War God Supreme

Chapter 2324: 69 Sky Sword...

   The folding fan waved and the hurricane surged. `

   In the hurricane, the **** who is weaker in cultivation will also disappear.

At this moment, Li Lingtian not only performed God Destruction, Hurricane, but merged God Destruction, Hurricane and God Destruction, and Purple Electricity. With the flash of the hurricane, the Purple Electric Lance turned into a vertical and horizontal void of the Purple Dragon, constantly attacking the youth. God.

  Two pieces of God-destroying treasures joined forces to match the power and terror.

  The winds and thunders are mixed, and the world is destroyed.

   For a time, Li Lingtian and the young God Emperor battled endlessly, and there was no difference at all.

   It is not a temporary thing to want to win or lose. Now, countless warriors and strong gods watching outside the crystal screen can't guess the final battle.

  Because one side is Divine Emperor and one side is Divine Venerable.

   Divine Emperor has the power of Divine Emperor, which cannot be matched by Divine Venerable.

   But Li Lingtian, the deity, but against the evil spirits of the sky, is in no way in battle with the Divine Emperor.

   "Five Yues."




   In the battle, Li Ling's gods moved, and all the power of the Destroyer suit burst out.

   All the god-destroying treasures that can be attacked, with the swing of Li Lingtian's folding fan, wielding the power of destroying the world and destroying the heavens, suddenly the sky-striking attacks overwhelmed the **** emperor.

   At this moment, the power of the Exterminator suit is at its best.



   Between heaven and earth, there was a thunderous explosion.

  The young **** emperor was submerged, and the whole world became a world of destruction.

   After a while, the world became quiet.

  Li Lingtian suspended in the air, his face calm.

   Thousands away from him, there were countless devastation scars on the young divine emperor, but he did not fall, but the look on his face was cold. He didn't expect a subordinate deity to make him look like this.

Although    is through the power of treasures, Li Lingtian’s law is terrifying against the sky. From this point, it can be seen that it is impossible to defeat this lower god. `

"last blow."

   "No matter how you win or lose, this seat will not play with you."

   looked at the distant young emperor in the distance, and said lightly.

  The power of the Destroyer suit has been understood, and he has a general understanding of his own strength.

  Now you only need to know the six out of training to destroy the sky sword array, as for several other killer skills and level means, naturally will not be exposed.

  Although I am not sure whether my current war is synchronized to the crystal screen, from the meaning of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, it seems that most of them will be synchronized. After all, the Five Elements Divine Emperor wants Li Lingtian to stimulate the warrior monk and genius demon in the court.

   Between the words, the body of the sky sword works.

  The sword is monstrous, and the sword field is vertical and horizontal. Taking him as the center, within hundreds of millions of miles, it is the world of swords.

   Void, trembling and shattering in front of the endless world of swords.

   The air is filled with the smell of destruction. Li Lingtian is like a sword that destroys the world and stands proudly in this world.

  Shen Nian moved slightly, fifty-four extinct **** swords appeared all around, fifty-four nine-color sword awns soared into the sky, shattered the void, and at the same time, millions of long swords appeared.

   "Six Nine Destroyer Sword Formation."

   With a light drink, millions of swords shocked people and shook the world.

   This is Li Lingtian's Six Nine Destroyer Sword Array, which has been trained to the sixth floor.

   The ruined sword array has a supreme array, and he has the supreme array division. At this moment, he has swept the six-nine extinct sword array to the extreme, and the sword array has a magical world.

   "Dark Forbidden Curse."

  The young **** emperor was shocked when he saw Li Lingtian's horrible sword formation.

How powerful he is, he naturally sees the ruined formation in the sword formation. This formation, even when the Divine Emperor is encountered, may not be able to be cracked, and the formation is perfectly integrated with the sword formation, reaching a perfection. Degree.

   no longer has the slightest reservation, and immediately exploded the banned spell.

  Forbidden curse, which is the most powerful killer of every strong man

Hand-held, or life-saving means.

   Before the last resort, the banned curse and the killer will not be cast. At that time, a soul formed in the Jiuxiao Tower would not care about death at all, so the banned curse burst out without any hesitation. `

   This banned curse is the most sinister and mysterious banned curse.

   Forbidden mantra explodes, and in an instant, the whole world becomes a dark world, so dark that it cannot penetrate through the mind, and for a time, all the strong men in front of the crystal screen can only see a dark world.



   In the dark world, the blast of destruction continues, and the dark world trembles.

  No one knows what it is like in this dark world, and no one knows who wins or loses.

   time, one second and one second.

  One minute later, the ruined world quieted down.

   However, the dark world has not completely disappeared.

   Above the crystal screen, it was dark.

All the strong players in Taiyue Shenting are very anxious and look forward to the outcome of the war. However, during the war, the younger divine emperor cast a dark banned spell, and the entire war scene turned into a dark world. I don't know the situation in the dark world.

After ten minutes, the darkness above the crystal screen disappeared.

   However, the battle on the crystal screen disappeared, showing only the name of Li Lingtian and the logo of the Jiuxiao Tower behind his name.

