War God Supreme

Chapter 2345: Coming to Dongmu Sheng...

"I don't know what means Li Lingtian has."

"But I suspect he has control of the law of space and time."

Nine Heavens deity pondered, the expression on his face was solemn, and he said after a while.

This is what he has always doubted, but there is no evidence and certainty. Even so, it is enough to make people shocked and crazy. To know that this is the law of space and time.

At the entrance to the immeasurable world, he was trapped for thousands of years, trapped by time and space.

But Li Lingtian is just a **** lord but he can come and go freely. Although Li Lingtian conceals his attributes with magical supernatural powers, what kind of character Jiu Tian Shenzun certainly cannot hide his eyes.

"The Law of Space and Time!"

"Time and space law?"

"What you said is true?"

"Some people in heaven control the laws of space, but no one controls the laws of time, let alone the laws of space and time. Li Lingtian cannot control the laws of space and time."

"Yeah, Li Lingtian is the Five Elements Rule, and there are only a few people who control the Five Elements Rule in Heaven. It is incredible to ask him to control the time and space rules."

"To control the law of time and space is to dominate everything."

"It's really possible, he may really be in control of the law of space and time."

"In front of the law of time and space, no matter how powerful people are, they can only be slaughtered."

Just after the words of Nine Heavenly Divine Venerables dropped, the entire meeting temple was quieted down. After a brief period of silence, there was boiling and shock. The expressions on the faces of all the Divine Venerables and Divine Emperors kept changing, and they were all shocked. `

All of the present are the most powerful divine emperors of Nine Heavens Court. They know a lot of nature, and the horror of the law of time and space, they know better than anyone.

The law of space and time that was originally thought to be impossible appeared in Li Lingtian. The law of five elements plus the law of space and time, such an advantage, who can be enemies.

Recalling that Li Lingtian was only able to fight against the median divine emperor with the next god, then surely Li Lingtian was in control of the law of space and time.

"Heaven, the storm is coming."

"The infinite world, our Nine Heavens Court will naturally go, but we must not be hostile to Li Lingtian."

Tianyao Divine Emperor, the first person in Jiutian Shenting, said lightly.

The tone is calm, but with supreme majesty, so that all the gods and emperors will not dare to be slighted. After finishing talking, Emperor Tianyao left the meeting hall alone.

Subsequently, Nine Heavens Court also sent countless divine deities and divine emperors to the Dongmu Holy Realm.

However, the spirits of Jiutian Shenting heading to Dongmu Shengjing have all received a death order and must not be enemies with Li Lingtian.

Not only were the four powerful **** court rushed to Dongmu Shengjing, but also the Tenth Supreme Powers of Heaven Realm also sent countless gods and deities to Dongmu Shengjing. For a time, the entire Heaven Realm shook.

Only the Central Heavenly Court did not move at all, as if it did not know what happened in the heavenly realm. `




In the void, there are countless flying warships flying vertically and horizontally every day.

Moreover, these flying warships are all congenitally invisible.

However, all of these flying warships were flying in the direction of Dongmu Shengjing. This situation shocked some warriors who did not know what happened.

The only reassuring thing is that these flying warships did not affect the warrior monks of Taiyue Shenting.

Time, day by day.

In three months, a huge palace appeared over the Dongmu Shengjing. The palace was 10,000 miles long and tens of thousands of miles, like a sky and earth suspended in the sky. The palace brought supreme coercion and momentum, making the Dongmu Shengjing strong. The worshipers were shocked.

"What kind of flying warship is this?"

"It's terrifying and courageous."

"Even if Xuanyue Sanctuary does not have such a large flying warship."

"Not to mention Xuanyue Sanctuary, even Taiyue Shenting doesn't have such a big flying warship."

"Being able to have such a powerful flying battleship, the people inside the battleship are definitely not simple. I don't know who came to the Dongmu Shengjing, and there is something in the Dongmu Shengjing that is worthy of such a strong man."


In Dongmu Shengjing, above Dongmu Shengcheng Square, countless warrior monks looked at the void palace in shock.

The voice of discussion boiled, but he didn't dare to talk loudly, and his face was all respectful.

In the palace in the air, the most powerful characters and rulers of Dongmu Shengjing came out.

"This is not a flying warship."

"This is the flying palace, the highest flying palace."

Fairy Zi Ling looked at the palace suspended in the void, his face showing a shocked look, and more joy in his eyes.

She is the holy lord of Dongmu Holy Realm, and now she has reached the realm of God King, but she has not left Dongmu Holy Realm, but has remained in Dongmu Holy Realm because she has fallen in love with this land.

"Treasure-level flying palace!"

"Is this the Holy Heavenly Palace of the Invincible Lord God?"

"In Taiyue Shenting, it seems that Lord Invincible Lord Lord has a flying palace."

"Is it really Lord Ling Tian."

Hearing the words of the Purple Spirit Fairy, it immediately caused shock to countless superpowers.

Although Dongmu Shengjing is far away from Taiyue Shenting, but with the spread of crystal screens, Dongmu Shengjing can naturally know the events of the heavenly realm. Li Lingtian walked out of Dongmu Shengjing and was the pride of Dongmu Shengjing. Dongmu Shengjing is naturally most concerned about everything about Li Lingtian.

About the bit by bit of Li Lingtian, the warrior monks of Dongmu Shengjing know.

Li Lingtian became an invincible deity, and the whole Heaven Realm knew all these things about Shengtian Palace, not to mention Dongmu Shengjing.


At the moment when countless powerful warriors in Dongmu Shengjing talked about shock, the flying palace in the void made a slight sound, and the sound spread like void in the void.

When the sound rang, the palace opened.

A young man in white walked out in a hurry and appeared in the sight of all the powerful soldiers.

The young man in white, chic and elegant, has a peculiar dust, but he does not have the strongest breath on the body. On the contrary, it is plain, just like an ordinary scholar.

Behind the youth in white ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a dozen women who follow closely.

The dull scene deeply shocked all the powerful martial artists present.

I don’t know how long it took, the strong men of Dongmu Shengjing woke up and looked at the youths in the void, and they recognized it at a glance. This is the pride of Dongmu Shengjing, the invincible deity of Taiyue Shenting, the master of Shengtian Temple— —Li Lingtian.

"Meet Lord Lingtian."

"Meet Lord Lingtian."

"Meet Lord Lingtian."

The entire holy realm, whether it is a prince or a king, a low-level warrior of the martial arts martial arts, or all creatures, worshipped at this moment, respectfully saluting the young man in white in the void.

Because, that young man in white is not only the pride of Dongmu Shengjing, he is also a disciple of Taiyue Shenting Five Elements Divine Emperor, he is also the invincible deity, the **** of the human peak.

This young man in white is worthy of kneeling.


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