War God Supreme

Chapter 2406: Sea of ​​Flames Hell

The sea of ​​flames and **** is one of the most famous places in the heavenly world.

Because there is a flower of flames here, if the star of Celestial Star wants to pass the assessment of the Holy Alliance, it must come here to complete the mission, goal, and obtain the flower of flames.

In the heavenly world, only the sea of ​​flames and hells have flame flowers.

It can be said that the stellar stars who came to the heavenly world are basically coming here.

The sea of ​​flames and **** is endless, I don't know how big it is.

This is a sea of ​​flames, soaring flames, from time to time to bring up the molten lava, or, here is a lava sea, above the sea, there are many strong.

These strong men all flew towards the sea.

Looking at the discourse of the molten lava, Li Lingtian thought of the flame gate in the Three Realms, where there is an endless flame sea, the first treasure of the God of Destruction suit is God of Destruction. The flame is from there.

The smelt waters here are more horrible than the flaming seas of the flames, but they lack the **** of destruction. The blazes as a whole are not as good as the flaming seas in the Three Realms.

You should know that the flames in the flames of the Three Realms are equivalent to the chaos to the **** of destruction. Flames.

"Without a spaceship, the strongman's defense is reduced a lot."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face.

Analyzed from the spoils of fighting in the Celestial World, the space rings in this universe are also standard and mass-produced, but the space inside is not large, only hundreds of cubic meters, and it cannot fit the bow spaceship.

Otherwise, the star powerhouse will install a bow spaceship, and there will be more defense.

It is found that the space ring in the universe is very small, and Li Lingtian asked the intelligence to check it out. It was found that the space ring is also divided into five orders, just like the original source.

However, the space ring is a thousand times more expensive than the original soldier.

A first-order space ring needs hundreds of millions of stars, and a first-order space ring is only one hundred cubic meters, a second-order space ring is hundreds of billions, and there are tens of thousands of cubic meters. As for a third-order space ring, it is ten miles long and wide, but The price is sky-high, often without a price, even the main level of the domain or even the master of the world can not have.

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but look at the Dragon Ring.

There are tens of thousands of miles in the Dragon Ring, a world of five elements, and a powerful and magical world.

The space ring is a space ring, and the kingdom of God is the kingdom of gods. The strong cannot put treasures in the kingdom of gods.

Therefore, the few treasures he possesses are all amazing.

The Holy Temple, Brahma Palace, and the Five Elements World can store items.

Thirty-three refining **** towers and refining sky towers are both chaotic treasures of suppression and crushing type, and storing items is somewhat unrealistic.



After Li Lingtian stayed beside the flaming **** sea for a while, his body flew towards the molten sea by riding a water unicorn. Countless strong men were very envious of seeing Li Lingtian's water unicorn.

If there is no one, they must rob Li Lingtian.

However, in places where there are many people, you dare not to do it, because once you do it, you will be robbed by other powerful people while the fire is on.

Water unicorn, stellar first order, really good when mounted.

But they don't know that the real power of Shui Qilin is not fighting, but treasure hunting and controlling the water system, and controlling the space. It is very fast.

Li Lingtian made Shui Qilin fly towards the center of the molten sea.

While flying, feel the flower of flame. When you encounter the flower of flame, you will grab it. You can leave the sea of ​​flames by snatching the flower of flame, so you don't need to delay time here.

Above the sea of ​​molten smelt, from time to time, a stellar 5th or 6th order strong man can be seen flying.

After a period of time passed, Li Lingtian also determined that these powerful men would not dare to operate on the sea of ​​molten smelt. Even if they did, they would wait for the flower of flames to appear before robbing.

Everyone knows, whoever starts first, unless the opponent is instantaneously spiked, or it will be both defeated.

In front of countless powerhouses, the outcome of both defeats is the fall of both.

It's hard to kill an opponent in seconds.

Unless it is the star's fifth or sixth order, there are three or four orders of the original source soldiers to attack the stellar first order.

"The flower of flames, thousands of miles away."

"A hundred miles from the deep sea, three flowers of flames."

For a long time, Shui Qilin and Li Lingtian had entered the depths of the Sea of ​​Flame Hell. At this time, Shui Qilin's voice reached Li Lingtian's ears and slowed down.

"Galaxy, probe."

Li Lingtian relays intelligence, allowing intelligence to detect nearby humans and life.

At present, there are no humans and life within thousands of miles, which is also the scope of his consciousness monitoring. However, the star power and some powerful life, the distance of thousands of miles is just a few breathing kung fu, If the other party also finds the flower of flame, it will definitely come in a short time.

"Master, within a hundred thousand miles."

"There are thirteen humans and eleven lives."

"The nearest place is 10,000 miles away from us."

After receiving Li Lingtian's order, Smart Galaxy instantly started the scan mode. In a blink of an eye, Kangfu scanned a side of a hundred thousand miles. All the information was displayed in front of Li Lingtian's eyes.

On the virtual screen, there are 13 red dots and 11 green dots.

Red dots represent human beings, and green dots represent life beyond humans.

"Do it yourself."

"In this defense, you break open the space and gather the flower of flames."

"Strive not to force people to perform the Destroyer Set."

Li Lingtian got the information, looked at the red and green dots on the virtual screen, reached out and clicked on the screen, the virtual screen disappeared, and said to Shui Qilin.

Thousands of miles, for them, is just the breathing effort.

He wants the water unicorn to move faster, and strives to get the flame flower before the opponent comes and then quickly leave.

If it were elsewhere, he was not worried at all.

He knows the strength of the water unicorn, but above the sea of ​​flames and hell, there are flames everywhere, the sea is formed by the molten smelt, and the power is ruined. The water unicorn is the darling of the water system and controls the water system.

It is really difficult to let the water kylin, the darling of the water system, get the flame flower in the flames~www.wuxiaspot.com~

Fortunately, the water unicorn is in control of the space. You can use your tentacles to break the same path, and then collect the flowers of flames. All of these must be calculated accurately, and there must be no mistakes.


Li Lingtian's voice fell, and the water unicorn had turned into a stream of light and flew towards a place thousands of miles away. At the same time, the three tentacles above his head also erupted into a terrifying power.

For a time, space bursts.

The huge tentacle is hundreds of miles long, instantly opening up the space, making a sea of ​​molten mortar, and the tentacle quickly descends.

In the air, Li Lingtian hides the God Destroyer suit and controls the God Destroyer. Flames, whoever comes, will give the other party a blow to destruction, no matter who the other party is.

In the sea of ​​flaming hell, the **** of destruction is displayed. The flame is like a fish, and it can mobilize the power of the sea of ​​flaming **** to attack the other party. At this moment, he has occupied the right place. (To be continued.)

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