War God Supreme

Chapter 2375: 3 Realm Supreme

The entire Devil Realm has never been so peaceful.

In the void, even this world is full of the original heavenly atmosphere.

Li Lingtian was like the huge body of Supreme God Mountain, quickly swallowing the spirit energy of the heaven and earth and the immortal energy of the spirit, and the endless thoughts entered his body.


"Heavenly way."


"Supreme Divine Emperor."

Looking at the changes in the void, whether it is a deity, a demon, or a creature of all things, it has already sunk into the heavenly path, feeling the heavenly path of Li Lingtian, and feeling the supremacy of Li Lingtian.

I don't know how long it has passed, and some mighty powers and gods, spirits, and spirits have come to life.

There are horrors and Yucheng in his eyes, because the body of the supreme mountain of the sky represents the heavenly path. There has never been such a powerful heavenly path in the three realms.

Some gods, deities, and spirits have also seen Li Lingtian's cultivation practice at the moment, which has broken through the Divine Emperor, and is the supreme Divine Emperor, the Supreme Divine Emperor with absolute heavenly path, surpassing all Realm Lords and surpassing the Heavenly Emperor.

Because, Li Lingtian's heavenly path merged with the magic path, the path of all things, and the 99.99 billion 999.9 million paths of the three worlds in the three realms.

Not to mention the universe starry sky, at least in the three realms, he was the first to merge the Tao of the three thousand worlds in the three realms.

At this moment, he is the master of the Three Realms, the Supreme of the Three Realms, the Supreme Divine Emperor of the Three Realms.

One thought of sea anger, one thought of all creatures, and one thought of world destruction.




Nine trillion trillion demons and gods and demons, endless gods of the heavenly army, at this moment, worshipped and took the supreme Yucheng to worship in the void. Three call supreme.

Moreover, in Li Lingtian, the heart of the demon **** and the supreme body and mind are combined to impact the **** emperor and control the heavenly way. When he became the Supreme Realm of the Three Realms, the Supreme Heavenly Path spread around him with his center.

Gods. Gods, demons, all creatures, ordinary warriors, ordinary demons, ordinary monsters and beasts, all have endless insights and sublimated souls. Repair for promotion.

For a time, I don't know how many great perfection of the true god, great perfection of the prince, great perfection of the king, great perfection of the Lord, great perfection of the god, great perfection of the divine emperor, at this moment broke through the shackles and entered a new realm.

Tang Qingyue and others entered the Divine Emperor one by one.

Lord Magic Saint. It also broke through the shackles of the Lord of the Realm, and had the same realm as the God Emperor-the God of Great Void.

Ten great demon, ten great demon. The nine saints also entered the realm or the top of the realm at the same time.

The gods of Taiyue Shenting, the gods of Shengtian Temple, and the people in Bingxue Palace, who entered the demon world, were also cultivated for ascension, and their spirits were sublimated, and each one got a chicken and a dog.

"I am heaven, and all beings in the three realms are equal."

"From now on, there is no God and Devil in the Three Realms.

"Heaven. It will become a dust in the long river of history, and there will be no reincarnation."

Li Lingtian's voice sounded in the void. The sound spread all over the world.

He merged with the Supreme God Mountain, which is one of 999.9 billion 999.9 million avatars.

Take control of heaven. Achievement of Supreme Divine Emperor, **** of the Three Realms, everything in his mind.

In his eyes, there is no difference between gods and demons, and the way the heart desires is the right way.

His heavenly way has nothing to do with heaven, because his heavenly way is the origin.

Moreover, it is the origin of the Void and the Realm. When it does not belong to the Taoist Tao of any side, it merges the origin of the immeasurable world and becomes his unique Tao. It complements the Tao of the Nine Palaces without any conflict.

However, he also used the origin and the Jiugong Tao to fight against Heaven.

Now he, even Heavenly Dao can't help him, he can't help Heaven's Dao.

Unless one day cultivates the Nine Palaces to the extreme, merges the ten palaces, and transforms itself into the origin of the way, at that time, the heavens can be destroyed.

