War God Supreme

Chapter 2291: The 9th house,...

"The Way of the Nine Palaces. [Without pop-ups..]"

"Take the Nine Palaces as a carrier to cultivate the supreme saint."

"When the Tao of the Ninth Palace is fully consummated, the Heavenly Dao will be shaken and the court will fight with the Heavenly Dao."

Li Lingtian returned to the main hall again and began to learn how to practice the Nine Palaces. The former practice of the heaven and earth reincarnation was the foundation of the Nine Palaces. Now, he is also an entry.

The first floor is not too difficult to understand the way of the Nine Palaces.

This cultivation method shocked him completely.

If the cultivation reaches the great consummation, the control of the Ninth House is enough to resist the court of heaven. This is what a horrible existence. If the Tenth House is merged, it will be able to cross the universe.

More importantly, if you cultivate the first level and control the Brahma Palace, you can offset 20% of your opponent's domains or laws. For every level you increase, you can offset 20% of your opponent's domain laws.

If you practice to five levels, you can ignore the domain and laws of any strong man.

By practicing the way of the Nine Palaces and reaching the first level, you can refine the Brahma Palace, control the Brahma Palace, and treat the Brahma Palace as a flying palace. The Divine Emperor cannot be shaken in front of the palace.

The ten palaces, no matter how powerful they are, cannot shake the palace. At least this is a life-saving treasure.

Think about how powerful a palace of 9 trillion in diameter is.

Time, day by day.

In the past three years, the first level of the Nine Palaces' path was realized. The cultivation of the Nine Palaces' path is stronger than the heaven and earth reincarnation tactics. It is not a multiple to describe it, because the two are not in the same grade.

It can be said that the way of the Nine Palaces is the god-level version of the heaven and earth reincarnation tactics.

Li Lingtian had already reached the pinnacle of the Dzogchen Divine King, only one step away from the Divine Lord.

And at the time of the sea of ​​flames, the opportunity for breakthrough has already been reached.

If it were not for the main hall, he had broken through now.

Half a month after comprehending the way of the Nine Palaces, Li Lingtian finally took that step and stepped into the realm of Divine Lord.

The great consummation of the King of God is not a level between the two and the main realm of God.

Whether it is a divine body or a soul, it has finally reached its peak.

His consciousness can no longer be restricted by the realm and get rid of the realm.

"This is both God's realm."

Li Ling Tianshen moved, and his consciousness extended thousands of miles away.

One step out, it is already a million miles away.

With one hand, the whole world trembled.

Finally, break through the Dzogchen God King to reach God's Lord Realm.

At the moment, he is also a god, a **** above.

After the God Realm was reached, Li Lingtian stabilized the state.

Twenty years have passed, the realm is stable, and various magical powers have also adapted to the realm. Now, he does not know how strong he is, but he can be sure that the current self can beat the previous self with a wave of hand. The smoke disappeared.

Thirty years later, on this day, the first layer of the Nine Palaces was cultivated.

Essence of blood merged into the main hall, the Nine Palaces unfolded, his hands waved, and the Dharma was displayed.

Suddenly, the entire Brahma Palace shivered.

At the moment, the Brahma Palace with a diameter of 9 trillion miles turned like a huge flying warship. Li Lingtian stood above the main hall and controlled the Brahma Palace.

The whole person merged into this endless Brahma Palace, Li Lingtian's body reached an extreme point, he is now the Brahma Palace, and the Brahma Palace also incorporates Li Lingtian's breath and essence blood.

Li Lingtian's control of Brahma Palace is like refining a treasure.

Yunhua Shenzun felt the changes in Brahma Palace as if the sky was about to fall.

When I saw Li Lingtian, it was like seeing a **** of war unmatched in the world, which gave people a feeling of high mountains.

Brahma world, shaking and shaking.

It makes all the powerful and the beasts tremble, not knowing what happened.

In this way, for thirty years, Brahma World finally became quiet.

The Brahma Palace is also stable.

However, at this moment, the Brahma Palace quickly became smaller.

9 trillion li diameter, 8 trillion li diameter...

For a moment of kung fu, the Brahma Palace that was originally 9 trillion in diameter is now only about the size of a slap. Like a beautiful crystal carving, the fiery red palace is crystal clear.

As soon as the thoughts moved, the Brahma Palace disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already in Li Lingtian Dantian.

Inside the Dantian, the Brahma Palace rotates, exuding magical power.

Now that the Brahma Palace is in Li Lingtian's hands, he can make the Brahma Palace change as he pleases. Now his mood and vision have reached a high point, and he will never be tempted by ordinary things.

As long as the Brahma Palace is nearby, he can offset his opponent's 20% realm or law.

