War God Supreme

Chapter 2424: Eastern Xiaohao

Seeing Li Tian for a few seconds, Dongfang Xiaohao didn't speak, his face changed, his eyes were full of murderous intent, his finger pointed at Li Tianyi, and said coldly: "I'm asking you, don't you answer, would you like to die?"

Li Tianyi has already felt the strong murderousness of Dongfang Xiaohao.

Shocked, he hurriedly said: "Chu Yu is the strength of the sixth order of the star, Li Lingtian is the strength of the second order of the star."

"Is that a lie? Can the stellar second order live to the present?"

"It's ridiculous that even the strongest below the fifth order of the star can't be found. Will the second order of the star survive?"

"Even so, the two stars of the sixth order and the second order of the star can kill the mongrel of the eighth order of the star? What a big joke."

As soon as Li Lingtian's words fell, it caused an uproar, but most of them were unbelievable, so they didn't believe it directly.

They have already seen the power of this mongrel beast. It can be said that the strength of the eighth-order stellar mongrel is already comparable to that of the human stellar ninth-order strongman.

This means that the stellar sixth-order and second-order stellar strengths can handle a stellar eighth-order mongrel, and they do not believe it.

Even Dongfang Xiaohao, also unbelieving, looked at Li Tianyi coldly and said: "You guys, wouldn't you just use us? Stellar second order? Why don't you say stellar first order?"

When Li Tian saw the people around him, he was already angry with him, and he even resented Chu Yu and Li Lingtian in his heart.

Especially Li Lingtian, why do you think your stellar second order is so strong? No one believed.

But Li Tianyi can only say the hardest thing: "I am telling the truth, the strength of these two people is particularly strong, at that time I had a comparison with Li Lingtian, it was indeed not weak."

Dongfang Xiaohao looked at Li Tianyi as if it was not a lie, and it seems that there is no need to deceive them.

Continue to ask: "Did he defeat you?"

When speaking this sentence, there were some contemptuous colors in his tone, which made Li Tianyi feel very uncomfortable.

Immediately said: "How is this possible, his second-tier star, no matter how strong his strength, naturally will not defeat the strength of my sixth-tier star!"

Dongfang Xiaohao said coldly: "Since none of them are your opponents, as long as you don't tell me, you can defeat the stellar eighth order beast."

Li Tianyi was speechless. He had nothing to say. He was not Li Lingtian's opponent at the time. At that time, he did nothing to damage Li Lingtian.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew he was not Li Lingtian's opponent.

But today, in order to not be too embarrassed to be around many powerful people, this is the case.

Another strong star of the sixth order, came out and said: "Forget it, these are no longer useful, this mixed beast Nei Dan has been taken out, let's go back to the cave and wait for the flower of the law to mature!"

Everyone heard it, this mixed beast Nedan is certainly important, but it is still incomparable with the flower of the law, not to mention that the mixed beast Nedan is gone.

Twenty-five people returned without success. When they left here, Chu Yu and Li Lingtian appeared again.

Chu Yu looked at Li Tianyi and said: "This Li Tianyi is really damn, there are his things everywhere."

Li Lingtian's face showed a cold smile, looking at the direction of everyone's departure, his eyes showed a lot of anger, which was also mixed with a strong killing intention.

This Li Lingtian was disrespectful to him from the beginning, for the sake of the overall situation, did not deal with him.

After a series of gossips and slurs, I also made patience, and this time betrayed them again, pushing them into the sight of many powerful men.

As the saying goes, again and again and no longer, now Li Lingtian already has a strong murder in his mind.

"He is already a dead man!"

Chu Yu felt the determination in Li Lingtian's voice, remembering the power of Qianyan Shengyi and Li Lingtian's face again.

Already in silence in my heart for Li Lingtian, this mortal man.

Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "What shall we do now?"

Li Lingtian thought about it for a while, and the emergence of this mixed beast was a huge impact on all the powerful people near the cave.

I just met twenty-five people, but I don’t know how many people are left. It’s not necessarily that much damage to the beast.

But this self-sacrifice, the loss for Nedan will never be too small.

So he made a decision and said, "We might as well take a look and see how many strong ones are left. If too few, I am afraid that we cannot deal with the guardian beast of the flower of law. loss."

Chu Yu also had a plan. Although the eighth-order mixed beast is arrogant, but compared with the guardian beast, it is very different. It is not a level at all.

And in this cave, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Especially the guardian beast, the ability to devour it is terrifying.

The two had the same idea, so they followed the twenty-five strong men and returned to the cave.

At this time, near the cave, there was already a mess, and the corpses of these twenty-three mixed beasts were all piled together.

There were only forty-eight star powerhouses, but there were only forty-eight people left.

The person who just got the Neidan of the mixed beast did not leave, did not get the internal dan of the mixed beast, and there was no person who died. This was interested in the eighth-order star of the mixed beast.

This is called corpses everywhere, blood flowing into rivers, all kinds of gorges, all kinds of big pits, and the smell of smoky smoke. sudu1

I can imagine how tragic the World War I was, and it was a joy to have the man who got the inner beast.

However, the 25 people who failed to return were lost in their hearts and minds.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu saw this scene ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but could not help but feel a little shocked. The number of casualties was so high, but these 48 people are the strongest.

At the beginning, Li Tianyi's eight people were left with only Li Tianyi. Yuan Yunjun became a cold body.

This is the role of power. Without power you will have nothing, including control of your life, not in your own hands.

Li Lingtian pinched the mature time spent by the law, there is still a period of time, if you only wait here, it is a waste of time.

And the flower of the law is immature, and no one will pick it first. Li Lingtian and Chu Yu leave the cave and look for another opportunity.

There are fewer and fewer powerful people in this heavenly world, walking a million miles, but not seeing a person appear.

However, some giant beasts often appear, all of which are stellar sixth order and stellar seventh order strength, which is naturally not a problem for the two.

Just a few attacks can be easily solved, and the two have a very high level of understanding. (To be continued.)

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