War God Supreme

Chapter 2374: Testify, say...

Sitting cross-legged on the summit of the Supreme God Mountain, the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes.

I don't know how long it took before Li Lingtian reached out his hand and a huge heart appeared in his hand. At the same time as this heart appeared, the devil shivered forbiddenly, and endless demonic energy rose into the sky.

Not only is the **** and demon forbidden, the whole demon world trembles and shakes, as if feeling the existence of the devil's heart.

The heart, thumping beating, each beating, drove the devil trembling.

Gradually, the beating of the Demon God's heart merged with this Demon Realm. At the same time, Li Lingtian's Heart God also began to beat, and was affected by the Devil God's Heart.

"Introducing the Devil into the Dao proves the Dao."

His eyes closed slowly, and the whole person completely entered the state of emptiness.

When he came here, he was ready to enter the Dao with the devil, and he used the heart of the devil to achieve the magical power of the Dao, merge the heaven and the Tao, achieve his true heaven, realize the heaven, and impact the Divine Emperor.

Reaching his state of cultivation, everything is a soul, and there is no distinction between **** and demon.

Only heaven is eternal.

The heart of the demon god, suspended in the void, continuously rotating, slowly connected with Li Lingtian, and the devil qi of the entire demon world was summoned by the heart of the demon **** and quickly rushed over.

Time, day by day.

One year, two years, three years...

》⌒Long》⌒Wind》⌒Text》⌒Learn, ww↖w.cf△wx.n△et

Three hundred years have passed, and the Devil's Heart and Li Lingtian have not changed in the same way as before.

But looking closely, the breath of Li Lingtian's body became harmonious with the breath of the Devil's Heart, or Li Lingtian's breath with the breath of the Devil's Heart.

More importantly, the endless magic energy on the Supreme God Mountain is constantly distorted, as if fearing Li Lingtian.

Yes, it is indeed fear.

Because Li Lingtian has fully enlightened the true interpretation of the holy demon, and there is a terrible change in Tiandao and Xiuwei. At this moment, he has entered the devil and has become a powerful and terrifying demon overlord.

"I am the devil, merge."

In the midst, a faint voice came from Li Lingtian's mouth.

The sound sounded like it was destined.

The voice fell, and the spirit of the Demon God burst into a shocking momentum. Nine trillion petrols of the Demon Realm felt a terrible coercion. The devil qi of the entire Devil Realm spun up and rushed towards the heart of the Demon God.

Lord Mosheng, Ten Gods, Ten Saints, and the spirits that the heavens attacked into the Forbidden Land of Gods all looked up at the Supreme God Mountain, and their hearts felt trembling.

In these three hundred years, Heaven Realm has attacked the Devil Realm with all its strength.

"The Supreme Heart, I am the Supreme."

"No god, no demon, no demon, no ghost, no spirit, all realms are empty."

"I am God, and I speak the law."

Hundreds of millions of stars, the void of heaven, the blue sky, Li Lingtian's voice appeared in every space.

The whole person turns into nothingness, only the supreme idea exists in any space of the whole heaven and earth, the heart of the demon **** turns into nothingness, everything about Li Lingtian disappears.

However, the Supreme God Mountain started to shake.

Centered on the Supreme Mountain of the Gods and Forbidden Lands, the power of engulfing energy and the power of ideas spread to the surroundings.

Thirty million small world trembles and shakes, and trillions of creatures are shocked.


Below the Supreme Mountain, Lord Mosheng's blood-red eyes showed excitement.

Immediately a mysterious magical supernatural power unfolded, and endless voices spread throughout the demon world, reaching the ears of 9 trillion demon world people, just when his voice fell.

Nine trillion people in the demon world sacrificed the endless magic energy and the power of ideas, and poured into the direction of the Supreme God Mountain.

At the same time, the Ten Gods and Ten Saints waiting for hundreds of years beside the Supreme God Mountain, as well as the nine Holy Sons, exhibited the supernatural magic powers, and the power and ideas of destroying the heaven and earth were incorporated into the Supreme God Mountain in.

The magical power of thought, with prayer, wish, worship, respect, and the mood changes of all the gods and demons.

The terrifying power of magic energy, with the power of 9 trillion monsters, with the power of the ten gods and demons, with the power of the ten holy demons, with the power of the supreme nine sons.

All thoughts and powers are quickly condensed on the top of the Supreme God Mountain.

Heaven Realm, Demon Realm, Demon Realm, Human Realm, and countless small interfaces, all feel the changes of the Supreme God Mountain, the endless world, the endless powerful gods, all feel the heaven and earth.

"He, really can integrate the supreme heart."

"Even if you merge the supreme heart, it is only the Divine Emperor Divine Emperor. The Emperor wants to see how strong you can be. You are just making a wedding dress for the Three Realm Supreme."

In the Heavenly Palace Shenxiao Palace, the Emperor of Heaven felt the change of the Supreme Mountain of God, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes, and then he became calm.

"Hopefully Ling Tian will succeed."

Tang Qingyue and Qingwu were in the Heavenly Demon Palace, looking at the direction of the Supreme God Mountain from afar, their faces were full of worry, and their eyes were endless expectations.

"If the Divine Emperor can be upright and integrate the Supreme Heart to become the Supreme Realm of the Three Realms, Heaven Realm will be shuffled again."

Dragon Blood Divine Emperor said lightly.

Although the Taiyue Shenting has disappeared, the core members of the Taiyue Shenting have long been hidden from the attack of the heavens.

The change of the Supreme God Mountain caused a thousand waves.

However, the change of Supreme Mountain is like never ending, which makes people worry.

Celestial soldiers are on the forbidden ground. All the gods and demons of the demon world will pour their minds on the Supreme God Mountain. If they fail, the demon world will completely disappear in the three realms.

Everyone knows that a god's cultivation is a matter of hundreds of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, and some gods and emperors are millions of years or tens of millions of years or countless eras.

Like Li Lingtian, the Supreme Emperor and the Demon God's heart are the righteous Divine Emperor.

If it has been so long, the Devil Realm has already disappeared tens of millions of times.

However, the bow did not turn back.



Destructive energy, mysterious and mysterious ideas.

It made the Devil tremble, the space collapsed, and the earth turned upside down.

The world is plunged into destruction.

This endless destruction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ inspired the gods and gods to be desperate, and even countless powerful gods quickly retreated back, not daring to resist the destruction.

Only the ten deities and nine holy sons associated with the Supreme God Mountain are not shaken at all.

Just when all the gods, deities, and spirits thought that this terrifying testimony would last for hundreds of millions of years, the entire supreme Shenshan stopped strangely, and the devil qi of the demon world and the idea of ​​the demon clan all stopped at this moment.

"Speaking out the law, everything is still."

"I am heaven, everything returns to the element."

In the void, a **** who doesn't know how big is standing in the sky. This **** is as huge and unshakable as the Supreme God Mountain. All the gods and gods feel that they are ants in front of this god.

A faint voice sounded, and everything in the demon world returned to calm.

Everything and everything in the world has become quiet. At this moment, in stark contrast with the previous destruction, the initial destruction is like a dream.

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