War God Supreme

Chapter 2427: parchment

If you want to avoid it, Yu Zicang is no longer able to do it. The flaming sword strikes, and the fifth-order primal **** soldier in his hand hurries to resist.

When the flaming sword approached, he already felt the terrible temperature in it.

I thought that the power of my water system could resist one or two.

The power of the water system exploded, and the water column of clothes swarmed from behind towards the flaming sword.

But when it touched the flaming sword, the water column all turned into steam, which didn't play any role.

Water kills fire because fire destroys water, but this fire reaches a certain level, and there is not water that can be extinguished, and fire also becomes the nemesis of water.

This depends on the strength and varies from person to person, so this is the origin of the water system in Zicang and attacks the flames of Shang Li Lingtian.

It became the restrained party, who all became steam, and rushed to Yu Zicang as always.

Yu Zicang panicked, it was too powerful, it was simply not human.

At this time, there is not much time to rush, there is more room for thinking, this flaming sword has arrived.

The light shines, the fire shines into the sky.

Yu Zicang had no choice but to wield his fifth-order primitive soldiers, hoping to give himself away to fight for a little time.

But when the Fifth-Order Primal Soldier touched the flaming sword, the last hope in his heart was also broken.

This flaming sword instantly melted the original source warrior in the hands of Zicang, and the fifth-order original source warrior turned into molten iron under one face.

Without the obstruction of the fifth-order primal **** soldier, the blaze of the flaming knives directly lies on Zicang's body.

Immediately being bombarded and flying, the body was in mid-air, and there was no breath. The messy body hit the ground heavily.

If it is a normal flaming sword, Yu Zicang can definitely be wiped out.

However, this flaming sabre, after the erosion of the water column, and the consumption of the fifth-order primal soldier in Zicang's hands, the final bombardment of the flaming slash in Zicang's body has weakened a lot.

But such an attack is just right for Li Lingtian.

He walked with Chu Yu, and it smelled of meat in Zicang's body.

It was his body that had been scorched, the whole body was already embarrassed, and he could not see any good meat.

Li Lingtian kicked Yu Zicang's body, and a token fell off his chest.

Chu Yu picked it up and saw that the token was made of a black metal. There was also a mysterious character engraved on it, and the word 741 was engraved on the back.

Li Lingtian had no concept of these forces, and looked at Chu Yu and asked, "Do you know what token this is?"

Chu Yu patted his palm with a token and said, "Don't you really say that?"

"you know?"

"I don't know!" Chu Yu said after gasping.

Li Lingtian was speechless. After a moment, he said helplessly: "Can you not gasp in the future?"

After he said that, he squatted down, and then took the space ring from Yu Zicang's hand, which was not damaged.

If the normal offensive is fully played on Zicang's body, this space ring will definitely be abandoned.

Throw it casually to Chu Yu: "You take it!"

This is the rule of the two, whoever owns the space ring belongs to whoever owns it, so there are more and less things in it, all by luck.

Although this time was Li Lingtian’s last move and the one blow he would kill, but at the beginning, this person gave it to Chu Yu. If he didn’t shoot, Chu Yu would also fall to Zi Cang, so this space ring still belongs to Chu Yu all.

Chu Yu glanced at the contents of the space ring, and there were no precious items, so he was relieved.

The two were about to leave, and Li Lingtian found a pure white thing on Zicang's chest.

Immediately stopped, he said to Chu Yu: "Wait a minute, don't go!"

Although Chu Yu didn't know what Li Lingtian was going to do, he stopped.

Li Lingtian found the pure white spot, and then went out, it turned out to be a piece of parchment, very delicate.

This is very strange in itself. It is clear how powerful Li Lingtian's own flame is.

Even the fifth-order original soldiers can fuse enough, not to mention a piece of parchment, but it is just such a piece of parchment without any damage.

Chu Yu was also surprised when he saw the parchment, which was the same as Li Lingtian thought.

Suspiciously said: "What kind of material is this? It would be so hard."

Li Lingtian's hands were placed on both sides of the parchment, and then all the strength in his body was exercised to tear it.

The power of the source erupted, the green muscles of the arms burst, and the force suddenly broke off.

Under Chu Yu's attention, there was no trace of destruction, even no wrinkles.

Li Lingtian looked horrified, he broke out with all his strength, and the original source soldiers could be broken, but today he would have no choice but to use this parchment.

It seems to be simple and simple, there is no fluctuation of energy, but it can not be destroyed.

Chu Yu was very interested and looked at the parchment in Li Lingtian's hand and said, "Let me try it to see what is going on!"

Take out the fifth-order primitive soldiers and stare at the parchment.

If under normal circumstances, Chu Yu would definitely say that he made a big fuss, but Li Lingtian thought that there was no way for him to melt the flames that his fifth-order source soldiers could melt.

What's more, it's a fifth-order source of magical soldiers.

Pulling the parchment with both hands, Chu Yu's ruinous origin of the ruined body broke out and instilled into the source of the gods.

Raised his hands, sipped, and slammed onto the parchment.

When the parchment collided with the sword front, the original powerful power was like bombardment on cotton, which could not lift any waves.

After trying ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Chu Yu finally compromised on this parchment, and the power of his body dissipated.

The whole person also sighed and exclaimed, "What the **** is this!"

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu have the opposite of negative, and now he is full of anticipation for this parchment.

If it were just a piece of ordinary parchment, would it be so indestructible?

The incident is more abnormal than demon, so he thinks there must be a great secret in this parchment.

Li Lingtian looked at Chu Yu and said, "You said, is this possible, is it a Zhang Treasure Map?"

Chu Yu shook his head and said: "You can forget it, do you see any writing or graphics on it?"

Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows and said: "If it is a treasure map, it will not be so obvious, so it must be very secret. This parchment is very consistent with this."

Chu Yu said without feeling: "You can say who can engrave a pattern on this parchment!" (To be continued.)

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