War God Supreme

Chapter 2354: Black and white world

In the gray world, Li Lingtian's tiny voice was unremarkable.

Moreover, with the pace of progress, the body is constantly shaking, just like being destroyed here at any time.

But he didn't stop. Instead, he accelerated the pace of progress. The five elements rule and the law of space and time worked, resisting the friction of space and time, and dared not carelessly.

"What a horrible source idea."

"I don't know how far the black hole ends."

Li Lingtian's face was calm, but his heart was shocked.

With his current practice, it is also difficult to completely resist the acceptance of the original idea here, and if you want to use the original idea to practice, you cannot resist the original idea.

Therefore, it is not that simple to practice here.

Moreover, the place where he is standing is still in the black hole, but he can only see the fluorescence from a distance, which is where the white hole and the black hole meet.

To truly leave the black hole and enter the place where the white hole and the black hole meet, there is no way of knowing how far away, nor how horrible the original source idea is. Now, he can only practice here and wait until he has completely adapted to the source idea.

Then, a secret message passed into the Holy Heaven Palace.

The Holy Heaven Palace opened, and suddenly in the Holy Heaven Palace, there were millions of miles of independent space connected with the original idea in the black hole. Tang Qingyue and others felt the strong original idea.

All began to sit cross-legged and practiced.

This is also for the sake of safety of Li Lingtian, only the area of ​​one million miles in the Holy Heaven Palace is connected with the original idea, and other places are separated from the original idea. If something goes wrong, Tang Qingyue and they can enter the safe area as soon as possible.

After doing everything, watching Tang Qingyue and their cultivation, Li Lingtian stood in the air.

After observing it for half a month, Tang Qingyue found that they did not feel any discomfort. After seeing this, he was completely assured.

At the same time, he gave the authority of Shengtian Palace to Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue. A dozen of them have the authority to control Shengtian Palace. In this way, even if they encounter any danger, Tang Qingyue and they can solve it themselves.

"When the seat leaves here, it is the day when the heavens tremble."

Li Lingtian turned and crossed a hundred miles towards the front.

A faint voice came out of the mouth, and then the whole person entered into cultivation.

Comprehend the original idea, cultivate the way of the Nine Palaces, and improve "Control".

Absorbing and refining the original idea, making his own law more powerful, and cultivation for rapid improvement, he is now the median deity, and it is extremely difficult to make progress.

Other gods, that is not the cultivation of millions of years or even tens of millions of years of progress, if you want to break through a realm, it is calculated in tens of thousands of epochs.

He can't wait for Li Lingtian. If he can break through tens of thousands of years, he shouldn't be mad.

Heavenly court is pressing harder and harder, it must be that Taiyue Shenting and Shengtian Temple will be wiped out in these years, and more importantly, Heavenly Court will wipe him out. If you don’t upgrade to strength as soon as possible, you can only sit and wait.

Time, day by day.

Unconsciously, a hundred years passed.

In the past 100 years, Li Lingtian has traveled thousands of miles and has completely forgotten the passage of time.

However, his cultivation practice was terrifyingly improved. Although he did not reach the peak of the median deity, nor did he reach the third rule, nor did he cultivate the fourth level of "Control" to the peak, but obviously felt that his cultivation practice was in Increase at a terrifying speed.

This speed of terror is compared with other gods and emperors.

It can be said that one year of cultivation here is equivalent to the cultivation of other gods and emperors for a hundred years and a thousand years. What is more important is the original idea of ​​his cultivation. Nothing is comparable to other gods and emperors.

When he promoted his cultivation practice, Tang Qing and their cultivation practice also skyrocketed.

Their revisions are not very high, and the most obvious improvement.

Discovering the benefits and power of the original idea, one third of the Holy Heaven Palace was opened, and everyone felt the original idea and improved cultivation and talent.

With the rapid loss of time, everyone enters a fascinating cultivation experience, completely forgetting the loss of time, enjoying the improvement of cultivation behavior and the sublimation brought by the original idea.

One hundred years, two hundred years...

One thousand years, two thousand years...

Finally, in the nine thousand years, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice broke through.

The state reaches the upper deity.

The law of five elements and the law of time and space reached the third level.

Control has also reached the fourth level, and the whole person's cultivation strength has reached a terrifying level.

However, he did not stop.

Because he has now reached the end of the black hole, that is, the place where the black hole and the white hole meet. The whole world is black and white, and it is impossible to tell whether it is white or black.

The power of time and space and the original idea have been concentrated to a terrible level.

If compared, the strength of time and space and the original idea of ​​this place are at least ten thousand times as rich as the place where you started to practice.

However, no matter where he went, the Holy Temple was only a hundred miles away from him, because if he was in danger, he could return to the Holy Temple immediately.

In less than 10,000 years, from the highest deity to the highest deity, if it reaches the heavens, the heavens must not be shaken.

Not only him, but the fairy of Bishui has also reached the peak of the upper deity, and it is only one step away from the deity of Dzogchen. If she continues to practice like this, she will be able to reach the deity of Dzogchen in ten thousand years.

At the moment, her cultivation ability is not as good as that of the Broke God, but it can be compared with the Thunder God.

Tang Qingyue, Huangfu Yuyan, Nangong Mingyue, Yun Yaoyao, Qingling and Shunmeier, they have all become gods of the **** level, and all of them are super gods, which can be said to exist like invincible gods.

In Heaven Realm, Li Lingtian was not titled Invincible Divine Lord, but was titled Invincible Divine Venerable.

Now, the people around him are comparable to the invincible Divine Lord.

Reaching the Divine Realm, they all have a million-year Shouyuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this way, they can squander Shouyuan unscrupulously and practice freely without worrying about the exhaustion of Shouyuan.

After Li Lingtian came to the end of the black hole, he carefully looked around.

The place where the black hole and the white hole meet is a world of black and white, with only black and white, and no other colors.

The whole world is the power of time and space and the original idea. This feeling is as rich as the essence of the five elements of fairy energy before.

"This is it."

With a sigh of relief, he settled down and began to practice.

He did not dare to rush forward, because after passing through this endless black and white world, it was a white hole. He had never seen a white hole, and naturally he did not dare to touch it easily. Only after the world was cultivated, he went strong again.

At least, he wants to refine the original idea of ​​this black and white world.

Otherwise, when the Holy Temple came over, the people inside could not bear the original idea of ​​terror.

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