War God Supreme

Chapter 2297: Chasing God

"Nothing is impossible. (Baidu search) []"

"I want to use one rule to suppress this seat and dream."

Li Lingtian punched with one hand and bombarded the sky.

This punch, with the power of the five-element field and the space-time field, the six-element peak of the five-element field, the four-element peak of the time field, the five-element peak of the space field, and the fusion of the seven fields, the power is equivalent to the double rule.

More importantly, he has a treasure, Linglong Tower.

Can resist the law, devour the law.

The double rule is against Yunmeng's single rule, and the situation is changing.



The shocking sound of the sky, and then, there was a clattering sound in the void, the law space of thousands of miles was broken by this fist, the expression on Yunmeng's face changed, and a spit of blood spewed out.

The body flew out and flew back thousands of miles to stabilize the figure.

The look on his face was shocked, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

He never imagined that a Divine Lord would use his domain to defeat his laws. The current situation is the same as that when he began to crush Li Lingtian, but now the crushed object was replaced by him.

"No law, suppress it!"

Yunmeng was suspended in the void and looked at Li Lingtian remotely. He was completely shocked now.

He also understood that the young man in front of him is not simple, there is no vacant person under the prestigious name, he can shake the heavenly realm when he is a true **** and a prince, and now he has reached the main realm of God. The degree of terror can be imagined.

In my heart, I didn't take it lightly anymore, but regarded the opponent as a tough opponent.

However, he began to carelessly, did not expect the other party to break his laws.

With a loud roar, the body exudes awe-inspiring power, and the law of terror quickly compresses. In an instant, the law space of tens of thousands of miles becomes only thousands of miles in size, and its power is more than a hundred times stronger than it started.

God’s overwhelming advantage over God of War is the law. He doesn’t believe that his law of full-power explosion cannot suppress a god.

The law of no emptiness was formed by the exercises he practiced and was not within the five elements.

Suddenly, the power of the earth-shattering law came over from Li Lingtian. Such a horrible law, even if it was a **** of the same rank, did not dare to underestimate, the Lord of God was even worse.

"Let's see if your rules are strong."

"The Way of the Nine Palaces."

Li Lingtian watched the law of terrifying crushing, his mind was trembling.

A deity is a deity. Even a poor deity cannot be matched by the deity, because the deity has laws and powers that the deity cannot imagine.

However, he will not be afraid of this divine law.

Adding your own five-element realm to the space-time realm, the power is equivalent to the double law, and it should have the power to fight.

Even if you are not enemies, you must try the distance between yourself and God.

The Jiugong Taoist method works, and the power of the field has exploded to the extreme.

In an instant, the terrifying realm and the overbearing law clashed, and the void, the compressing law and the compressing field will destroy the whole world, within ten thousand miles, mountains, rivers, land, and sea, all will be destroyed.

Such a battle of field laws, even if the Divine Lord of the Great Consummation enters the inside, accidentally it will be torn in an instant.


Spheres and laws collide.

In a short time, Li Lingtian spurted out blood.

The kite swayed and thrown like a broken body.

At this time, Li Lingtian knew in his heart that he could not resist the crazy **** in his field.


With a muffled sound, Li Lingtian's body hit the ground, and suddenly a bottomless black D appeared. Li Lingtian was already in the black D, but when Li Lingtian was bombarded, his body immediately rose into the sky.

Although the realm cannot fight against the powerful laws, it is impossible to suppress and destroy him with the realm. At least the next deity cannot do it.

"Junior, you can't escape the palm of your deity, even if you let it go."

"Suppress me."

Seeing that Li Lingtian was defeated in front of his law, Yunmeng was suddenly excited, and his original fear disappeared.

The law of terror was crushed again towards Li Lingtian.

As long as the law can kill Li Lingtian, why not do such a good thing.

"Suppress this seat?"


"The Way of the Nine Palaces."

"Linglong Tower."

Li Lingtian had just stabilized his body, and Yunmeng's destruction of the voidless law came again.

No more temptations, the Nine Palaces are running, the five elements and the space-time fields are exploding to the extreme. At the same time, the Brahma Palace in the body is functioning, offsetting the opponent's 20% rule power.

With one hand stretched out, a delicate pagoda appeared in the palm.

In an instant, the exquisite pagoda became a ten-meter-high pagoda. The nine-story pagoda was suspended above Li Lingtian's head and spun quickly. The mysterious light radiated from the pagoda.


With a muffled sound, Li Lingtian's realm collided with the law of empty space.

Li Lingtian didn't throw it out as he started this time, but just shook his body.

Offsetting 20% ​​of the power of the law, and then want to crush him, it is delusion.

