War God Supreme

Chapter 2367: Hongmeng light

? Space is frozen, time and space are still.

Only the surroundings of the Holy Temple are not affected.

Watching Li Lingtian's expression change, Tang Qingyue and others also realized that there were strong enemies coming, so that Li Lingtian could be such a serious strong enemy, it must be those terrifying Great Perfection Divine Emperors.

And it may still surpass the realm of the Great Emperor Divine Emperor. The Divine Emperor has already met them. Although they are not the opponents of the Super Divine Emperor, they also have the means to protect themselves, but the Realm is different. They have not seen the Realm.

For a time, all of them were prepared to fully respond to the enemy.

On the opposite side of the static time and space, a huge palace stands in the sky, facing the Holy Heaven Palace.

Thousands of miles away, the two palaces are suspended in the void, just like the everlasting ancients.


Standing above the Holy Heaven Palace, Li Lingtian and the Bishui Fairy exclaimed at the same time, and the expression on their faces was constantly changing, constantly twisting, and their murderous intentions skyrocketed.

Because, they saw a huge prisoner suspended over the palace thousands of miles away. Among the prisoners was a tall middle-aged strong man, but this middle-aged strong man had no powerful cultivation practice and was tortured. Not adult.

Seeing this middle-aged strong man, Li Lingtian and Bishui Fairy recognized at a glance.

The two knew that Breaking Army Divine Emperor was imprisoned by Heavenly Court, but they did not expect that the strong man who chased him down from Heaven Court brought Breaking Army Divine Emperor to him. Watching his master and brother were constantly tortured by thunder and lightning, the two felt uncomfortable. Incomparably.

The elder brother is like a father, and the esteemed master falls. The elder brother is like an elder.

What's more, in the long time and the river, there are fewer and fewer loved ones, and the feelings between the same door are very deep. It is naturally very angry to see your brothers being tortured and humiliated like this.

"Li Lingtian, just grab your hand and catch it."

"You can't fight against Heavenly Court."

"As long as you catch your hand, the emperor may let the emperor give you a relief."

Above the flying palace, Xuanyan Divine Emperor saw the performance of Li Lingtian and Bishui Fairy, and was very satisfied. The chess piece of the Broken Army Divine Emperor was really useful, at least to make Li Lingtian and Bishui Fairy angry.

Although the presence of the Emperor of the Broken Army had little effect on the killing of Li Lingtian, Xuanyan Divine Emperor was shocked by the time and space laws exhibited by Li Lingtian.

The soldier who can surrender without fighting is the best, and he does not want to do anything less than last resort.

During the speech, the Xuanqing Divine Emperor around him injected a mysterious light into the eyebrows of the Broken Army Divine Emperor.



The screams screamed all over the world and could make the Divine Emperor miserable, but how terrible and terrifying this method is.

After seeing such a situation, Huangfu Yuyan and others behind Li Lingtian didn't know what to do, and they couldn't bear it. They hated Xuanqing Divine Emperor above the flying palace.

However, the difference in strength between the two is too great to be comparable at all.

Besides, the Emperor of the Broken Army is in the hands of the Heavenly Court, and the killing of the Emperor of the Broken Army is just a matter of fingertips. At this moment, the people of the Heavenly Court do not kill the Emperor of the Broken Army but torture the Emperor of the Broken Army and threaten the Emperor of the Broken Army. Li Lingtian affects Li Lingtian's state of mind.

"Invincible Divine Emperor Xuanyan."

"I didn't expect that there is such a big charm in this seat. Even if the Emperor sent so many strong people to come, I really did not expect that it seems that you and the Heavenly Emperor are afraid."

"Let me my brother, this seat will give you a fair opportunity."

During Li Lingtian's speech, the God Destroyer suit had been mobilized, and the atmosphere of Destroyer and Destroyer filled the entire void, and the whole person was a **** of destruction suspended in the void, his eyes coldly looking at Xuanyan Divine Emperor.

Although I haven't seen each other's powerful divine emperors, they probably know the origin of these divine emperors.

Still shocked in his heart, he did not expect Tianting to send so many Great Perfection Divine Emperors here to kill him at all. It seems that Tianting cares too much about his growth.

At this moment, his state of mind is nowhere to be found, and he is no longer affected by the Emperor of the Broken Army.

Shows the style and momentum of an invincible strongman.

He is the master who controls this side of the world. No one is afraid enough in front of him, even the invincible Divine Emperor of Heaven.

"You are arrogant enough."

"Do you think the law of time and space can stop the emperor?"

Xuanyan Divine Emperor looked at the still space and time in front of him for thousands of miles, and there was a trace of triumph in the corner of his mouth. With a stroke of his hand, a gray glory shuttled towards the still space and time.

In the blink of an eye, the grey light had come to the still space and time.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian's face showed a shocked look. Although he didn't know what that light was, or whether it could crack his own law of time and space, there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hongmeng light."

The Fairy on the side exclaimed.

Li Lingtian didn't know this light, but the fairy of Bishui recognized it.


While the Bishui Fairy exclaimed, the light sizzled the static time and space, destroying the law of time and space, and the light with horror speed and power ignored the static time and space and rolled towards Li Lingtian.

"Goddess Flames!"

Hearing the exclamation of the Bishui fairy, Li Lingtian's heart burst into a huge wave.

Without any hesitation, the power and holy power of the destruction of heaven and earth exploded, and the flame of destruction in the hand bombarded the front with endless flames of destruction. The time is thousands of miles away.


The shocking sound of the sky, the world of hundreds of millions of miles turned into ashes, and the smoke disappeared.

The light of Hongmeng penetrated everything and shot down where Li Lingtian and others started to stay.

It is conceivable that if Li Lingtian is slower, they will all be destroyed by the light of Hongmeng.

"The power of stars."

When Li Lingtian dodged the bombardment of the light of Hongmeng, all the power of the stars gathered in the extermination suit burst out. In an instant, hundreds of times of the power of the stars, the stars of the world, bombarded towards the Emperor Xuanyan.

In terms of power, the light of stars is terrifying and overbearing.

Coupled with the power of God of Extinction and Sky Armor, when the light of stars is gathered together, when it bursts out, the power reaches hundreds of times that of Li Lingtian itself. The horror of this blow~www.wuxiaspot.com~Only Li Lingtian dared to imagine .

The war of gods destroys the world.

Although Li Lingtian and Xuanyan Divine Emperor had just fought each other, and they were all separated by tens of millions of miles, but the power was extinct, and countless troops and gods had long been hiding far, so as not to suffer the scourge of the fish pond.


A horrible explosion, the entire void was destroyed.

The space still formed by the law of time and space also disappears.

Xuanyan Divine Emperor suffered a blow of the stars, his figure flickered, and he quickly backed away, a flash of anger flashed on his face, and he did not expect that a **** lord Li Lingtian would have such terrifying power.

In his view, Li Lingtian's most terrifying thing is the law of time and space and the five elements. These two laws are enough to make countless Dzogchen Divine Emperors without the power to fight back, and he controls the light of Hongmeng and can break the law of space and time.

I thought to myself that as long as the law of time and space was broken, Li Lingtian would let him crush, and now I know that Li Lingtian is not as good as he thought, and he was shocked by the shock of the star light just now.

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