War God Supreme

Chapter 2381: Encounter a strong enemy

The Random Star Zone is one of the most terrifying places of Celestial Star.

The strong men on the sky spirit star will not come to the chaotic star field, and talk about the color change of the chaotic star field.

Because, when you enter the chaotic field, even the star powerhouses will disappear, even the B-class and C-class spaceships will not dare to enter it. It is said that there are many super-star-level powerhouses controlling the D-class spaceships. The smoke disappeared inside.

There are even domain master powerhouses falling in the chaos field.

Li Lingtian stood on top of the Holy Palace. The tens of miles of the Holy Palace, under the impact of endless asteroids and meteorites, for half a year, has made the Holy Palace dilapidated.

In the Holy Temple, he was also violently shaken, his face pale.

Finally, ten days ago, he sensed that the threat had become smaller. When he discovered this situation, he drove the Holy Heaven Palace towards this side. After ten days, he finally left this horrible place.

Appearing in front of him is a vast starry sky, the power of the source is very rich.

Suddenly, the whole person was at a loss.

It was like a small boat that lost its direction in the boundless sea. It made people feel very lonely and cold. He didn't know where he should go or where he was born.

The only thing that made him happy was that he finally left that terrible place and there was no threat of life for the time being.

"This is the world at the end of the white hole."

"This is the endless starry sky."

Li Lingtian sighed, felt the power of the source in the air, and was shocked.

After leaving that horrible place, my heart was a little calmer, but it was secretly estimated that even in a place without danger and without the strength of the true God, it would not survive.

After a short pause, he drove the dilapidated Holy Palace quickly towards the front.


"Humph, I don't know what to do."

"It's bad luck to meet me."

Inside the A9-class spaceship, Osho looked at the Holy Palace in the distance, his face showing a disdainful look.

The Holy Temple is now broken, and he can’t see the level of the Holy Temple at all. Moreover, the Holy Temple is a super treasure of the Chaos Supreme Treasure level. It is extremely terror-proof and rarely seen anywhere.

It is not as standard as the spaceships and battleships of the A9 class spaceship, which can be seen at a glance.

In Osho's view, Li Lingtian's Holy Heaven Palace is just an A4 or A5 class flying warship. Although this class is worth tens of thousands of stars, it is far from his A9 class spaceship.

Even the A9-class spacecraft dare not approach the chaos field, and the one who does not know life or death should escape from the inside.

Seeing this, I was very happy.

A strong man with only low-level spaceships is not his opponent at all. In this case, he can kill him without any effort, get a spaceship, and earn a few stars.

There was a cold flash in his eyes, and he immediately ordered.

"Catch up."

"Target, bombard, and force him out."

Osho said lightly.

Suddenly, the spacecraft turned into a streamer and flew away in the direction of the disappearance of the Holy Heaven Palace. Although the Holy Heaven Palace has disappeared, but with the intelligent system scanning of the A9 class spacecraft, the spaceship cannot be locked within a million miles. .

In the vast universe, the threat is incomparable, because in the universe, the powerful kill people and win treasures, and there are powerful giant beasts.

Robbing each other is normal.

As long as this world can survive, it will not care about the means at all.

Li Lingtian's face was a bit tired, and now he can't find the slightest direction, that is, he wants to see a human, but he doesn't want to see it, because when he sees a human, he won't be alone and he can find the place where humans live.

But in such a vast universe, if you meet the super strong, then you are going to die.

Although he doesn't know what the universe is like, he understands a law, that is, the law of the jungle.

So, when he came here, he had to be careful.

"not good!"

It was at this time that he felt a bad feeling in his heart, which he had worked out for many years. He could sense it as soon as he encountered a danger. Now that he finds this kind of bad, he immediately feels that danger is coming.

Just after reacting, I found a beam of destruction bombarding him.


The beam of light was so fast that it instantly bombarded the Holy Heaven Palace.

There was a loud bang, the Holy Temple shook violently, and then stabilized.

In Li Lingtian's sight, a huge spaceship galloped forward, and in a blink of an eye, it was a hundred miles away from the Holy Heaven Palace. The spacecraft stopped in front of the Holy Heaven Palace, and a sky-high power was rapidly condensing.


"What a terrible defense."

A shocking sound came from the spaceship.

Obviously shocked that his attack was resisted by the opponent.

Indeed it is.

In the spaceship, Osho originally watched the attack land on the Holy Heaven Palace. I already thought that the Holy Heaven Palace was destroyed, and the people inside would immediately come out.

But things were beyond his expectation. He did not expect that the other party's dilapidated aircraft had such a terrible defense. The A9 class spacecraft's blow was equivalent to the stellar first-order strong attack, but it was easily resisted by the other party. .

This made him shocked, and his heart was overcome with fear and excitement.

Fear, because the other party has a powerful aircraft, it must be a super strong.

Excited because if the aircraft gets its own, its strength will be greatly improved.


Li Lingtian's face was cold.

As long as he is not stupid, he knows that he has been robbed and feels a little angry.

When I first came to this world, I encountered a terrible place, and finally escaped from birth, and met the murderer and treasure, if I didn't have the Holy Heaven Palace, I had already fallen.

Eyes constantly looked at each other's spaceship.

Shocked in my heart, this is a very powerful ship, the attack is very powerful and terrifying.

It is much stronger than the flying warships in the Three Realms.

This is the difference between civilizations, and the Three Realms are not comparable to this world.

Impressed by the consciousness, Shengtian Palace slammed toward the spaceship. He didn't know what the other side was, nor what the other side had. He was unfamiliar with everything in this world.

Now, the only way to crush each other is to rely on your holy heaven.

When the Holy Heaven Palace crashed into the spaceship, Li Lingtian's God-destroying suit also showed up. Time and space are eternal, the heart of the starry sky, and the Imperial Pagoda. Everything works automatically.


A shocking sound ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The dilapidated Holy Palace and the brand-new A9 class spacecraft collided fiercely, a ruined light curtain scattered, and the space was violently twisted.

Immediately afterwards, the spaceship was torn apart and scattered in the sky.

Holy Temple is also trembling violently.

At this time, a figure appeared in the torn apart spaceship.

The figure is five meters tall, tall and mighty, and the whole body is filled with a strong breath, like a horror monster.

When the tall figure came out, a terrible power was crushed towards Li Lingtian, and the power was overbearing, so that Li Lingtian could not help shaking.

He can be sure that the person in front of him is a powerful person he has never seen before, and is many times stronger than the Emperor.

For a time, I was shocked. Although the expression on my face was calm, I was already thinking of ways to escape.

(To be continued.)

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