War God Supreme

Chapter 2404: 1 stroke solution

"nothing is impossible."

"It can only be said that you are out of luck."

"This seat gives you a chance to fight. If you can withstand the five moves of this seat, this seat can spare you a death. If you escape, then let you know what is called speed."

Li Lingtian held the extinct flames in his hands, looked at Han Xi, and said lightly.

The whole person talked in a down-to-earth manner and did not regard Han Xi as an opponent at all.

In other words, Li Lingtian at this moment did not look at Han Xi at all. The treasure in his hand is the God Destroyer Suit, but it is the most anticipated treasure.

The current attack is no weaker than any Chaos Arcana.

"who are you?"

"In Celestial Star, there are countless fifth-order genius magic soldiers, and chaos treasures also exist, but it is impossible to take out the fifth-order genius magic soldier's suit. You are not a celestial star person."

Han Xi's face changed constantly, and his heart was horrified.

He couldn't think of anyone else who could have Tier 5 set treasures.

When speaking, the whole body's original power is running, ready to fight a battle. If you defeat your opponent and get this suit, he will be in the sky and even the Yulong Empire.

If defeated, the result is naturally a death.

"Some things, you are not qualified to know."

"Give you three seconds, and if you don't shoot for three seconds, then this seat will end you."

Li Lingtian looked at Han Xi lightly and said.

If you want to play in front of him, that's impossible. Since the Goddess of Despair suit is displayed, anyone who sees the Goddess of Despair suit must be dispelled, because he wants to prevent his equipment from being known by others.

Looking at Han Xi, as long as Han Xi’s intelligence is turned on, he destroys his intelligence for the first time and then kills Han Xi.

"Frozen Fury."

"Unblock the source."

Han Xi was terrified in his heart. He really wanted to enable intelligence to record the fighting situation. Even if he was killed, the record must be passed to the family so that the family could avenge him.

In other words, the family will not avenge him, but will kill Li Lingtian because of the suit.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, it was discovered that Li Lingtian's consciousness locked him. Once he opened it, he could only record, and he would be destroyed.

Not daring to turn on intelligent recording, only the most powerful source can be deployed.

After the power of the source was unfolded, and then the power of the source was reversed, a peak second-order source soldier appeared in his hand, and the terrifying cold air rose into the sky, instantly freezing the ice Phoenix within tens of meters.

More than ten huge ice thorns erupted and went straight to Li Lingtian.

Ice thorn, with the power to destroy the magical source, the space is constantly twisted, and Li Lingtian came to him in an instant.

"Goddess. Blaze!"

Li Lingtian sipped softly, and the flame of extinction in his hand was cut out.

Suddenly, a ruinous blaze of flaming knives descended into the sky with the power of hundreds of millions of fire creatures. Everything that the spurs passed through in the space melted, and within a few miles of the flames were all blazes.

In an instant, the flames destroyed Han Xi's ice thorn.

The more than ten ice thorns seemed to be a terrifying and domineering way, but in front of the flames of the flames, it seemed that the flames fell into the sky with a few drops of rain. Not only did they not destroy the flames, but they also contributed to the mighty flames.


Han Xi only realized that he was wrong at the moment, and it was very ridiculous.

The suit in front of me was not a fifth-order origin soldier, but a suit that surpassed fifth-order and reached the chaos to treasure level. Chaos to treasure-level suit. After discovering this, I finally found that my fourth-order star was too inexplicable before finally attacking. Too.


With a loud bang, the flaming sword fell on Han Xi, and the original power of Han Xi collapsed instantaneously. His body melted and disappeared between heaven and earth, and the ground was cut out of a mile-long gap. It's a melt.

Li Lingtian put away the God Destroyer suit and looked at the gap on the ground.

"Goddess, although powerful, will not kill you so easily."

"However, I am also a star now, and I also have the power of the origin. Even my power of origin is infinitely more refined than yours. This is enough to kill you."

Impressed by the consciousness, one hand moved towards the ground, and a space ring came into the hand.

Looking at the space ring, Li Lingtian shook his head.

In the first blow, the Flame of Extinction was too horrible, and the space ring was destroyed. It was impossible to take out the contents inside. This also made him decide not to use the Flame of Extinction before the last resort.

In his mouth, he said to himself, a conclusion on his own strength and the power of treasures.

The God Destroyer suit is indeed powerful, but it does not kill the stellar fourth-order strongman. However, he is already a star, and the source power is more pure and powerful than the general star. When fighting, it occupies a huge advantage. , The Goddess Outfit comes with the power of the source, the power can be imagined.


"Humanity appears."

At this time, a sound came from the Intelligent Galaxy to remind Li Lingtian that humans appeared within 100,000 miles.


Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, his figure flashed into a stream of light, and disappeared into the sky.

This place has made such a lot of movements, and the horror scene left on the ground must definitely alarm many strong men. If he stays here and is discovered, he may be exposed.



Just a moment after Li Lingtian left, a figure landed.

Looking at the huge gap on the ground, and still exuding the smell of molten slurry, this figure was not surprised.

This figure is a middle-aged, seemingly thirty-year-old, stellar seventh-order strongman with unparalleled strength. From afar, he was intelligently informed and found that there are humans here.

In the heavenly world, nature is killing people for treasure.

When encountering human beings, it is natural to come quietly. If you find that the other party is not as good as yourself, you will kill it. If you find that the opponent is strong, you will leave quietly.

Just came here and saw the situation on the ground, the whole person was shocked.

Such a horrible scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know how powerful it is to get it out.

"Is it a constant star nineth order battle?"

"The scene was destroyed by flames, and no trace of fighting was seen."

The middle-aged stellar seventh-order strongman judged everything in front of him, and immediately turned around to escape, fearing that it was a trap.

When I walked faster than when I came, I disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Leaving this place of right and wrong.

The gap on the ground was later seen by many powerful people. They were all very surprised, but they all regarded this place as a place where treasures were born, otherwise no one would make such a horror.

However, no matter who saw the situation here, they dared not stay and had to leave quickly.

Fear of getting in trouble here.

And Li Lingtian, the master who made all this, has already arrived near the sea of ​​flames and hell. (To be continued.)

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