War God Supreme

Chapter 2401: Go to the heavenly world

Yaoshi Holy City, the main city square.


  Li Lingtian came here early in the morning in a spaceship and waited.


  Because, this place is for all people who go to the **** and gathering place of the Celestial World, as long as they go to the Celestial World for assessment, they all come here to sign up.


   Then, a special spaceship dispatched by the Holy World Holy City will be escorted to the spirit world.


  This is also the welfare of the people of the shining holy city. The official provides free services for these geniuses and powerful people who will be evaluated.


After all, all those who can go to the heavenly world for evaluation are stars, and stars are a good strong no matter where they are. Moreover, if there is a great person in Yaoshi Holy City, it is also Yaoshi Holy City. Glory.


   can be described as a one-man chicken dog ascended to heaven.


  If a big figure appears in Yaoshi Holy City, Yaoshi Holy City is also famous, bringing popularity and resource wealth to it.


  Yaoshi Holy City, every day will send a bow spaceship to the heavenly world.


Therefore, if you want to go to the star class of the Celestial World, you will come here early in the morning and wait. After all, the free spaceship does not sit in vain. If you take control of the spaceship yourself, it will take a long time, and maybe Encountered strong enemies and star robbers halfway.


  From the shining holy city to the heavenly world, it takes tens of thousands of stars to ride other spaceships.


  Li Lingtian thought he came very early, but when he arrived, there were already hundreds of star powerhouses waiting here. Don't think about it, these people all entered the heavenly world for assessment.


   Most of these star ratings are star ratings, most of them are 3rd or 4th ranks, some are 5th or 6th ranks, and a few of them have reached 7th or 8th ranks.


   Watching so many stars to go to the assessment, Li Lingtian was shocked.


  Every day there are so many star ratings to evaluate, how many star ratings a year, after a long period of accumulation, I don’t know how many billion star ratings, and these are just shining holy cities.


   Time, a little bit past.


  Li Lingtian waited for about two hours, almost no stars were coming.


   "You are all the future of Yaoshi Holy City."


   "Although it is only a basic assessment, at least this is an opportunity."


   "First I wish you all a full return."


   A powerful might came into the air and landed on the main city square.


   Immediately afterwards, a dark figure arrived in an instant, and came to the open space of the square, suspended in the air at a distance of ten meters from the ground, and the whole person was like a dark ghost.


   But, the terrible power, but people do not dare to underestimate.


   domain master strong


   is also a domain master. Although it is not as powerful as the flame master, it is also a domain master.


   The eyes of the strong man in black glanced at all the stars, making the stars present felt palpitations, like being stared at by a poisonous snake, which made the vest cold.


   All the stars, when they heard the strong man in black, all looked down, with a humble look on his face.


Li Lingtian felt a powerful and terrifying breath, and his desire for strength reached a limit. If one day he became a domain master, at that time, in the Holy City of Yaoshi, he could not be said to be rampant, but at least there was a foothold. Too.


   Domain master level, placed in a holy city, is also a top-level existence.


   In other words, the domain master strong can become the master of a city.


   After a few words, the black strongman let everyone enter a class 9 spaceship. A class 9 spaceship carrying a thousand stars is not a problem.


   Class 9 spaceship, fast speed, strong attack, defense against terror.


   If you enter the dark universe, the speed can reach three times the speed of light.


   In the area of ​​the human planet, they generally dare not fly like this, and can barely reach the speed of light.


  Looking at the huge spaceship, the star-star novelty present is enviable, the class-class spaceship, it is more than 10 million worth of existence, the general star-star can only look up.


   General star genius, even with family support, can buy a bow 9 spaceship. It is too rare to be able to buy class b and class.


  Li Lingtian, with his current net worth, was able to buy grades, even grades and grades, but he did not want to buy now, because it was temporarily unavailable.


  Entering the 9th-level spaceship, countless stars are very excited.


  In the spaceship, the space is extremely spacious. Thousands of star stars come here, they don't feel the slightest crowd, and each person has a separate rest room.


  However, most of the time, most of the people choose to rest in the hall or small square, communicate with other powerful people, or discuss team formation.


   Entering the spirit world, that is adventure, there is danger of death.


   Naturally, it is necessary to form a team.


Li Lingtian mixed in these stars, few people asked him to form a team, because he was just a strong first-order star, with thousands of stars on the field, 95% of them were third- or fourth-rank, Only very few are stellar first order.


   Shouting the previous stellar first-order team, not only can not help the team, but also hinder the team.


   In this way, Li Lingtian didn't have to refuse.


  If a stellar first-class strongman refuses to form a team with other high-level strongmen, it will attract the attention of others. Now that no one is calling him, he can’t wait to go into the heavenly world alone.


   "Now, tell you about the situation in the heavenly world."


   "Although it is an assessment, I believe that everyone knows the situation inside."


   "Assessment, as long as the three conditions are met, the assessment is passed."


   "The first is the flower of flames, the second is the mixed beast Nedan, the third is Ying Leijin, three kinds of items, each one, even if you pass the assessment, you can't pass if there is no one."


"Don't think about whether someone cheated, everyone is assured that these three things, only exist in the heavenly world, will be turned over to anyone who gets it, and if someone finds that they are trading these three things, they will be wanted and killed~www. wuxiaspot.com~ The strong man in black clapped his hands, attracting the attention of all strong stars.


   Immediately, some of the things in the spirit world are spoken out, which is actually the assessment rules and precautions.


   After a while, everyone already knew that no one cheated on this assessment, because the three items were all valuable materials, and no one risked their lives to trade for the valuable materials.


   Say it again, a simple assessment, there is no need to cheat.


   More people have two purposes. One is to experience it in order to improve your fighting strength. The other is to kill people and gain treasures to earn resources. Then the assessment is only a secondary one.


  Because there is no limit on the number of times that the first assessment cannot be passed, and the second.


   Moreover, there is no time limit in it.


  Heavenly World is said to be an assessment, and more is regarded as a place of experience by some stars. To be continued.

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