However, among the three realms, there is no way of man. His current way is the way of the origin and the nine palaces. He thought that the result of Li Lingtian's cultivation is the way of heaven. This is also the purpose of Li Lingtian. He does not want anyone to know his secret.


At this moment, the Demon Realm appeared a light of destruction of space for thousands of miles.

The power of destroying the heavens and the earth and the meaning of heaven and earth were pressed towards the demon world. At this moment, all the gods and spirits were crushed to the ground, even the ten gods and deities. The body was shaking, trembling constantly, and the supreme power was able to resist the sudden destruction.

He has surpassed the realm of the realm, and has become the **** of the big void like the realm of the heavenly emperor, with infinite power.

"I didn't expect you to successfully integrate the Supreme Heart."

"The Emperor wants to see how powerful your Tao is."

In the light of the destruction of space, the idea of ​​destruction is overwhelming, covering all the minds of spirits, demons and spirits.

A palm slowly penetrated through the ancient time and space and bombarded Li Lingtian.

The palm of your hand seems small, unpleasant, and seemingly without power, but with the supreme way, you can destroy all the ways of heaven and earth, and the endless time and world and the world destroy the reincarnation in front of the palm.


"Just right."

Above the Supreme Mountain, the same palm was shot out, the palm speed was extremely slow.

However, the time flowed above this palm, everything grows, and it has 999.999 million 999.99 lines.


The two palms meet together, there is no destruction of heaven and earth, no destruction of time and space, no reincarnation of life and death, only a slight sound, and no trace of majesty has ever appeared.

Only two palms quickly disappeared.

"The Emperor cultivated 9 trillion epochs, 99,999,99,99 reincarnations, the supreme ruler of heaven, and the fate of heaven, even if you have the supreme heart, you have become the supremacy of the three realms. , Became the Supreme Divine Emperor, and could not shake the Emperor."

"Besides, the Emperor is still the Son of Heaven, Haha."

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven appeared. When the voice appeared, a middle-aged man wearing a crown and a dragon robe appeared in the void. He was the ninety-five Emperor of Heaven and Earth.

Looking at Li Lingtian, the size of the Supreme God Mountain, the Emperor's face was calm and shocked.

but. Even if the other party got the Supreme Heart and became the Supreme Realm of the Three Realms, it is not his opponent. The Three Realms are still his. And he will suppress Li Lingtian and turn the Three Realms Supreme into his own. Let the Three Realm Supreme make wedding dresses for him.

"Son of Heaven, good."

"However, there are nine children of Heavenly Dao, not you alone, and you are still the weakest child of Heavenly Dao. This seat cannot destroy Heavenly Dao, but it can wipe out the children of Heaven's Dao."

"The time you pinched is very accurate, presumably is to let this seat control the supreme heart. Then you pick it cheap."

"So, today, this seat will destroy the Son of Heavenly Dao. As long as you are killed, you will no longer be the Son of Heavenly Dao. At that time, I was the Son of Heavenly Dao and controlled the Heavenly Dao."

Li Lingtian became the supreme realm of the Three Realms, controlling the way of the origin and the way of the Nine Palaces.

Nothing can hide him, at least there is nothing in the three realms that can hide his eyes and tricks. He can deduce to the previous 9 trillion years, and can calculate the next 9 trillion years.

Heavenly Emperor is the Son of Heavenly Dao, then he is his enemy. It has something to do with the death of Brahma Lord.

Needless to say, Heavenly Emperor absolutely knows his Li Lingtian’s secret, he must kill Heavenly Emperor and control the world of the Three Realms.



In an instant, the two were fighting against each other.

Heaven and Dao play against each other, but it doesn't affect any creature.

It was like an invisible war, two palms quickly waved to kill, and the cultivation base was low, and it was impossible to feel the terror of the confrontation of heaven and earth. Only the gods and deities above the divine lordship can truly feel the horror of heaven. A more terrifying battle.

God Emperor Realm, his face pale. Because, in the battle of Heaven and Dao, any living creature and **** will move into dust, and there will be no reincarnation, just like there is no such person in this world.

At this moment, the invisible change of heaven and earth.

