War God Supreme

Chapter 2410: Achieve 1

Li Lingtian nodded and said, "These eight guys are really afraid that we can't die inside, even if we don't say a word, I wonder why they don't step with Lei Chi because there is a guardian beast."

Chu Yu said with a sneer: "They are all people who are not climate-proof. Without the two of us, do they really have the strength to compete with this guardian beast with the strength of their eight?"

It is true that the strength of the eight people is clearly visible, but it is not so arrogant. The strength of the ninth order of the guardian beast star is not a joke. These eight people are only dead.

But Li Lingtian heard Chu Yu's words, and he heard them. Chu Yu definitely has hidden power.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to say such things. The two of them are very tacit, and they both hide a certain strength.

This is understandable, after all, these two people are just the same way.

"Let's go out without hiding under the guardian beast, I don't know if they will be very disappointed!" Li Lingtian said with a mocking face.

Without the chase of the guardian beast, the speed of the two slowed down.

Outside the cave, eight people saw Li Lingtian and Chu Yu, but did not return for so long.

Li Tianyi's complexion gradually improved, and said coldly: "These two unfamiliar guys should have died inside."

"I just heard the roar, and it was definitely the guardian beast who was angry and attacked them. Only the two of them were really difficult to survive."

Said the only one of the eight who didn't have the original magic soldier.

The smile on Li Tianyi's face was uncontrollable, and there was strong expectation in his eyes.

If these two people really died in this cave, then there are two fewer enemies. Among these eight people, he is the undoubtedly the strongest.

Yuan Yunjun glanced at Li Tian one by one, and that face had already taken into account what he had thought in his heart, and showed a clear glance.

With a sigh, "What are they good for us when they die? How did we escape at that time, did you forget? The flower of the law, when mature, do the eight of us really have enough strength, and Is that guardian beast fighting?"

Yuan Yunjun's words seemed to have hit them hard.

How did they escape? How could they forget that when twenty people went to explore the treasure together and saw the flower of the law, it was naturally shocking to add.

This has the law of origin. For them, it is definitely a treasure of heaven and earth. It is important to know that the strength of the domain master is related to this law of origin.

If you refine the Flower of Origin, and you have the Law of Origin in Hengxing, you can say that you can fight against the domain masters, but among the star powers, you can definitely crush the heroes.

Just before the crowd was excited, the guardian beast suddenly appeared. These twenty people faced the guardian beast and thought they could bully less.

But in the end, it was discovered that the gap in strength was not quantifiable.

These 20 people died five people when they first collided. They finally recognized the truth and immediately started running away.

In the end, seven people were swallowed by the guardian beast one by one, and these eight talents escaped.

Of course they will not forget this matter, but they have been brainwashed by the powerful effect of the flower of the law, which is not afraid of the power of the guardian beast.

They are all strong players above the fifth level of the star. They are too clear about opportunities. All opportunities are accompanied by huge dangers.

So under the temptation of becoming a strong man, they finally gradually forgot whether the guardian beast could contend with them.

When I heard that Yuan Yunjun mentioned the matter, I immediately recalled it. The previous loss was heavy, and I immediately fell into contemplation.

But Li Tianyi is still very fanatical. He wants to become stronger. The flower of this rule is his way of becoming stronger.

"He is right, do you really think that if my two died in the cave, do you have any chance? It will only become a fertilizer for this guardian beast."

At this moment, when everyone thought about it, Li Lingtian's voice came out of the cave.

The eight people looked shocked, looking at the entrance of the cave, with an incredible light flashing in their eyes.

Soon Li Lingtian and Chu Yu came out of the cave and appeared in the sight of everyone.

Although they escaped under the guardian beast, they were able to live. For them, it was the return of the king.

Li Tian looked at Li Lingtian and Chu Yu with a dumbfounded voice, and said with a trembling voice: "Why didn't you die?"

Chu Yu looked at Li Tianyi, and his eyes were full of disdain. There was really nothing to say about such a narrow-minded person who could not recognize his own strength.

Li Lingtian said in a cold voice, "Why are we dying? You are not strong enough, don't you think everyone can do it?"

Li Lingtian knows to be low-key when it is low-key, and must be high-key when it is high-key, otherwise it will treat you as a soft persimmon, which is not conducive to the current situation.

They must have a certain degree of deterrence before they can let all the ninety-nine in their hearts put down.

The other seven people had heard Yuan Yunjun's words, and they did not want them to die in the cave.

Their appearance is faintly happy, but more surprised, the strength of this guardian beast is not clear.

If there weren't twelve star powerhouses at that time, they went on to become food in the mouth of the guardian beast, giving them a little time to escape.

With the speed and strength of this guardian beast, they will never escape, but they are only two.

Yuan Yunjun also asked with a surprised look: "Do you really have the strength to compete with the guardian beast?"

Among these people, Li Lingtian ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has a touch of sympathy for Yuan Yunjun, unlike other people who do not have a brain.

Speaking bluntly: "It is not that we have the strength to compete with the guardian beast, but that we are faster and can escape."

This statement made them accept some things in their hearts, but still shocked.

This speed and strength are closely related, and complement each other.

A smile appeared on Yuan Yunjun's face, and said, "It's also great to be able to escape. With both of you joining, the chance of winning the law is even greater."

Chu Yu nodded and said, "Yes, although only one of us can get the flower of this law, it is better than letting a beast get cheap."

At this time, the thinking of several people had been put in one place. They thought Chu Yu was right.

Only Li Tian glanced with the color of a vulture, and looked at Chu Yu and Li Lingtian with some resentment. He didn't know what he was thinking. (To be continued.)

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