally understands how terrifying the seven-headed Dzogchen Sovereign Flame Beast is, even if she faces the seven-headed Dzogchen Sovereign Flame Beast, she has to turn around and run away. A blaze burned all.


Just as Li Lingtian and Yunhua Deity were shocked, a majestic flame came from the palace.

To be honest, Li Lingtian has never seen such a terrible majesty. He can't imagine how strong it is to have such a terrible majesty.

Majestic sky, straight crush the entire sea of ​​flames.

Suddenly, the endless flames and beasts in front of the palace city were all turned to ashes, leaving behind the sky of Indan, the entire sea of ​​flames, countless trillions of beasts worshipped in front of majesty, and the body trembling.

Looking at the black flames of the god-level flames and monsters, Li Lingtian twisted his arms fiercely, wondering if he was hallucinating or dreaming.

Pain, pain, this is not dreaming and hallucinations.

Majesty comes and goes faster, and the whole process takes only two seconds.

Two seconds passed, the sky and sea became dead, there was no sound, no breeze.

Quiet, still.

In the palace city, the light curtain above has long disappeared. What appears in Li Lingtian's eyes is an endless palace. The palace is fiery red, but it has a magical halo and is beautiful and beautiful. It makes people tremble.

"Quickly enter the Brahma Palace."

Yunhua God Venerable is also the oldest God Venerable, and he instantly woke up with a shock.

Seeing that the palace's protection disappeared, all the flaming beasts had been turned to ashes, and they shouted loudly to remind Li Lingtian to let Li Lingtian enter the palace quickly. Otherwise, there would be such luck.

Li Lingtian was awakened by Yunhua Shenzun's reminder, grabbed the beads with one hand, and waved with the other hand. At the same time, the dragon dragon ring opened, and suddenly the sky was floating into the inner dragon towards the dragon ring.

Instant kung fu, tens of thousands of gods level flame beast of the inner dan have entered the dragon dragon ring.

After everything was done, the figure flashed and flew towards the palace.

At the same time, Yunhua Shenzun also entered the palace city, and the moment Li Lingtian entered the palace city, the protection of the palace city appeared again.

Seeing the protection appear, he had entered the palace city, and Li Lingtian sat on the ground.

Now it is finally safe.

Although there are a lot of doubts and wonders in my heart, I still don't want to move at this moment, I just want to sleep and don't care about anything.

However, he can't relax now.

And the beads are still constantly absorbing the flames in the palace city. This flame is pure flame, not a law or a field, but a flame of power that burns the sky, the more divine.

As the bead devoured the flames, his divine power recovered quickly.

Although he was tired, at least his power was recovering, which surprised and excited him.


Li Lingtian stood up and performed a salute to Yunhua Goddess in the distance.

At this moment, he did not care about looking at the situation here, and what he wanted to look at could not be looked at, because all the palaces in front of him were in sight. The palace did not know how long, wide, and high, it gave him the feeling, just like Ants face the same as Mount Tai.

"Li Lingtian."

"The deity Yunhua Goddess is the master of the current Palace Master of Bingxue Palace."

"This is the Brahma Palace."

"The deity knows that you have a lot of doubts and doubts. Not only do you have a lot of doubts, but even the deity has a lot of things to know, but you still have to recover first."

"You choose one of the palaces here, take a good rest, and then the deity calls you again."

Yunhua Shenzun really has a lot of curiosity to know, because this young man in front of him is related to his own master.

But a lot of things, Master Zun did not tell her.

When he finished speaking, he flew towards the palace in the distance, and finally disappeared into the palace.

Li Lingtian was shocked when he watched Yunhua Shenzun leave. He did not expect this powerful **** to be the master of the ice and snow goddess, and seemed to be familiar with it.

He shook his head and looked at the palace.

This endless palace is connected like a great carving.

Crystal clear, fiery red, with a magical halo.

"Brahma Palace."

Li Lingtian said to herself, no longer thinking about other things, flashed in shape, and flew towards the palace. Since Yunhua Shenzun said to rest first, he did not think about it anyway. Everything will understand.

Now the most important and most important thing is to take a good rest and restore your state to the peak of the heyday.

Entering the palace, the familiar and friendly feeling is even stronger.

Li Lingtian shuttled inside the palace, his face full of doubts.

In front of such a palace, he did not have a trace of fear, and he could not even raise a sense of precaution, as if he had returned to his home.

A small palace is huge, thousands of miles in size and hundreds of miles in height.

The palace here is suspended above the sea of ​​flames, and the small palaces are connected together, which is completely an endless palace city. The scenery inside is excellent.

And there is no endless flame in it, it is a beautiful world, just like Heavenly Realm, even more beautiful than Heavenly Wonderland and God Realm. Nine Heavens God City is a little witch and big witch compared to it, that is the light of firefly and Haoyue Zhenghui.

When I was outside~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I saw that I don’t know how tall, long, or wide. When I got inside, it was a city composed of palaces. The palaces were separated by thousands of miles. They are all miles wide and made of magical spar.

These palaces are hundreds of miles in size, and tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles in size, but all the palaces have a magical connection, and all the palaces are integrated into one, like an endless piece. Big 6 connects all mountains and rivers together.

This palace, collectively called Brahma Palace, is composed of countless large and small palaces.

Seeing such a building, Li Lingtian was completely shocked.

I don't know what kind of means and how to achieve this kind of Brahma Palace.

In my heart, I became more and more curious about this Brahma Palace.

What's even better is that there is a familiar feeling, a feeling of intimacy, a feeling of returning home.



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