Silent wars, one after another, all gods, deities, and all creatures, also disappeared silently, as long as they moved to make the slightest fluctuations in the space, they were destroyed.



I don't know how long it has passed, is it an instant? Is that moment? Is it a century? Is eternity?

The two palms in the void disappeared, and at the same time two voices sounded.

In the Supreme God Mountain, a figure rises to the sky.

Heaven Emperor in the Light of Destroying Space also took Heavenly Dao to suppress each other at the same time.

Both of them want to suppress each other, to reach their level, it is impossible to kill, only to suppress.

"The law of great blessings, everything is silent."

In the battle of heaven and earth, everyone dare not move a minute, creeping to the ground.

Only Lord Mo Sheng resisted the destruction.

Watching Li Lingtian and Heavenly Emperor send out the most terrifying blow to suppress each other, he never dare to hesitate again, the most terrifying prohibition spell is on display, this prohibition spell is not destruction, but the most powerful blessing.

The whole person, turned into endless starlight, enveloped toward the spirits and creatures of the devil and the whole world.

In an instant, everything in the Devil Realm and the Great Thousand Worlds entered into silence.



The sounds of two destructions, Heavenly Emperor and Li Lingtian's Heavenly Way bombarded together, and the world changed.

However, it is not a temporary thing for the two to suppress each other. The two figures with heaven are like two worlds colliding with each other, suppressing each other fiercely.

"Your Heavenly Way, too weak."

"Take out your way of the Nine Palaces, and the Emperor will see how many ways you have practiced."

With the endless brilliance of Heavenly Emperor, the power of Heavenly Dao skyrocketed and overwhelmed Li Lingtian. The stalemate was instantly broken, and Li Lingtian’s original path quickly drained away. In this way, he would be suppressed by Heavenly Emperor.

"Then let you see the power of the Nine Palaces."

Li Lingtian was calm in his heart, and he was not surprised that Heavenly Emperor knew his secret.

Impressed, six palaces appeared beside him, spinning around him.

At the same time, the six palaces formed a miraculous formation, the power soared exponentially, and the palaces quickly became larger. In an instant, the six palaces became giants with trillions in diameter.

Li Lingtian is in the center of the six palaces and controls the six palaces.

The whole person is integrated with the six palaces.

"Six palaces!"

"The Sixth Floor of the Nine Palaces! How is it possible?"

Seeing the six palaces of Li Lingtian, Emperor Tian no longer has the demeanor of Emperor Tian, ​​and there is a horrified look on his face. He knows that Li Lingtian cultivates the way of the Nine Palaces. But I did not expect Li Lingtian to cultivate the way of the Nine Palaces to the sixth floor and control the six palaces.

When he wanted to come, Li Lingtian even practiced for 20 million years. It also controls up to two palaces.

The two palaces were not his opponents at all, and Li Lingtian now controls six. Suddenly let him despair.

"The Son of Heaven, it is difficult to kill."

"But in the ninth house of this house, in front of the law of time and space, you are waiting for the smoke to disappear."

Li Lingtian did not pause at all, and the six palaces were crushed by the emperor Chaotian.

Suddenly, the path of the Nine Palaces and the path of the original source were crushed fiercely on the power of the Heavenly Path, and the power of the Heavenly Path was instantly destroyed. Finally disappeared.

Heavenly Emperor entered into six palaces.

Between heaven and earth, the silence fell.

The six palaces turned into stars and disappeared into Li Lingtian's body.

Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the air. The young man in white did not change at all. The only change was that he lacked coercion and momentum and completely became an ordinary mortal.

"I am heaven."

"Speak out the law."


His eyes looked at the endless gods and spirits, and his faint voice spread all over the world.

The sound rang. Everything recovers, and everything that has fallen into silence gradually recovers, and everything returns to peace.

Simultaneously. The endless starlight converged towards Li Lingtian, and a moment later, the starlight condensed into a black robe middle-aged-Lord Demon.

Everything is restored, only Lord Demon Saint is weak and weak, like the soul has been emptied.

"Go practice 90 million years."

Li Lingtian glanced at Lord Mosheng and said softly, when the voice fell, Lord Mosheng disappeared.

"I, the three thousand worlds."

