War God Supreme

Chapter 2408: Chu Yu

One of the three assessment tasks has been completed, and there are two items of the mixed beast Neidan and Ying Leijin.


  Li Lingtian collected the good flaming flower, and he planned to find the mixed beast Nei Dan. If there is a powerful giant beast, this water unicorn will naturally feel.


   The current water unicorn is very calm, and we know that there are no more miles within this neighborhood. Li Lingtian is riding the water unicorn.


   speed burst, ran to the distance!


   Just after Li Lingtian left, a man came out and looked in the direction of Li Lingtian's departure.


   is silent, as if there is no world in this world, but it can be avoided from Li Lingtian's induction, but it is a bit scary.


   showed a cold meaning on his face, said coldly: "Flower of flames, very good!"


   As soon as the voice fell, he left in the opposite direction. This speed can be comparable to that of Shui Qilin.


   This person's name is Lei Yunfei, a strong star of the eighth order. It can be said that in the hands of thousands of stars, it is also outstanding, one of the best in existence.


   And it was obvious that he was already staring at Li Lingtian, but he didn't do anything about it.


   The exact reason is not known, but the fourth-order primal **** soldier in this hand has already exuded a strong killing intention.


  Li Lingtian and Shui Qilin came together a million miles away. In this huge heavenly world, it is very difficult to feel the human breath.


  Because of the people who entered the heavenly world, after a period of fratricidal killing, the number of deaths has reached as high as one-third.


   There are many weak people among them. They are hiding themselves from the strong people to find out.


   Otherwise, there is only a dead end, so you can know how fierce the competition is.


   In this world of weak meat and strong food, the killing of the strong is the rule, and the weak can only become a stepping stone.


   How many people are there? Seeing Li Lingtian is only the second order of the star, he feels evil and is killed by him.


  Li Lingtian withdrew the water unicorn, and his breath was hidden because he felt that there were eight strong men beyond this mile.


   But there is no battle. This is how strange it is to be able to get along peacefully in the heavenly world.


  Li Lingtian did not believe in coincidence. He only knew that there must be a demon in this abnormal situation, so he concealed his body and rushed towards the direction of the eight people.


   Thousands of miles away, the breath has arrived, seeing these eight people in a hidden place, seven of them are strong stars of the fifth order, and another one is of the sixth order of the star, as if plotting together.


   suddenly found that behind these eight people, it was just a cave, but the eight people surrounded the cave together and dared not cross the Leichi one step, which was obviously unreasonable.


  Li Lingtian thought to himself, is this a treasure in the cave, so that these people turn their enemies into friends, so cautiously.


   At this moment, a strong star of the sixth order struck from a distance and reached the eight people.


   The only strong man of the sixth star, named Li Tianyi, came to the front and issued a cold voice that refused to be thousands of miles away: "This place has been guarded by eight of us, you leave quickly!"


   "It's ridiculous, everything in this spirit world is an unowned thing, you are really strong words." Chu Yu said.


   That person is not very young, but there is a fifth-order primitive soldier in his hand, so one person is not afraid of confronting these eight people.


   This is indeed the case. This Chu Yu can have a fifth-order origin soldier, his identity will never be simple, and he is a stellar sixth-order strongman himself. Li Tianyi easily dare not work with it.


  Li Tianyi looked at Chu Yu, his voice was still cold, but it was not that tough.


   "This is indeed an unowned thing, but this weak flesh and strong food, do you want to be an enemy with the eight of us?"


  Li Lingtian finally could not bear it. There must be something amazing in this cave.


   Otherwise, this person will not be so tough, and it can be seen that these eight people seem to be together, but in fact they are divine, and they are definitely a temporary gang.


   "He is not enough, what about me alone?"


  Li Lingtian went out and appeared in the sight of everyone.


   The moment these people saw Li Lingtian, they immediately felt his strength.


  Li Tianyi's dismissive cold voice said: "The second order of the star!"


   Only this Chu Yu saw Li Lingtian did not show contempt, because he would use his brain to think.


   This Li Lingtian is alone, so he is safe and sound, and it will never be as simple as hiding.


   People in the Celestial World below the fourth-order star have been almost completely slaughtered.


   This Li Lingtian is intact, this is a miracle, and how can it be an idiot to survive for so long.


  I saw these five stars of the fifth order, and two stars of the sixth order, who can stand up, which shows that this person has absolute strength.


  Li Lingtian walked over and said: "Yes, I am the second order of the star. I am also very interested in this place. What do you want."


  Li Tian looked annoyed. This was the first time he met. The low-level person spoke to a high-level person like this.


   The third-order primal **** soldier in his hand immediately bombarded Li Lingtian.


   A source of power, with the power of destruction, caused by a spear, the space collapsed.


   The power of this blow is enough to destroy a strong third-order star.


   logically said that Li Lingtian was mortal, when everyone thought they would see a corpse.


  Li Lingtian suddenly moved, exterminating God. Wuyue immediately appeared at his feet, defending against the force of this blow.


  Li Tianyi's attack was strong, but as a flash in the pan, he disappeared before Li Lingtian.


   This is a strong sixth-order star, using the third-order source of magical soldiers, but there is no other way than a second-order star.


   couldn't even cause the slightest damage, which seemed to be a slap, and suddenly fell on his face.


  Li Lingtian shook his head and said, "Why do you rely on strong and weak? I'm not malicious!"


  Relying on strong bullying? It is not clear who is strong and who is weak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This Chu Tian sees Li Lingtian being so strong, this also has a fifth-order origin soldier, and his strength is even more unfathomable.


   He has self-knowledge, if Li Tianyi's target is him, he will definitely not be so relaxed and comfortable.


   So I had a sense of enthusiasm and said: "This friend is also interested in this place, it is better to be a partner, otherwise I think it is good to bully!"


  Li Lingtian has always respected the enemy, killed him, and had no hostility towards him, he should have the respect he deserves.


   This Li Tianyi suddenly attacked him and should have killed him, but this time the purpose is not here, but want to know what is magical here.


   And because of the large number of people, if the entire set of extermination suits are exposed, they will inevitably be bombarded and compete for treasures, so it is better to be patient.


   And when this Chu Yu appeared, he did not show hostility, nor did he despise.


   said: "It is an honour, otherwise this is one enemy and eight, it is really not an opponent!" (To be continued.)

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