War God Supreme

Chapter 2443: Suppress

Li Lingtian sneered, he was fancy this chaotic treasure.

Impressed by the consciousness, the Six and Nine Destroying Sword Array broke out, and fifty-four shocking sword awns formed a sword array.

A world of swords is formed around this.

The sword array rotates, the light is shining, and the space is trembling among the six-nine extinct sword array!

Impressed by the consciousness, fifty-four extinct **** swords appeared around Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian sipped, and a million swords emerged, the sword erupted, and a devastating attack erupted.

Instantly bombarded Zhen Tianyin.

Nangong Lingjie has already seen these Six and Nine Destroyer Sword Arrays, but once again, I can't help shaking.

These Six Nine Destroyer Sword Arrays are indeed extremely powerful!

Millions of swords, fifty-four shocks slowed down, overwhelmingly, bombarded Zhen Zhenyin.



A tremendous noise began to riot from there, millions of swords were endless, smoke was raging, and it exploded indiscriminately.

The long sword is in the sky, and it is not afraid of danger, and the long sword is standing still.

Zhen Tianyin was in full swing, Nangong Lingjie shouted, Zhen Tianyin rolled against the sword array, the gust of wind swept through, and the power was violent.

This is as strong as the Six Nine Destroying Sword Array, immediately crushed, the Sword Array is destroyed, and the sword intention is broken.

Nangong Lingjie was pale and shouted, "Can't withstand a blow!"

Li Lingtian did not make Nangong Lingjie arrogant for too long, because the Shengtian Palace was quickly sacrificed. The Shengtian Palace expanded rapidly and operated at a rapid speed. It was the size of Zhen Tianyin in an instant.

This is the horror of Zhentianyin. Although the Holy Heaven Palace is somewhat destroyed, its might is still ruining the world.

In the moment when Li Lingtian's Shengtian Palace appeared, this Nangong Lingjie shook, and the shock in his heart could not be added. He was the young master of the Nangong family, so this would have a chaotic treasure.

This Li Lingtian's fifth-order primal weapon set is a weapon comparable to Chaos Treasure, but I did not expect that there is still a Chaos Treasure.

This is still broken, but the power that burst out of it still feels not weaker than Zhen Tian Yin.

If this is a perfect Holy Temple, how terrifying this power will be, I can't imagine it.

This Zhentianyin was extremely fierce. This Shengtian Palace was dispatched, and immediately formed an even rival with this Zhentianyin.

Both sides are powerful, the Zhentian Yin is turning, huge waves descend from the sky, and the sky and earth change color.

Shengtian Palace turned wildly, and under the control of Li Lingtian, immediately bombarded Zhentianyin.

Zhen Tianyin is a treasure of chaos and could have been more powerful, but because He Nangong Lingjie has been injured, and there is a loss of essential blood, it can be said that he has not exerted all the power of Zhen Tianyin.

So this is a chance for the Holy Temple, otherwise the Holy Temple has been damaged and it is not Zhen Tianyin's opponent.

But now Shengtian Palace has occupied a certain power, Li Lingtian entered the Shengtian Palace.

Controlling Shengtian Palace rolling towards Zhen Tianyin, Nangong Lingjie's palms turned and drove away crazy.



A huge shock burst from the sky and waves burst from it.

The sky and earth were dim, the two collided, the void was broken, the power of destruction broke out in the holy sky, Zhentianyin rose into the sky, a light wave cave, the heaven and earth shook.

Thousands of miles away, there are many vibrations. If there are others nearby, no one will be a stellar-level strongman. The power exudes from this, although it is not as good as the domain-level strongman.

But it is far more than the ordinary star master, Zhen Tianyin bombarded wildly, Shengtian Palace burst, and turned crazy.

Strongly crushed away, Zhen Tianyin finally retreated, Ningong Lingjie looked even more ugly.

Frowning, the innate power of this body instilled into Zhen Tianyin, surging wildly.

Li Lingtian sneered in his heart, the power of the origin broke out, the power of the Holy Heaven Palace increased again, and the world rioted.

At this time, the Royal Pagoda was in operation, mobilizing the destruction of God's consciousness, and it will burst out to control the world.

Nangong Lingjie panicked and watched the changes around her.


The controller is the most terrible person. Only the controller can perform such a horrible illusion and consciousness attack. I did not expect that Li Lingtian’s second-order star has a powerful chaotic treasure and a source of power beyond the strength itself. A master.

Shocked in his heart, he originally thought he had the Zhentian Yin, and he had an absolute advantage. Even if all the people in his Nangong family died, he could escape.

But this encounter with Li Lingtian, the confidence in his heart, disappeared, especially knowing the identity of his master.

But it is too late to know, too late.

In the illusion of illusion, 133 pagodas descended, shrouded in horror power, and instantly suppressed Nangong Lingjie. At the same time, the surrounding space was distorted and the illusion disappeared.

Nangong Lingjie finally knew that he was not Li Lingtian's opponent, and immediately said: "I am the young master of the Nangong family in the holy city of Cangyun. If you want you to kill me, you will be endlessly chased by our Nangong family."

Li Lingtian controls the Shengtian Palace, and once again crushes on the Zhentian Yin, there is no control of Nangong Lingjie.

The Zhentian Yin was struck by the Holy Heaven Palace, and the momentum was instantly reduced to the size of a palm, falling down.

Li Lingtian's body moved and seized Zhen Tianyin, another powerful chaotic treasure, even for him, the gain was not small.

Then I looked at Nangong Lingjie, who was suppressed by the 33rd Refining Pagoda, and killed Ran Ran: "Nangong Clan? Are you dead, who will know that I am the one who did it?"

Nangong Lingjie has already felt Li Lingtian’s murderous ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ tone changed and hurriedly said: "As long as you let me go, this chaotic treasure is not enough, I can give you a chaotic treasure, or you can Joining our Nangong family will definitely allow you to grow rapidly."

Nangong Lingjie is not good enough, so soft, hard and soft will not have any effect on Li Lingtian.

The Nangong family does not come to provoke him, so there is nothing wrong, otherwise he does not mind destroying the Nangong family, although he is not a master of the domain.

But he is confident in his heart, he has all kinds of killer skills, and there are master masters in this Nangong family.

But I heard that there is only one domain master, so Li Lingtian is not too afraid.

Looking at Nangong Lingjie said: "I still do it myself, I am well clothed, so go die!"

While speaking, the body of the body surged and overwhelmed, but at that moment a strong breath struck from a distance.

Tan Feng's face moved, and the star's eighth-order strong man, but this breath made him afraid! (.)

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