Moreover, he also has a pagoda, which can resist the laws and devour laws. The two treasures are used well. At least he will not be suppressed by his opponents in the field and the laws.

Needless to say, the field of six-element five-element field is enough to shake the law of one-element. No one in the field can resist the five-element field.

Yunhua Shenzun floated above the sea of ​​flames, not knowing what he was thinking.

I feel that I have a degree of control over this space, and I am very happy.

This time I came to Brahma for d days, I did not expect such a harvest.

I found the source of my life here. Although he has undertaken more, he has also learned a lot.

Impressed, the Brahma Palace appeared in front of him.

Under the control of Shennian, the Brahma Palace became the size of thousands of miles.

The Brahma Palace in the size of thousands of miles, except for the important palaces around it, turned into a faint glory, like the stars in the night sky, but at this time, these palaces turned into stars, exuding magical power, and Brahma Palace Fusion, so that no attack can shake the Brahma Palace.


Li Lingtian's expression appeared on his face, and he said a word lightly.

Suddenly, the fast flames of the Brahma Palace flew into the sea, where the space was confined and the air burned.

The speed is beyond Li Lingtian's imagination. He doesn't know how fast the Brahma Palace is flying. However, he can be sure that at least it is not comparable to the inferior congenital flying warship.

Even, the speed of even the unique congenital flying warship can not be comparable to it.

"This speed has already surpassed the inferior treasure treasure flying warship."

"It should be comparable to the Zhongpin Zhibao class flying warship."

Yunhua Deity stood on the top of Brahma Palace. With her deity and knowledge, she could naturally sense the current speed of Brahma Palace. When she saw such a speed, she was shocked.

"Seniors have seen the Treasure-class flying battleship?"

Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard the words of Yunhua Shenzun.

He had never seen the speed of the Treasure-class flying warship, and thought that his Brahma Xingong flying warship was comparable to the top-grade and unrivaled flying warship. He did not expect Yunhua God to say that the speed of the Brahma Xingong exceeded the inferior Treasure-class flying warship.

Treasure level, what kind of sky.

Even Taiyue Shenting does not have many battleships of the highest treasure class.

And he has a treasure that surpasses the treasure-class flying warship, and the benefits of the Brahma Palace are far more than the speed of the flight. Perhaps the Brahma Palace itself is not above the speed, but defense and coercion, and it ignores the laws of the field.

If the other palaces were refined and controlled, then the palaces he controlled would be more powerful.

However, if you want to refine the second palace, I don't know when to wait.

Because the Divine Lord reaches the Divine Venue, the chance is not only slim, but also the time of cultivation is very long, and it is a million tens of thousands of epochs.

The chance of the God Lord in Heaven is about 10,000 to one, which is one in 10,000 chances.

If he wants to refine the second palace, he must reach the deity.

Refining to the second palace, the way of the nine palaces can reach the second floor, and you can control the second palace. The power of the two palaces is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

However, there are now unparalleled exercises like the Jiugong Tao, which is naturally faster to practice, and the cultivation speed can be increased by a factor of ten.

That is to say, Li Lingtian is now the first floor of the Nine Palaces. It takes 100,000 years to join the next Divine Lord to reach the median Divine Lord. With the Nine Palaces, it only takes 10,000 years. If you reach the second floor, you only need one thousand. Years, and so on.

"I have seen the Taiyue Shenting have a first-class high-class flying warship."

"That speed differs from that of your Brahma Palace by a grade."

"When are you going to open Brahma d?"

Yunhua Shenzun said lightly.

Now, what she cares most about is when to open Brahma d-day.

This Brahma world, opened and closed, is now in Li Lingtian's hands.

It can be said that in this Brahma world, Li Lingtian is the master.

"Leave the sea of ​​flames first."

"Because there are not many powerful players in the Celestial Realm."

"Find a place where there are many human beings, and then open Brahma d-day, so that the strongest in heaven can leave Brahma d-day as much as possible, otherwise, you have to wait until the next Brahma d-day is opened~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian said.

He is not a savior, but he will never give these strong men even a chance.

It’s their luck to do what they can. It’s their luck. It’s their bad luck. They won’t drop pies in the sky. They seek wealth and insurance. Both harvest and risk coexist.

If Brahma d-day is opened in the sea of ​​flames, there must be few people in the sea of ​​flames, then others will stay in the world of Brahma forever.

There is not much hope for a place like the Sea of ​​Flames, even if the Divine Deity comes.

On land, the chances of survival of the strong are greater, and the strong are relatively denser.

Therefore, he plans to find a place where there are more powerful people to open Brahma d-day.

In this way, more powerful people can leave Brahma for d days, and he can do so much.



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