War God Supreme

Chapter 2418: Beheaded

Duan Zhenghun and Duan Zhengyun couldn't avoid it at all. Chu Yu and Li Lingtian struck right and bombarded them.

The two were even too late to make a scream.

The power of the thunderbolt of the mixed beast also bombarded the two of them, struck back and forth, and immediately disappeared into a dust between the world and scattered everywhere.

Originally still hidden in one place, the people who sat on the hill watching the tigers were immediately frightened.

It is unheard of when there is such a strong second-order person in this spiritual world.

Immediately start to be intelligent, to record this battle, and then spread it.

Li Lingtian has always been aware of the existence of such a person, but it is just unreasonable, but if this video is recorded, his secret is exposed.

Then naturally it would not agree, and the consciousness immediately locked on the stellar sixth-order strong body, with a cold smile on his face.

At this time, the mixed beast attacked again, this time without Duan Zhenghun Duan Zhengyun in the middle, directly attacked Li Lingtian.

But this hidden person must be resolved.

He glanced at Chu Yu and said, "Brother Chu, you must resist the beast first. I will deal with this sneaky little shrimp first."

Chu Yu naturally knew of the man's existence, and nodded to indicate that he could.

Holding the fifth-order primal **** soldier, the primordial force rioted, and the body shot like a meteor towards the beast.

Li Lingtian's body flashed, and he reached the star's sixth-order strongman in his breath, who was about to retreat.

Li Lingtian said in a cold voice: "After watching here for so long, what's the hurry to run?"

The stellar sixth-order strongman originally thought that his strength was not weak, but he had seen Li Lingtian's devastating blow.

Naturally, Li Lingtian, the second order of this star, cannot be underestimated.

Hurry to say: "I still have some things, I will talk again later!"

Li Lingtian's God of Destruction. Flames is ready to radiate a strong killing intention in his eyes: "If our video is not left, do you want to go?"

The stellar sixth-order powerhouse **** secretly, really owe his hand, if not because of this, Li Lingtian may not be angry with him.

Immediately delete the video in the intelligent, and said to Li Lingtian: "It has been deleted, I can go!"

Li Lingtian thought that this guy was really naive, his body exploded, and God was extinguished. The flames immediately started, and the flames of the sword burst instantly.

Lengsheng said: "Late, you can die!"

The stellar sixth-order strongman knew that it was just this blow that killed Duan Zhengyun, but he didn't think he could face this blaze.

The body swooped to the left immediately, and the original source soldier in his hand instantly attacked Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian can feel that this person's attack power is not particularly strong, but the body method must be unusual.

The speed of this fiery flame is already extremely fast, the space blends, and it is about to collide with him.

Even hiding in the past can be said to pass by.

Li Lingtian felt a little interesting here, and it was unbearable, too boring.

A glance at the battle between Chu Yu and the Hundred Beasts is still inseparable. Although Chu Yu has some disadvantages, he is still within his tolerance.

Li Lingtian exterminated God. The hurricane blessed the body, the speed increased sharply, the man attacked frantically, and recovered the extinct God. Flames.

Take out God of Destruction. Purple electricity, what magic weapon will be used to deal with anyone.

God of Destruction? Purple electricity is a thunder treasure in the God of Destruction suit. A spear bursts out the most terrifying lightning attack between heaven and earth.

It can be said that it is a treasure that is suitable for dealing with this stellar sixth-order strongman.

There are quite a lot of these fifth-order source **** soldiers in the entire Celestial Star, but there are not many people who enter the Celestial World.

However, Li Lingtian had a variety of fifth-order origin soldiers, which was shocking.

The stellar sixth-order powerhouse panicked in his heart, not because of how powerful explosive power the God of Destruction will have.

But what is the background of Li Lingtian, the second-order star has the strength to kill the sixth-order star.

There are many kinds of treasures to add body, no background behind him can not believe.

Immediately said to Li Lingtian: "Brother, is there any misunderstanding between us?"

Li Lingtian held the God of Extermination. Purple electricity, and the light on the gun body lingered, just like a generation of God of War, majestic.

The domineering side leaked, and there was a strong killing intention in his eyes.

The voice is stern: "Misunderstanding? There will be no misunderstanding only if you die!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Lingtian's body exploded, and the spear pointed out, extermination. Zidian was under Li Lingtian's dance.

Like a flexible long snake, his arm trembles, flashes out of the electric light, and bombards the star's sixth-order strongman.

Li Lingtian's sudden increase in speed, the star's sixth-order strongman, in a hurry, waved his sword to block.


A sound of metal collision sounded, and the star's sixth-order strongman stepped back.

It's not how strong Li Lingtian's attack is, but the God of Destruction. Purple Electric, which carries too much power of thunder and lightning.

It was not something he could resist at all. Without any hesitation, he immediately backed away.

Li Lingtian was chasing after him, destroying God. Zidian rushed away, and the power of thunder and lightning at the point of the gun kept flowing.

When the lance was thrown, the power of the lightning at the tip of the gun burst instantaneously, forming an energy body and bombarding away.

The power of thunder and lightning was in mid-air, like thunder of nine days.

The stellar sixth-order strongman feels that the situation is not good, and uses his own body technique to immediately dodge.

But Li Lingtian would not give him this opportunity to control the God of Destruction. Purple Electricity, the power of the thunderbolt at the point of the gun immediately followed the strong body and began to move.

When the arm flicked, the power of thunder and lightning struck the stellar sixth-order strongman, and only a bang was heard, and the man flew in an instant.

Li Lingtian jumped into the sky, and the power of the ninth-order source was instilled in the God of Extermination.

Fly into the sky, the speed of the first-class star to catch the moon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ rushed to the stellar sixth-order strong.

Originally struck by the power of thunder and lightning in Purple God, it has already hurt the nerves and slowed down the speed.

This God of Destruction. Zidian shredded the space and reached him directly, there was no time to hide.

Panic, seeing God of Destruction. Zidian, who was already in front of him, felt the impact in it.

At a loss, I want to avoid it, but I am overwhelmed and weak.

The human heart is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant, as it is, he was not an opponent of the Hundred Beasts, and he saw that he was killed by the Humble Beasts.

Chu Yu and Li Lingtian went out, it was his life, but he still watched the inner beast Nedan.

So this scene happened now, if you know the trade-offs at that time, you will not face death.

But everything was over, extermination. Purple electricity, wind and electricity, shot into his chest, a spit of blood spewed out, the redness on his chest, gradually rendering the whole body, and slumped to the ground. (To be continued.)

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