War God Supreme

Chapter 2372: Supreme God Mountain

?? "This rule is called destiny."


   "The Three Realms have been chaotic, and there is only unity."


   "Nine trillion people in the Devil Realm are already ready, just waiting for your arrival."


   Lord Ma Sheng listened to Li Lingtian's words, and his **** eyes flashed through the silk.


   The whole demons and gods and demons are also shocked, more excited.


   People who dare to speak like this are either lunatics or people with strong strength and courage. Obviously, Li Lingtian is the latter, he has such strength and courage.


   "Unify the Three Realms."


   "Unify the Three Realms."


   "Unify the Three Realms."


   Suddenly, the endless cheers of the Devil resounded through the world, the Devil Realm trembles, and the world within trillions of miles swayed at this moment, just like feeling the Devil Realm's momentum and Li Lingtian's strength.


  However, Lord Ma Sheng's words made Li Lingtian a little puzzled.


   I heard from Lord Ma Sheng's words that Devil Realm is waiting for his arrival. Is there any conspiracy?


   And what does that destiny mean, he didn't understand it at all.


   At this moment, a red light and shadow appeared in his line of sight. At the same time, his heartbeat accelerated. Even if he practiced for thousands of years, his state of mind had reached the level of Gujing, but at this time he could not help but thump.


   The red light and shadow slowly landed and appeared in the hundred miles of Shengtian Palace.


  The light and shadow fell, and a woman in red appeared in everyone's eyes. When she saw this woman in red, everyone's heart shivered and was shocked by the beauty and mystery of this woman in red.


  Youwu, what is a stunner?


The word   youwu was created for this woman in red.


   I saw a beautiful woman in red, her body was breathtaking, her white slender jade legs were straight, and she walked step by step towards the sky towards Li Lingtian. She was natural, elegant and enchanting.


   Facing the endless demons, she didn't pay any attention to it.


   In her eyes and heart, there was only the man in white in front of the whole world.


   "Light dance."


  Li Lingtian's voice shivered with a hint of vicissitudes in his eyes.


   How many reincarnations, and really see Qingwu again.


   stepped out of the room and left the Holy Heaven Palace to appear in front of the woman in red. This woman in red was naturally his lover in the past, waiting for his countless reincarnations of the princess of the devil.


   "Ling Tian, ​​you finally came to see me."


  Dancing at this moment, can't help it anymore, his body flickered and threw himself into Li Lingtian's arms.


   leaned tightly in Li Lingtian's arms, jade arms holding Li Lingtian, fearing that Li Lingtian would fly away.


   "Twenty million years."


"I'm coming."


  Li Lingtian hugged Qingwu and looked at Qingwu seriously.


   The two have no language and no narration, because they know each other's thoughts.


   Endless demons and gods and demons, Tang Qingyue and others in Shengtian Palace watched Li Lingtian and Princess Mojie dancing lightly, spanning 20 million years, and the two finally came together.


   "In the future, there will be nothing to separate us.




   talked softly in Li Lingtian's ear, looking like a young wife.


   "Eternal life does not separate."


  Li Lingtian nodded and hugged Qingwu Pilgrim Tiangong to return and landed on Shengtian Palace.


   Then Tang Qingyue and others greeted each other and Qingwu, they were sisters.


   Endless people and gods of the demon world looked at the scene in the sky with excitement.


   time, one second and one second passed.


  Ten minutes later, Li Lingtian put away Shengtian Palace and took Tang Qingyue and others to fly towards the center of the God Demon Forbidden Area.


  Finally, Li Lingtian and others lived in the lightly dancing Demon Palace.


   Lord Mo Sheng and countless gods and demons did not disturb Li Lingtian and others.




   "Heaven's attack on the demon world, is it for the gods and demons to forbid the land?"


   For half a month, Li Lingtian and Qingwu met again 20 million years apart. It was a long time before the wedding. The two were lovers 20 million years ago, but Qingwu was not Li Lingtian's woman at that time.


   Now, Qingwu has truly become Li Lingtian's woman.


   Tang Qingyue They also knew that Li Lingtian and Qingwu were too long apart, and gave Li Lingtian and Qingwu all the time.


   During these times, Li Lingtian is basically with Qingwu, or everyone gathers together, he doesn't want to ignore Tang Qingyue because of the existence of Qingwu.


   In his heart, Tang Qingyue and Qingwu are the same. Everyone’s weight in his heart is irreplaceable, and no one can do without it.


   Qingwu also told Li Lingtian all the things in the demon world. Both her body and mind belonged to Li Lingtian, and she naturally tended to Li Lingtian.


   Hearing Qingwu's words, Li Lingtian was shocked.


  Although it was previously thought that Heaven Court attacked the Devil Realm might be because of some baby, but I did not expect that my conjecture came true, and it was still for Gods and Demons Forbidden Land, so it would be useful for Heavenly Court.




   "God forbidden land is a holy place in the devil world."


   "More importantly, the center of the God Demon Forbidden Land is the Supreme God Mountain. The heaven attacking the Devil Realm is to get the Supreme Heart and become the Three Realm Supreme. Lord Ma Sheng wants you to go to the Supreme God Mountain, get the Supreme Heart and become the Three Realm Supreme."


"Moreover, Lord Mo Sheng said, you cannot be a Divine Emperor, just because of the incomplete heaven and the heart of the Demon God is in your hands. If you can refine the Heart of the Demon God and then control the Supreme Heart, you may become a Divine Emperor. Your power has skyrocketed."


   Qingwu snuggled in Li Lingtian's arms and said softly.


   looked at Li Lingtian with a passionate look.


   "Extreme God Mountain."


   "It seems that I have to meet Lord Mo Sheng."


   Listening to Qingwu's talk about the magic world, Li Lingtian also calculated the arrangement and plan behind him on his face. He walked on Qingwu with one hand. The whole three realms, this particular thing of Qingwu is definitely the first.


   "Well, wait a minute."


   Qingwu's face showed a touch of blush, and his voice was delicate.


Seeing this, Li Lingtian smiled on his face. He naturally knew what Qingwu meant and wanted.


   Then the two turned clouds and rain, forgetting everything in the world.


   Holy Demon Hall, a huge palace in the deepest part of the God Demon Forbidden Area.


   This palace is also the center of the devil's rights. Those who can enter here are the most powerful demon of the devil.


  Looking at the holy demon temple that endlessly rises into the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian also felt a strong sense of oppression.


   "Good and powerful momentum."


   "Although it is not comparable to the Brahma Palace, but it is not inferior to the Huangtian Palace without the Heavenly Palace. The Devil Realm is really strong. It is no wonder that the Heaven Realm cannot erase the Demon Realm."


  Feeling a terrifying and powerful momentum, Li Lingtian gave a slight sigh from the heart.


  However, his footsteps did not stay in the slightest, step by step in the pilgrimage demon temple.


   came to the front door of the hall of Shengtian Temple, and the door opened automatically.


The hall door doesn’t know how wide and high it is, because the hall door of the holy demon hall is the horrible door of time and space, and behind the hall door is the terror of the overbearing terror, so that the overwhelming terror’s mage, even if Li Lingtian cultivates the holy demon Really understand, can't help but feel great pressure.


"You came."


   Just stepped into the gate of the hall of the Holy Demon Palace, and the voice of Lord Demon Sheng rang and reached Li Lingtian.

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