"Demon tribe. Demon tribe, all creatures. Wipe the heavens."

"Rebuilding the Three Kingdoms, the prosperous will be prosperous. The reversal will die."

Endless gods and spirits creep on the ground and dare not move.

In front of Li Lingtian, several tokens appeared. The tokens floated in the void and kept turning.

These tokens are the Ice Palace, Shengtian Temple, Taiyue Shenting, and the Three Realms Wanling Order.

"Comply with the Supreme Law."

Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, all the gods, spirits and all creatures worshiped and worshipped in reverence.

Several tokens disappeared into the three thousand worlds.

Li Lingtian's figure also disappeared, and Tang Qingyue and others disappeared with him.

Since then, the battle for the unification of the heavens has begun. Similarly, this is also the final battle of the heavens. Without the heavenly court of the heavenly emperor, even if the strength is strong, it will become swayed.

Moreover, the demon gods and the demons, when Li Lingtian testified, were all enlightened, and their cultivation strength was comprehensively improved. Although the overall strength is not comparable to the heavenly court, there are three realm supreme Li Lingtian on the demon side.

The Four Great Divine Courts in the Heaven Realm, the Ten Great Supreme Forces, countless loose repairs, the demon clan, the Devil Realm, and the Underworld, and the corresponding Three Realm Supreme Laws, fully encircled and suppressed the Heavenly Court.

Gradually, the countless gods of the heavenly court surrendered, and the war fell to one side.

For a thousand years, the Three Realms unify.

Heaven Court no longer exists.

In the entire Three Realms, there is only the Void Kingdom, which controls the three thousand worlds.

The Three Thousand Worlds of the Three Realms entered the era of cultivation.

One hundred thousand years after the founding of the Nether Kingdom, the falling Five Elements Divine Emperor revived and became the supreme Divine Emperor of the Nether Kingdom, unifying the three-thousandth world, and the falling people such as the Broken Army Divine Emperor and Wuyue Divine Emperor were also revived.

Although the three realms were shocked, it was only a piece of cake to think of the supreme Divine Emperor Li Lingtian's power to reverse the time and space and bring the Divine Emperor back to life.

The Three Realms are controlled by the Five Elements Divine Emperor, assisted by the Taiyue Divine Emperor and the Broken Army Divine Emperor.

The most powerful Supreme Divine Emperor, who dominates the Three Realms, appears in the Three Realms like a mortal, and takes his wife and lover to travel the three thousand worlds.


As time went by, the Three Realms entered the pinnacle of a super civilization.

There are countless descendants of Li Lingtian, but Tang Qingyue and Wang Linglan, Shangguan Ling'er, and Tianxin are always beside him.

His juniors were not arrogant because of his identity and strength, but each junior, after reaching the age of sixteen, sealed all cultivation practices and confiscated all resources to go out and practice.

"Ling Tian, ​​how are you going to retreat for 30 million years this time?"

I don't know how many years passed, Li Lingtian opened his eyes above the Supreme God Mountain.

Seeing Li Lingtian retired and woke up. Qingwu and others came to Li Lingtian and asked.

"The way to the Ninth Palace cannot be broken through on the ninth floor."

"It's time. I'm stuck at the ninth floor of the 9th Palace. The 8 million epoch. If I can break through the ninth floor. Fusion of ten palaces, we will leave the Three Realms and travel to the Starry World."

"However, although the ninth floor of the Nine Palaces can’t be broken through in these years of practice, my various laws have reached their extremes. The time passed by millions of epochs, and the gods, spirits and creatures below the landlord. They can all be revived."

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a smile on his face.

These three realms had no enemies as early as when he became the Divine Emperor. Millions of epochs passed. If he met the Heavenly Emperor, he could destroy it with a single idea.

The Heavenly Emperor entered the six palaces and turned into dust in less than ten million years.

Now, he has cultivated the way of the Nine Palaces to the ninth floor, as long as he breaks through. You can merge ten palaces against the heaven.

What's more, the way of the origin has been greatly completed, just waiting for the merger of the ten houses.

"Not in a hurry. Let's talk in the Three Realms for a while."

