War God Supreme

Chapter 2441: Zhen Tianyin

At this time, the corpses had been engulfed in the wild, and Li Lingtian lost a lot of money on this side. One hundred and fifty people left only a hundred people.

It’s a good thing for or people, because a hundred people are more than enough to deal with the guardian beast.

It is naturally a good thing to lose the flower of the competition law of fifty people!

The remaining ten people in the Nangong family gradually died under the sword.

The team of two hundred people, now only Nangong Lingjie, is still fighting with the old Tianzhu.

Li Lingtian saw this Nangong Lingjie, although already furious, but did not panic.

Logically speaking, in this case, he is the only one left, and it is impossible to survive.

Li Lingtian feels that Nangong Lingjie is definitely not the kind of person who sees life like dung.

Li Lingtian was silent, leaving the crowd, looking for a direction where Nangong Lingjie could flee and hiding one.

The Nangong Lingjie stellar seventh-order strongman's erupted strength is already extraordinary, but this Tianzhu old man is also very human.

A long sword in his hand is also a fifth-order origin soldier, unexpectedly.

Nangong Lingjie already has a set of fifth-order primal **** soldiers, but at this time it is chaotically matched, which is more than a hundred times different from the God Destroyer suit.

However, this also plays a big role. It is estimated that only the super family can have so many fifth-order source magic soldiers.

Nangong Lingjie's main weapon is a long knife. This long knife is **** and has dark marks on it.

Invincible, holding a **** long knife and chopping away to the old Tianzhu.

The shadow of the sword appeared above the long sword, and the huge shadow of the sword bombarded the elderly Tianzhu.

Old Tianzhu, the long sword shook, and countless crystal swords burst out, and the swords formed in an array, and the infinite swords appeared in front of him.

Swords were surging, wantonly doing things, breaking the void.

Tianzhu old man's long sword flicked, drawing a beautiful arc, and a tornado followed the trend and swept away into the sword array.

The countless swords in this sword formation were swallowed by the tornado in an instant. The tornadoes swept through the countless swords and immediately attacked Ningong Lingjie.

This kendo is not as strong as Li Lingtian's Six Nine Destroyer Sword Array, but it should not be underestimated.

Among them, the sword intention and the sword array are perfectly integrated. When the sword mansions are all merged in one place, the power is doubled.

Nangong Lingjie is naturally able to feel the power of this, and he feels a little scared, but he has his own hole card.

Otherwise, it's already so embarrassing, how could you not want to escape.

The blood-red sword shadow, and the sword-mandatory tornado, finally arrived at the frontal bombardment, a face-up, the blood-red sword shadow was crushed by the tornado, absorbed into the tornado, and became nutrients.

Nangong Lingjie jumped up and exploded backwards. The **** long knife danced quickly in the hand, like a celestial dance, without a dance, it would increase a force.

The fast dancing in this hand, and the **** long sword in a flash, had already condensed a huge force, the wind screamed, and the sand and stone filled.

A dazzling shadow of the sky appeared in the blood-red long sword, red in the purple, with the power of destruction, very crazy.

Finally, this Jianmang Tornado, still chasing afterwards, Nangong Lingjie's sword shadow is already huge enough.

Nangong Lingjie shouted and clenched the blood-red sword with both hands, bombarding the sword tornado.

The sky-sharpening sword shadow appeared, the sky and earth were dark, the space shattered, and the vast sword shadow exploded out of the world. The blood-red sword shadow went through the blood-red world.

Jianmang Tornado, the speed is still, the power is endless, the violent wind sweeps, everything sinks, as if the world is destroyed, flying sand and rocks, dark clouds cover the sky.

Thrilling sword shadow, Jianmang tornado, finally met.



In a world where blood and black are intertwined, the blast of destruction continues, the void trembles, and it never stops.

Between this sword shadow and the sword awn, the power of destroying the earth and the earth is erupted, and the original power of both sides is instilled, and the stalemate continues.

The old Tianzhu did not expect that this seemingly young man, Nangong Lingjie, who would only use the original soldiers, was so difficult to use, and had already used the power of the sword array.

I thought it could be a lore, but I didn't expect it to be so.

Nangong Lingjie's teeth that he already hated were tickling. What was the situation? He was always looking for trouble. Not only was his whole army wiped out, but he also encountered such a difficult old man, which made him caught off guard.

The aftermath of the explosion in the space is also very powerful, and the people watching the battle immediately evacuate again thousands of kilometers outward to prevent injury to the pond fish.

The two sides continue to stalemate, Nangong Lingjie's body has only a few crazy sources of crazy output, as does the Tianzhu old man.

Nangong Lingjie scolded: "Old man, you deserve to die!"

The old Tianzhu, the eighth-rank strong star of the star, when he was so scolded by people, anger started in his heart.

The long sword danced and tried his best, bursting out countless swords, blasted towards the tornado, and was instantly absorbed by the tornado, making it more powerful.

Nangong Lingjie shouted, and the blood-red long knife pierced his blood vessel, three drops of essential blood popped out, shot into the sky-shaking sword shadow, and the strength was strengthened again.

His face was pale, and the three drops of essential blood obviously damaged him, and it was not small.

Tianzhu's face is also very ugly. This is a protracted battle. Even if he is a stellar eighth-order strongman, the excessive consumption of the original power makes him unable to support it.

His physical condition is very unclear. He knew that if he persevered, it must be unfavorable to him. The last wave of Jianmang quickly attacked and merged with the Jianmang Tornado.

The tornado is exaggerating a bit, getting stronger, the wind screams, and in a blink of an eye it suppresses the blood-red sword shadow.

Nangong Lingjie is also lacking in mind and lacking any resistance. After a short while of the sword-man dragon scroll, the shadow of the sword is shattered without the hindrance of the sword.

This Jianmanglongjuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ regained its speed again, and suddenly rushed to Nangong Lingjie.

Nangong Lingjie knew that if he didn’t use his hole card, he would die if he didn’t. He would move his body, and there would be a seal on his palm called Zhentianyin.

At the moment this Zhentian Yin appeared, everyone held their breath, because this Zhentian Yin is the chaotic treasure.

Including Li Lingtian did not expect that this Nangong Lingjie actually hid this hole card to the end.

Nangong Lingjie's eyes erupted in anger, watching the old Tianzhu shouted, "Old man, you forced me!"

The Zhen Tian imprinted on his palm, his wrists descended from the sky, the Zhen Tian Yin quickly expanded, and in the blink of an eye the size of a mountain.

The words Zhentian are engraved on the Zhentian Seal, and the handwriting of the dragon and the phoenix dance gives people a great deterrent.

When the sword-mantled tornado struck, Zhentianyin flew crazy, and the huge shocking Yinyin was so powerful, that huge pressure shattered the space, shattered the ground, and shocked everyone. (To be continued.)

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