War God Supreme

Chapter 2412: Continuous destruction

Headed by Li Lingtian, Sikong Jiannan took the five of them and went away.

When entering this cave, Li Lingtian's eyes showed a sense of killing, flashed by.

Chu Yu looked at the seven people, and his back gradually disappeared, somewhat helpless.

Li Tianyi said at this time: "It's really sad, even if it is so successful, I think this is the only way to enter it. He is more and more fierce."

Chu Yu glared at Li Tian.

Fist clenched, there are some impulses that want to start directly against Li Tianyi, coldly said: "If you don't understand human language, please don't talk."

Li Tianyi was about to refute, but as soon as he saw the people around him, he didn't look too good for him, so he closed his mouth.

Several people who entered the cave were led by Li Lingtian at this time.

Walking unscrupulously in the cave, there is Li Lingtian's state, moving forward with no scruples, so they gradually relax their vigilance.

As everyone knows, Li Lingtian is already ready enough to wait for them to be arrested.

His sensitive organs have always been attentive to the existence of the guardian beast.

At the moment when the guardian beast appeared, Li Lingtian would flee wildly.

Sikong Jiannan's long sword was forced behind Li Lingtian and said, "Your boy, give me honestly, and I will not treat you badly, but as long as there is a little flower, I regret to let you come to this world."

At this time, one step away from success, Li Lingtian did not have the only promise of performance.

Instead of answering Sikong Jiannan's question, he walked deep into the cave.

Sikong Jiannan looked displeased, and was about to anger Li Liantian, but the little man beside him shook his head and said that he should be low-key first.

Li Lingtian had already felt the existence of the flower of law at this time, although this feeling was looming.

But coincided with the previous, Li Lingtian knew that this is true that the distance to the flower of the law is closer.

Li Lingtian walked at the front, with a sneer on his face, and soon the flower of the law appeared in the sight of seven people.

Now that the distance is enough, it is still possible to find out whether this is the true flower of law.

The intelligence in their respective hands gave the result, and looked at the flower of the law not far away, showing a greedy smile.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Li Lingtian's seriousness in them is nothing. After all, it is just a second order star.

The eyes of the six people are full of excitement. Under the drive of the flower of law, there is no longer a big brother.

Li Lingtian knew that this guardian beast was about to wake up. Behind the six people, a most common attack came out directly.

Although the attack is not strong, but it has played a role in fueling the storm.

The attack immediately left the six people excited, and their hearts rose with anger, because they knew it was definitely Li Ling's hand.

This stellar second-order man, who shot against all six of them, really did not know what to do.

But these six people haven't started to fight against Li Lingtian. The flower of the law in front of them immediately has two huge spheres of light appearing beside the flower of the law.

Li Lingtian was clear, but without any hesitation, the God of Extinction? The hurricane appeared directly, allowing his speed to explode again, and ran away directly outside the cave.

I didn't feel anything, but Li Lingtian fled the moment.

This guardian beast immediately appeared in front of their eyes, and the huge coercion directly hit them.

The star's ninth order momentum immediately left them without any idea of ​​resistance.


The six people made a decision in a moment.

At this time, Tan Feng had already run a long distance with the help of God of Extermination?

But after a while, I felt the powerful prestige of the guardian beast.

This guardian beast is as strong as a hill, and its speed is really terrifying.

One of these six people was chased by the guardian beast in an instant.

The big mouth of the blood basin opened directly, and the existence like a black hole immediately forcibly swallowed the strongman of the sixth order of the star.

This strong star of the sixth order, already panicked, knowing that he can no longer run.

Holding a second-order primal soldier, he bombarded the guardian beast.

This kind of attack on the guardian beast is just like a joke, it has no effect at all.

Together with the original source soldier, all swallowed into the mouth of the guardian beast and only heard a scream.

After a few peristaltic movements in the mouth, there was no sound.

After this person has been destroyed, the other five people are still running, but they can still know that one person has died.

They were finally nervous, and their faces were very ugly.

Especially when Sikong Jiannan saw Li Lingtian who was ahead of them in the front, he knew the calculation and shouted, and the speed burst immediately chased Li Lingtian.

Among these six, the strongest is Sikong Jiannan. This stellar seventh order is stronger than them by more than one star.

But when Sikong Jiannan chased Li Lingtian, the remaining four stars of the sixth-order powerhouse have already become food for the guardians one after another.

Counting Sikong Jiannan with three people left, the blow to their hearts at this time is also huge.

But the hatred for Li Lingtian is even greater, even daring to harm the six of them.

Si Kong Jiannan shouted loudly: "Little thief, don't run, today I will teach you how to be a man."

At the end of this sentence, I only heard a scream in the back, followed by a wave of shaking, and I knew that the guardian beast swallowed another person.

Li Lingtian was really good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are six of them, which will definitely play a role in delaying time.

So now Li Lingtian is very relaxed and comfortable, turning around, looking at Sikong Jiannan who is still running and said: "If you don't run, how can I not run? I can give you a break."

The Siyuan Jiannan's original warrior immediately attacked Li Lingtian, and the power of the original power exploded, a force full of destruction.

Through the space, the wanton force immediately bombarded Li Lingtian.

For the ordinary attack of the stellar seventh order, Li Lingtian did not even fight back*, an instant step, split open to avoid.

And at this time, the last strong star of the sixth order was also swallowed in, and died silently.

Sikong Jiannan felt that in the entire cave, only he, Li Lingtian and the guardian beast had their eyes red.

Looking at Li Lingtian, who was directly in front, immediately angered, the speed increased again, and ran straight away. The guardian beast was behind him, but he felt that he was easy. (To be continued.)

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