Tang Qingyue smiled. They are now at the level of the master. Although they are not as powerful as the original emperor, they are similar. Besides, even if they fell, Li Lingtian can reverse time and space and resurrect them.

"Xiaoman and Xiaobai's cultivation practices have changed a lot."

Li Lingtian was very satisfied with the changes in the breath of Xiaoman and Xiaobai.

During this period of his retreat, Xiaoman and Xiaobai made the biggest and most obvious progress.

"Master. I returned to the family some time ago, and the ancestor gave me the law of thunder."

"So Xiuwei has improved a lot."

Wang Xiaoman was very happy. Long ago, she had found her home in the three thousand world.

Not only her. Sister Ming Bing'er, the Xuanyuan family, and the Dragon clan, all these things have been calculated by Li Lingtian. The destruction of the Dragon clan is due to Heavenly Dao. Sister Ming Bing'er is a descendant of a hidden world lord in heaven.

The Xuanyuan family is a descendant of the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

With Li Lingtian's means, things in the three thousand worlds within the Three Realms can't escape his eyes, and they can be handled naturally.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's go to Shenwu Continent."

"I haven't been to Shenwu Continent for a long time."

Nangong Mingyue took Li Lingtian's arm and said coquettishly.

The realm masters like them went to the Shenwu Continent, only one idea, and they crossed in an instant.

Now pulling Li Lingtian to go, naturally miss the Shenwu Continent.

"it is good."

Li Lingtian nodded and practiced all the time. Shenwu Continent hadn't been there for a long time, and he wanted to wander around.

Seeing Li Lingtian agree, suddenly, the breath of Tang Qingyue and others changed, and instantly became a normal Wu Zun level warrior, where there was a hint of the realm of the realm.


For a moment, a chuckle of laughter sounded, and an ordinary flying warship pierced the space, leaving the Supreme Mountain and flying towards the sky.

However, Tang Zimeng and others who talked and laughed on the flying battleship found that Li Lingtian did not speak, but entered into a kind of contemplation, as if thinking about something.

Moreover, on Li Lingtian's face, a mysterious smile appeared.

"I understand."

"The way of the Nine Palaces, finally understood."

Immediately, Li Lingtian smiled.

The movement of Li Lingtian made Tang Qingyue and others puzzled and looked at Li Lingtian curiously.

"Uncle, what do you understand?"

"Did you see through the tenth floor of the Nine Palaces."

Xuanyuan Qingqing spoke first.

"Not bad."

"It is indeed through the tenth floor of the Nine Palaces."

"However, this tenth floor is not something that I can successfully practice alone. There is only God's will in my life, haha."

During the speech, the laws of Li Lingtian's whole body condensed together, and the three thousand world was still.

In front of Li Lingtian, under the cohesion of endless laws of supernatural power and the way of the origin and the way of the Nine Palaces, a drop of crystal clear blood floated out of his eyebrows and floated in the void.

In this drop of essence blood, there are endless ways of the nine palaces and the way of the origin.

Under everyone's curious eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian was awe-inspiring, his blood like a meteor pierced the still three thousand worlds, penetrated the big thousand worlds, and finally disappeared.

After the essence blood disappeared, the still three thousand worlds recovered. No one knew that the world had been still, and even the realm could not sense the changes in space and time.

Tang Qingyue and they seriously looked at everything Li Lingtian did, but they didn’t ask anything, because they understood that all Li Lingtian did was because of the Nine Palace Way, which will usher in the merger of the Ten Houses in the near future. At that time, it was also the day when they really moved towards the starry sky.

Finally, the flying warship continued to shuttle in the void, heading towards the Shenwu Continent...

(After the whole book, with the support and companionship of all the book friends, I finally finished writing the Supreme God of War, creating 7.2 million words. It was almost ten thousand words a day for two years and six days. Fortunately, with the help of all my book friends, Luohua felt that it was all worthwhile. Luohua is here to thank you for your support and your editor’s guidance and support! In the preparation of the new book, the new book needs various roles, and some book friends need to be in the new book. If you add a role, you can add a group registration: 315772906. Discuss the new book with Luohua!!!) (Unfinished to be continued.)

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