War God Supreme

Chapter 2363: Overbearing crushing

?? The appearance of Li Lingtian shocked the entire Tianji Sanctuary.

In a few moments, dozens of horror figures flew from all directions, forming a trend of encirclement, which took Li Ling to the center of Tianwei.

"The Divine Emperor is here."

"There are so many Divine Emperors at once."

"The only person who can make so many Divine Emperors value it is the Invincible Deity."

"So many Divine Emperors arrive at the same time, and the invincible God Sovereign can't fly."


Seeing a few figures in the void encircling the Holy Heaven Palace with a powerful figure, the super-strong gods in the Celestial Army shocked and discussed, and for a time let the army that was originally under pressure feel relieved.

An invincible deity came to the army of the heavenly realm, but it brought so many **** emperor and strong men in the army of the heavenly court. I can imagine how much these emperors feared this invincible deity.

"Li Lingtian, you dare to show up."

"Today is the day you really ended."

Blood Yang Divine Emperor was holding a giant sword of hundreds of meters, and the whole person was filled with the atmosphere of destruction and dominance. The divine power of the upper Divine Emperor, constantly tearing the world.

Looking at Li Lingtian above Shengtian Palace, the expression of excitement and dignity appeared on the face of Xueyang Divine Emperor.

You know, Li Lingtian is a man wanted by Heavenly Court. Heavenly Court has dispatched a lot of power to hunt down Li Lingtian without success. I did not expect to appear in the army of Heavenly Sanctuary now. Isn’t this death?

Even if Li Lingtian is an invincible deity, strong and unmatched, it is only a deity.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of gods and millions of gods and masters, and dozens of gods and emperors. In front of these armies, Li Lingtian is destined to fall. Heavenly Court wants to kill the people most.

Definitely a great achievement.

On the scene, in addition to being the higher divine emperor, there are four higher divine emperors. Sixteen median **** emperors, thirty-three next **** emperors.

Fifty-three holy gods. If you deal with any deity, it is a matter of law, but everyone knows that Li Lingtian is the most terrifying demon in heaven, known as the invincible deity, and its strength is comparable to the upper god.

Moreover, it was still a matter of tens of millions of years ago. Li Lingtian had only the next deity.

Tens of thousands of years have not made much progress for others, but for Li Lingtian. Progress does not dare to imagine, because it took Li Lingtian from a warrior to a deity for thousands of years.

God can be achieved in thousands of years, so to what extent is the horror of tens of millions of years of cultivation?

No one dares to imagine, so, although dozens of Divine Emperor Powerful are excited about the appearance of Li Lingtian, they also condense Li Lingtian's horror.

"This seat announced today that the Heavenly Court will start from now-towards destruction."

"In this heavenly realm, there is only Li Lingtian, and there is no heaven."

Li Lingtian didn't look at these **** emperors and strong men, for him. No amount of Divine Emperor will help, unless it is the super gods of Great Emperor Divine Emperor and Realm Master. These divine emperors can only be regarded as a larger ant.

The powerful and unmatched momentum pervades the whole world, and the world trembles.

At the same time, the Heavenly Sanctuary took him as the center, and the endless coercion instantly crushed hundreds of millions of miles. Fifty-three Divine Emperor Strongmen were also severely crushed in it, just like the punishment of Heaven.

His words, like an oracle, nothing can be rebellious.

Even the gods and emperors who were present felt trembling.

His face was pale.

They can't believe that a **** is so powerful that any coercion can suppress the whole world. Completely ignoring the rules and divinity of Divine Emperor.

Shocked, unable to believe.

Shocked Li Lingtian's horrific strength and cultivation behavior. Shocked what Li Lingtian said.

Dare to say that letting the heavenly court go to destruction, should we fight against the entire heavenly court alone?

How powerful the Heavenly Court is now, let alone the power of the entire heavenly realm, and countless Divine Emperors.

Just an invincible Divine Emperor can make Li Lingtian disappear, not to mention those Realm Master and Heavenly Emperor.

This is undoubtedly a struggle between man and heaven, fighting with heaven, and perpetuating death?

"The Great Sovereign Deity!"

All the Divine Emperor Divine Emperor, from Li Lingtian's momentum, saw Li Lingtian's cultivation as a realm, which immediately caused a shock. For thousands of years, from the cultivation of the median deity to the Dzogchen deity, it is no longer possible to describe it against the sky. .

The other evil geniuses are amazing, they want to take a step above the divine realm, which is countless thousands of epochs, and even eternal life can't take a step above the divine realm.

However, Li Lingtian reached the Dzogchen from the median deity for thousands of years. From the momentum, it can be seen that it has reached the Dzogchen deity for a long time, only one step away from the Divine Emperor.

Li Lingtian, the next deity, was titled the invincible deity. When the median deity was comparable to the deity, he now completes the deity. I don’t know how powerful it is.

"This seat does not want to slaughter humans."

"The Great Emperor Divine Emperor and the Invincible Divine Emperor of Heaven Realm are only eligible to appear in front of this seat."

"Succumb to this seat, Yongchang forever, this is the last opportunity for this landlord and the emperor.


Li Lingtian glanced at the fifty-three divine emperors around him, his mouth wide, and said lightly.

During the speech, the law of terror and the law of space and time broke out.

The seven-layer five-element rule and the seven-fold time-space rule, in the heavenly realm, his rule is to rule, no one can be enemies, not to mention ordinary superior divine emperors and deities, even if the invincible divine emperor comes, it cannot be in his Break free in front of the law.

For a time, the powerful spirits of the entire Heavenly Sanctuary and all living creatures prostrate in front of Li Lingtian's law, which is the ruler, like Heavenly Dao, cultivating Heavenly Dao changes.

In the face of such laws, the Divine Emperor and the Strong have no resistance at all.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the world is silent.

When all the powerful gods awakened, Li Lingtian and Shengtian Palace in the void were long gone. Fifty-three divine emperors were suspended in the void, as if they were enchanted.

From beginning to end, no changes in this world have been found.

Because Li Lingtian’s law itself is the Five Elements Rule and the Space-Time Rule, and his Sevenfold Rule has gone beyond the Divine Emperor’s category. The Five-Element Rule of Sevenfold plus the Spacetime Rule of Sevenfold, any but the law of law is a drop of water in front of him compared to the entire sea.

This world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he is the master.

"What a terrible law."

"Such a rule is at least sevenfold."

"The Five Elements Rule is sevenfold, and it is an invincible existence."

"And he also controls the laws of time and space, I don't know what kind of people are his opponents."

"Invincible Divine Emperor is more powerful than him, who is more terrifying than the Lord?"

"It's too overbearing. In a single thought, the sea can be transformed into a mulberry field. In a single thought, the world can be destroyed. Gods and spirits are all ants in front of him. Fortunately, he didn't kill, otherwise all the creatures and human beings in the heavenly sanctuary will disappear."

After confirming that Li Lingtian had left, all the deities and emperors and the army discussed.

With shock and fear on everyone's face. (To be continued.)

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