   The first floor of the sixth heavy Martian sky of the nine towers, lit up.

   This sign proves that this battle, Li Lingtian defeated the next Divine Emperor.

   Now that the end of the war, Taiyue Shenting is boiling.

   "It's too bad."

   "The lower deity will defeat the lower deity."

   "A few realms have been crossed."

   "Taiyue Shenting is the first-class evil in trillion years and it is really powerful."

   "In Heaven Realm, besides Divine Emperor, who else can threaten Lord Lingtian Pavilion."

   "Now it is no longer Lingtian Pavilion. In a few days, there will be one more person in the core layer of Taiyue Shenting. At that time, it was Lord Lingtian, and his strength was comparable to that of Divine Emperor."

   "Hey, by the way, since Lord Ling Tian Pavilion has become the next deity, there should be a title."

   "I don't know what title Lord Lingtian Pavilion has."

   In the Taiyue Shenting, the powerful gods and genius demon in front of the countless crystal screens are all in dispute. The entire Taiyue Shenting, the three trillion strong monks thoroughly boiled.

   In Taiyue Jingu Shrine, some of the gods and gods watched Li Lingtian’s war, and they were shocked. They took a long time to wake up, and their faces were all horrified.

  If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn’t believe that a young man who had just reached the lower **** deity could defeat the lower **** emperor, and this lower **** emperor was still the most powerful existence in the same realm.

   "Haha, haha."

   "My Taiyue Shenting has another peerless figure."

   "Maybe hundreds of thousands of years, Taiyue Shenting sweeps all directions."

   "If he reaches the Divine Emperor, at that time, I believe that even Wuxing is not his opponent. Wuxing has a good disciple who is more powerful than the broken army."

   "Wrong, not one more peerless person, but several."


   "In the five-element world, Li Lingtian's wife is also the five-element sacred body, and now he has reached and reached the divine realm. The two are together, and at the same time they reach the **** emperor, and the heaven is invincible."

   Taiyue Shenting, several supreme **** emperors, were shocked by Li Lingtian's war.

   Apart from the shock, more is happy.

  Because, the character of this level of evil is Taiyue Shenting.

   Not only the Taiyue Shenting shook, the whole heaven shook.

  The innumerable forces of Heaven Realm are paying close attention to Li Lingtian's every move. Naturally, Li Lingtian is fighting in the Jiuxiao Tower. They naturally know the first time.

   After Li Lingtian crossed the first floor of the sixth heavy Martian sky of the Nine Towers.

   countless powerful people are in

Waiting in front of the crystal screen, waiting for Li Lingtian to cross the barrier again.

   Although the first tier did not know how to defeat the next divine emperor, Li Lingtian defeated this divine emperor anyway. Since he defeated the first tier, by virtue of Li Lingtian’s unparalleled five-element rule, it should not be a problem to fight the two divine emperors.

   Therefore, I look forward to Li Lingtian's style of war.

   However, after a long wait, the picture on the crystal screen has not changed.

   Until ten minutes later, when Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the central square of Taiyue's four secret areas, everyone knew that Li Lingtian had not rushed to the second floor again.

  Millions of powerful people saw Li Lingtian, showing worship and respect on their faces.

Li Lingtian is a deity, and he is able to overcome the existence of the next divine emperor. Such a character is the existence that they all look up to in their lifetime. The divine emperor is the most powerful existence in the realm of heaven. Basically, it is rarely defeated by people and wants to be destroyed. Killing God Emperor is even more delusional.

   But Li Lingtian defeated Divine Emperor with a deity, and imagine how powerful Li Lingtian is.

   At this time, Li Lingtian had already stood at the pinnacle of humankind. No one was jealous, only looking up.

   "Master Lingtian."

   "Master Lingtian."

   "Master Lingtian."


  When Li Lingtian came to the edge of the square, millions of genius demon and powerful gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ bowed down respectfully, the sound of cheering shook the whole central square.

  From the Great Dzogchen to the Lord of the Gods, down to the Warrior's Little Warrior, all bow down.

   Even a few gods who had just rushed back from outside, after watching the battle of Li Lingtian, saluted Li Lingtian respectfully, with a serious and polite expression on his face.

   "You are all geniuses and future of Taiyue Shenting."

   "What you can do in this seat, you also have hope, hard work, everything is possible, no hard work, no hint of possibility."

   "No matter when, remember two things."

   "One, remember that you are the people of Taiyue Shenting."

   "Second, remember to survive for the sake of strength and survival without violating principles."

  Li Lingtian looked at millions of strong men and geniuses.

  These people in front of each of them are the genius and demon of Taiyue Shenting, as well as the strong and the gods, which can also be said to be the future and hope of Taiyue Shenting.

  Now, he has reached a height that people can only look up to, so he is naturally qualified to say that.

   One-handed waving, millions of genius evil spirits and powerful gods, stood up involuntarily, without the slightest resistance, when the voice fell, Li Lingtian's figure had long disappeared.

   But Li Lingtian's words lingered in his ears for a long time, shocking everyone's mind.

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