When the field and the law collided, the mysterious radiance of the Linglong pagoda spread like an explosion, resisting the law of emptyness, and at the same time, the Linglong pagoda quickly swallowed the law of emptyness.


The screaming sounded from Li Lingtian's mouth.

Because, the law devoured by the Linglong Pagoda passed on to Li Lingtian, making Li Lingtian tempered in the law.

In the sea of ​​flames, he did not refine the Linglong Pagoda, but after knowing the power of the Linglong Pagoda, he was very excited. When the Brahma Palace opened the exit, he controlled the Linglong Pagoda.

Now, the law of devouring spread to Li Lingtian.

The Linglong Pagoda devours the laws and refines the laws, even if it is only one-tenth of the laws of swallowing and refining, but Li Lingtian cannot take it for himself for a time. In this way, Li Lingtian will bear the tempering of the law Too.

The Linglong Pagoda devoured the law of refining and became Li Lingtian's domain rule, making Li Lingtian's Li Lingtian's domain quickly and powerful.


"Treasure against the law."

"The law of the deity, the law of the deity...in... the law of the deity is losing."

"Li Lingtian, you devour the deity's law, hateful, ah!"

At this time, Yunmeng also found something was wrong.

The first time his law defeated Li Lingtian, the second time Li Lingtian just shook it, but his law of emptyness was resisted by a pagoda.

Don't think, this pagoda has the power to resist the law.

When I was shocked and envious, I found that my laws were not only resisted, but my laws were still being lost, and the rate of loss was getting faster and faster, just like being sucked away.

Seeing such a situation, Yunmeng's face was shocked, as if he had encountered ghosts.

Even thinking of Li Lingtian, he is not a fool, and naturally sees that Li Lingtian is borrowing treasures to devour his laws.

By the time he discovered it, the Law of Nothingness had been devoured by half.

I was horrified and terrified.

Not daring to hesitate at all, he withdrew the law with all his strength and flew towards the sky as soon as his figure flashed.

He doesn't dare to fight Li Lingtian now. His biggest advantage is the law, but the other party has the treasure to deal with his law, and his law is only half left. He is not Li Lingtian's opponent at all.

"Want to go."

Li Lingtian suffered the law of refining the pagoda in Linglong. Although it was painful, he only had a moment of effort, and his field was much stronger, and he had reached the peak. If he swallowed like this, he might be able to break through.

Seeing Yunmeng running away, Li Lingtian would not let go, and his body flashed, seizing the Linglong pagoda and chasing him towards Yunmeng.

The law was swallowed in general, Yunmeng did not dare to use the law again, otherwise he would only have the state to fall, unable to teleport, only to fly away, the **** does not need to teleport, and the speed is several times faster than the **** master.

However, Li Lingtian is an ordinary god.

His teleportation is inferior to that of Divine Venerable, but his speed is faster than any Divine Lord.

For a time, a **** and a **** in the void launched a chase battle.

What is shocking is that the person who escaped was not the Divine Lord, but the Divine Lord, but it was the Divine Lord who hunted down the Divine Lord.

One after the other, two lights and shadows cut through the void like a meteor.

In front of Yunmeng, he was shocked and terrified. He regretted it and hated Li Lingtian.

Stealing J is not an eclipse, and he is talking about his current situation.

The loss of the law is general, as if it has been cut in half, and it cannot be recovered like consumption. After being swallowed, the law is no longer complete. If it is teleported, it is to find death.

At this moment, only Yunmeng knows his mood.

Dare not teleport, dare to stop, can only flee desperately, but the figure behind, can not be thrown away like a devil.

Later, Li Lingtian's mood can only be described with excitement.

Linglong Pagoda, swallowed the rules, and the remaining tenth rule of refining and transformation was transformed into him, making his field constantly sublimated and powerful. Although it was painful when refining and refining, it was very fast to improve the field and rules.

The law that has just been refined is digested in a fast flight.

If all the laws of the deity are swallowed and refined, his five-element field and space-time field can be broken through. Naturally, in the face of such opportunities, he will not give up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is much easier to find another god.

However, the deity in front of him is running too fast, and it is not so easy to catch up. If he can suppress it, he will be allowed to devour the law.

However, such a thing is just thinking about it.

One day, two days.

For half a month, Yunmeng escaped in the front and Li Lingtian chased in the back.

In the case of the two, Yunmeng is rapidly consumed, and the law is getting weaker.

And Li Lingtian's field is getting stronger and stronger. The distance between the two is getting closer and closer. Halfway through, encountering some gods and deities, seeing Yunmeng's escape, they are shocked, thinking that they have encountered super strong and super beast.

When they found out that the person who chased Yunmeng was just a divine lord, they were all horrified.

A lower **** is chasing and killing a lower god, their world view is completely subverted.

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