War God Supreme

Chapter 2397: 0 Yan Sheng Wing

Time, a little time passed.

The people in the auction house did not become interested in time, but became more excited.

Fierce competition has been constant.

Pieces of powerful original source soldiers, pieces of powerful defensive treasures, pieces of magical cultivation items keep flowing out of the auction house, and every time a super treasure and item appear, it causes competition from countless powerful people .

No matter how many items, it is still not enough to divide up nearly one million strong people.

Unconsciously, three days passed.

In other words, the auction is about to end.

In these three days, Li Lingtian did not make any more shots except for the purchase of 20 Rule of Holy Crystals, because many things are very precious, but they are not suitable for him.

He is already a powerful treasure.

Moreover, everything is a treasure of chaos.

Even if the Destroyer Set is not the Chaos Treasure, but its power is infinitely close to the Chaos Treasure, the complete set of treasures is displayed, which is more useful than the general Chaos Treasure.

In other words, he has found a way to upgrade the Destroyer suit, but he has not prepared.

There is also the long-extinguishing Sky Sword Array, which is not Chaos Treasure, but it is not much worse than Chaos Treasure when it is displayed.

He is fully equipped for defense, attack and flight.

Occasionally seeing one or two likes, but the price is not consistent, he did not waste Xingchenjing on some tasteless items. For him, many super babies in the eyes of other powerful people are tasteless here.

"This auction is coming to an end."

"The last item is coming soon."

"This item is the treasure Qianyan Holy Wing used by the controller, the existence of the Chaos Treasure level, the base price is 10 billion, and the price is increased by 1 billion each time.

The Blaze Master announced that the auction will be held to the end.

At the same time, take out the items that are the finale of this auction.

I saw that a slap-sized blazed silver-white wing was suspended in the air, and there were countless seals on the wing, but even so, the terrifying power of the wing also exuded a part.

The strong guys in the entire auction house looked at the wings with all their eyes, and some strong men with low crops felt great pressure in front of the power of the wings, and their faces became pale.

The words of the Blaze Master shocked all the strong.

Shocked the level and power of the wings, shocked the origin of the wings, shocked the horrible price of the wings.

Only the base price is 10 billion, and each price increase is also 1 billion. The star crystal is added only once, so that two-thirds of the strong people in the auction house stop looking up.

"Qianyan Holy Wing!"

"Isn't this the Top 10 Paladins in Control?"

"The ten saints who claim to be in charge, and they are ranked second. I can imagine how horrible and amazing the Qianyan Holy Wing is, but the price is too high. The base price is 10 billion."

"10 billion is very high? Qianyan Holy Wing is of Chaos Extreme Treasure. The lowest price of Chaos Extreme Treasure is 100 billion, and the base price of 10 billion is just a starting point, far from reaching the lowest price line of Chaos Extreme Treasure. ."

"Unfortunately, this is the treasure of the controller. No one can exert its power except the controller."

"Even other people can exert the power of the Tier 5 Original Divine Soldier."

Inside the auction house, it boiled for a while.

It was completely shocked under the sacred wing of Qian Yan, and the voice of discussion continued.

"10 billion one billion."

Soon, the voice of discussion calmed down.

A strong man shouted a price of 11 billion, and added 1 billion to the base price.

If this price can be photographed and sold at that time, it will directly earn tens of billions of stars.

"Twenty-two billion."

"15 billion."

"Twenty billion."

"Thirty billion stars."

However, 10 billion billion is obviously unable to capture the Qianyan Holy Wing of Chaos Supreme Treasure Level. The real masters must meet desperately for such treasures.

Suddenly, the price soared quickly.

The base price of 10 billion yuan is lower than the starting price of Chaos Zhibao, but this base price is also set absolutely, because the base price is not high, competitors are easy to compete, and it is easy to bring up the atmosphere.

Li Lingtian was shocked when he looked at the competition.

Because he was tempted by this piece of Qianyan Shengyi. To say that he is the master, he is the real master. He cultivates and masters, and he is terrified of consciousness. If there is a dedicated treasure, his strength will definitely be greatly improved.

I have decided in my heart that this time I will try my best to fight for the victory of Qianyan Shengyi.

It’s just that I don’t have a lot of confidence, because he only has 300 billion stars in his account, and the price of Chaos Arcana is at least 100 billion. If the price is very different in the auction room, under the competitive atmosphere, Obviously, a hundred stars of Jingjing's objects, after competition, may have reached 1,000 or even 10,000.

"One hundred billion stars."

After observing it for a while, Li Lingtian added 10 billion to raise the price to the lowest price of Chaos Supreme.

He has looked at the strong players participating in the competition, and he is always the one who can't see through.

I doubted that most of these people were the masters and the powerful generations.

"One hundred and ten billion stars."

"120 billion stars."

"Thirteen billion stars."


The price soared rapidly, and it took a moment to reach 160 billion. Until this time, the price has slowed down, and the competition is not as intense as before.

After all, this price has surpassed the price of general Chaos Treasure.

And more than 100 billion, even the domain owner may not be able to take it out.

In the end, Li Lingtian won Qianyan Shengyi at a price of 165 billion yuan.

Qibao auction, the finale shot.

However, the Blaze Master did not declare the end of the auction, because the auction site has regulations that must be able to declare the end of the auction after the last item has been successfully traded.

Li Lingtian entered the room and began trading.

The transaction went smoothly, and the money and the goods were both in balance.

After paying 165 billion yuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian left with Qianyan Shengyi, instead of going to the auction house, he left the Universe Bank directly and recruited a cosmic spacecraft to Xiangshan Jiadi flew away in the direction.

He took the lead to leave without worrying about being chased and killed.

Even if it is a hunt, it will be a matter for the future.

Moreover, when he entered the auction, he had changed his breath and appearance. No one could recognize him at all. He would know the Five Elements Law, the Law of Time and Space, and the Divine Dragon Avatar and Supreme God Mountain Avatar. Just fine.

In an hour, the spacecraft came to Xiangshan Jiadi.

With a smile on his face, Li Lingtian disappeared inside the door of time and space. When he appeared again, he had reached the second line of defense of Xiangshanjia and walked towards No. 1888.

In this three-day auction, Li Lingtian was very rewarding.

Although he sold a chaotic treasure, to him, that chaotic treasure was just a tasteless thing. He used the tasteless things in exchange for a lot of wealth to buy what he needed. Nothing was more cost-effective than this. (To be continued.)

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