War God Supreme

Chapter 2387: Smart Galaxy

"Thank you master for giving your name."

"Below, Yinhe introduces the capabilities and functions of Yinhe as the master."

After Smart Galaxy was named after Li Lingtian, the elf-like girl's head showed a happy smile on the virtual screen, and the tone of the talk was much better than that when it started to be mechanized.

At least Li Lingtian is more comfortable now.

Immediately, Smart Galaxy began to introduce its own skills and functions.

Only Galaxy is B1 level intelligence, capable of detecting 100,000 kilometers of intelligent threatening targets and life targets, able to record the combat process from time to time, and leave a virtual video.

Able to search various materials, help the owner to trade, and remind the owner to practice on time.

It can be said that everything is omnipotent except that it cannot fight and cannot act on its own.

Of course, each level of intelligence has different permissions.

Said to be intelligent, in fact, he is a computer that is ten million times more advanced than a handheld computer.

"Search for cultivation levels."

Li Lingtian's voice ordered, a look of anticipation on his face.

His eyes stared at the virtual crystal screen in front of him.

Just as his voice fell, the galaxy on the virtual crystal screen disappeared, and numerous dense fonts appeared. Although they are all universal languages, Li Lingtian has mastered and adapted now.

Universe cultivation system:

Planet ninth order, star ninth order, domain ninth order, world master...

Every human being is born in the first and second order of the planet, with high bloodline genes. The birth year is a star or even a domain master, or even the master of the world. Even if you don't practice, you can reach these realms.

Planet Nine is in the universe and can mix a good buddy to feed themselves and their families.

Every line of humanity has practiced strength, speed, physical fitness, soul enhancement and law of perception. When the law is fully consummated, you will be able to perceive and cultivate the original idea, absorb the power of the source, and control the power of the source.

A strong star powerhouse must control the power of its origin.

The higher the talent, the more powerful and powerful the source of power you feel and control.

The power of the source is everything for the strong.

In the face of the power of origin, any common law is scum.

Li Lingtian looked at the virtual crystal screen and looked at the dense fonts on his face, and there was a shocked look on his face. He was completely strange to all this, or it opened a new door for him.

Discovered a novel world and existence.

However, his identity is too low, and the level of intelligence is too low, and they are not authorized enough. There are more things that cannot be searched. Intelligence sees some of the most basic.

But even these basics shocked him.

Now I finally understand why that Osho is so terrifying. It turns out that the star has control of the origin.

In front of the power of the source, the law is simply unbearable.

Fortunately, he has also understood the original idea and absorbed the power of the original source. He already has his own original source of power. Otherwise, even if there is the Holy Heaven Palace, he will have to suffer a big loss in the face of Osho.


Waking up in shock, Li Lingtian said four more words, and the order came before the virtual crystal screen.

Suddenly, a dense font appeared on the virtual crystal screen.

Spaceships are divided into seven series: A, B, C, D, E, F, X, and S. The power and gap, speed and defense between each series are different. ,Incomparable.

Grade A is divided into nine grades, as is grade B and grade C.


Weapons are divided into fifth-order, first-order original soldiers, second-order original soldiers...

On top of the fifth-order source **** soldier, there are chaotic treasures, world treasures...

Next, Li Lingtian searched countless things on the Smart Galaxy that he did not know, and almost searched all the questions after he came here.

The search results shocked Li Lingtian.

Except for some knowledge and things with insufficient authority, everything else has been resolved.

Two hours later, Li Lingtian learned countless things through the Smart Galaxy, which are the most basic rules and things in the universe. The more you understand, the more shocked you are.

The knowledge that life must know is finally mastered.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian merged the Smart Galaxy and the identity chip and recorded the communication number.

The whole person has entered the virtual world, which is the network world on earth before, wandering in the virtual world, searching to understand some of the universe.

For the next few days, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue have been using intelligence in the room.

Check out some rules and what you see and hear in the universe.

As a Divine Emperor, he has lived for more than 20 million years. Although he does not know more than some ordinary people in the universe, his receiving ability and adaptability definitely exceed countless stars.

After all, they all have more than ten million years of life experience.

They know an important thing, then the city of humans in the universe is very important.

Because there are countless powerful starry sky monsters in the universe. The powerful starry sky monsters are simply not something that ordinary humans can resist. If they encounter a powerful starry sky monster and there is no resistance from the city, it will be nine deaths.

In other words, the city is an umbrella for humans to resist the invasion of starry behemoths and foreigners.

"We don't even have the original source soldiers now."

"There are not many star crystals, everything has to start again."

"Several chaotic treasures on me, placed in the shining holy city, are also super existences, but they cannot be easily exposed, or else they will end in utter annihilation, so we still have to look for stars, treasures, and good equipment. ."

The three sat face-to-face and discussed seriously.

They have roughly learned some basic rules of life in the universe from intelligence.

However, they are faced with a problem that all humans and life must deal with, that is, wealth and resources. If they want to survive in this universe, they must have abundant resources and a large number of stars.

As a strong man, you need strong cultivation as strength and powerful equipment.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's all they need now.

What's more, they are only temporarily staying for ten days now, and only two days out of ten days. After two days, they have to leave Celestial Star, so they must solve this problem now.

Star crystal, star crystal, a large number of star crystal.

"Your few treasures are all Chaos-Treasure level existence."

"On Celestial Star, a 4th- and 5th-order source **** soldier is enough for many powerful men to **** it, causing a **** storm. If you know that you have Chaos Treasure, with your strength, we will fall in minutes."

"So, some of your treasures can no longer be used."

Lord Frost Palace nodded and said.

If there is no baby, it is necessary to find baby.

But with the baby, you have to worry about others robbing.

It's an eternal truth to live innocently with one's sins. (To be continued.)

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